Study the vocabulary of unit 6 Click here for part 1 Click here for part 2
Slide 36 - Diapositive
Homework Tuesday the 29th of March
Finish this LessonUP lesson, please.
Also start studying the vocabulary of Unit 6.
The test of unit 5&6 will be on Monday the 11th of April.
Good luck!
Slide 37 - Diapositive
Time left? Find some proverbs.
Search the internet for some English proverbs and/or expressions about friendship/friends. Note down at least 5 and explain what they mean on the next slide, please.
For example:
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Meaning: This means that a friend who helps you when you really need help is a true friend.
Slide 38 - Diapositive
Type your proverbs and meaning here, please.
Slide 39 - Question ouverte
Still time left?
Choose one of your proverbs (or a new one if you like that better) and make a drawing about it. Take a picture of your drawing and upload this on the next slide.