Writing an informal email

Writing: (semi) informal email. 
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo bLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 14 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Writing: (semi) informal email. 

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Writing an informal email (1)

An email has 5 main parts:
  • header
  • salutation
  • introduction
  • body 
  • closing sentence
  • name

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Writing an informal email (2)
  • 1. Header  - From : who sent you an email,  
To : the email address you are sending the email to                            
Subject: what your email is about. 
  •   2. Salutation  (Aanhef) 
 Start  your email with Dear + name. You can also start with  Hello, / Hi, / 
Good morning, /Good evening  etc.

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Writing an informal email (3)
  • 3 introduction- I am writing to you because .....
  • witregel
  • 4. Body  - In the body you write your message. This could be about a number of topics. This depends on the assignment . (2/3 paragraphs)
  • witregel
  • 5. Closing sentence -  Hope to hear from you /Hope to hear from you soon or I hope you write back soon.
  • witregel
  • 5. Closing + your name: All best, / Best wishes, Best regards ,

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Writing an informal email (4)
Always proofread your email and check:
Is there a clear and specific subject ?
Have you entered the email address to the person you are writing to?
Closing sentence 
Proper ending
Does each sentence start with a capital? 
Have you covered all topics you want to write about? 
Correct spelling

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word order in English sentences
Wie - Doet - Wat - Waar - Wanneer
Peter plays tennis in the park on Friday
Jenny doesn't take her books to school on Monday
We are going to Paris this summer

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Opening: Dear … , (vergeet hier de komma niet)
Inleiding: How are you? / I hope you are fine. I am writing this e-mail because …
Middenstuk: meer informatie geven of vragen van de ander beantwoorden en zelf vragen stellen
Slot: I hope to hear from you / I hope hearing from you soon / I hope to receive a reply soon
Afsluiting: Kind regards, (vergeet hier de komma niet), witregel en dan je naam

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Option 1
Pretend you have an aunt and uncle who only speak English. They are always very interested about how you are doing at school. Write a letter to them. Tell them about one of the subjects you have chosen to follow at your school. 
Write 80 – 100 words, explaining:
- why you chose that subject
- what you like (or don’t like) about it
- what you hope to learn from it
- how it might help you in your future career

Option 2
Recently, a friend of yours has been doing something that you don’t approve of. For example, they might be doing something illegal, or something that you find annoying. Make up the details and write an email to your friend. Write 80 – 100 words.
- the behaviour that you don’t approve of
- the reasons why you don’t approve of it
- what you think they should be doing instead


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Peer feedback - Exchange your email with your neighbor. How many points does your classmate score? Why?
Aantal punten
A - 1p
Salutation, closing sentence + proper ending
juiste aanhef en juiste afsluiting
B - 2p
correcte zinnen (woordvolgorde), tijden, lidwoorden etc.
C - 1p
Punctuation (interpunctie) Does each sentence start with a capital? 
Does each sentence start with a capital? 
D - 2p
Task - Have you covered all topics you want to write about? ( Inhoud elementen)
Heb je alles genoemd wat in de opdracht staat?
E - 1p
Correcte spelling van woorden.
F - 1p
Aantal woorden
G - 1p
Taalgebruik (formeel of informeel)
H - 1p
Alinea's en witregels

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Rewrite your email
Rewrite your email with the feedback you have received from your classmate

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