
Lesson goal: I can understand specific information in a magazine article.

Explanation how to deal with difficult words (page 34)
Read the text
Do ex 41,42,43
Check the answers

SE6 Chapter 3+4 : Wednesday 19th February 2025
Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G, H on page 48 + grammar of chapter 3. Practise cito listening/watching tests on woots

1 / 43
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 43 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

Éléments de cette leçon

Lesson goal: I can understand specific information in a magazine article.

Explanation how to deal with difficult words (page 34)
Read the text
Do ex 41,42,43
Check the answers

SE6 Chapter 3+4 : Wednesday 19th February 2025
Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G, H on page 48 + grammar of chapter 3. Practise cito listening/watching tests on woots

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Lesson goal I can use past tenses (past simple, past continuous and present perfect) in a sentence.

Go to LessonUp
Explanation past simple/past continuous
Explanation past simple/present perfect

Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G+H on page 48 + grammar 6+7 of chapter 3

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Do the cito listening & watching test (2022/2023)
Finished? Go to LessonUp (past simple/past continuous)
Do the extra exercises (at the end of the LessonUp)
Or take a reading exam and practise reading

Homework: Study all words and grammar (except past simple/present perfect) of chapter 3. You can practise extra listening/watching in woots!

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Explanation artikelenserie (hand in 14th March)
Explanation past simple/present perfect (LessonUp)
Fill in the slides

Wednesday 19th February: SE 6 chapter 3+4 words and grammar
Homework: Study all words and grammar of chapter 3 + think of a topic for your assignment. If you need extra practise with listening >>>>go to Woots

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Voorspellend luisteren oefenen

Open your book on page 42. Do ex 53a, b, c + 54a+b
Go to page 39. Do ex 46a
Check the answers

Homework: Study all words and grammar of chapter 3 + think of a topic for your assignment.If you need extra practise with listening >>>>go to Woots 

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Open SOM, go to Woots
Do the cito audio+video of test 2023-2024
Finished? Go to LessonUp (grammar). At the end of the presentation, you will find some links to extra material (past simple/past continuous/present perfect)
2nd hour: Kahoot about the grammar of chapter 3

Homework: Study all words + grammar of chapter 3+ words A+B of chapter 4
If you need extra practise with listening >>>>go to Woots

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Lesson goal: I know words that are related to work, jobs, and education and I can use them correctly.

Introduction chapter 4 the next step
Read the introduction on page 56
Look at the theme words "work and jobs" & "education"
Do ex 10, 11a, 12, 13, 14a (page 62)
Check the answers

Homework: Study all words and grammar of chapter 3+words A+B of chapter 4 (page 96). Think of a topic for your assignment.

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Lesson goal: I can use both, every, all and no in a sentence.

Explanation grammar 8 in LU
Answer the slides
Open your book on page 74. Do ex 29+30 (chapter 4, E)
Open your book on page 71. Do ex 24 (D)
Discuss the answers

Homework:Study all words + grammar of chapter 3+ words A+B+C+D + grammar 8 of chapter 4

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Lesson goal: I can use different tenses in a sentence

Go to LessonUp
Explanation all tenses
Fill in the slides

Homework:Study all words + grammar of chapter 3+ words A+B+C+D +F+grammar 8+9 of chapter 4. Werk aan jouw artikelenserie. Geef een onderwerp door!

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Explanation taaldorp
Explanation fluency and how to improve it. Discuss the statements in the LessonUp
Finished? Do the speaking assignments in the book (choose a roleplay)

Homework:Study all words + grammar of chapter 3+ words A+B+C+D +F+grammar 8+9 of chapter 4. Werk aan jouw artikelenserie. Geef een onderwerp door!

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Lesson goal: I can understand specific information in a magazine article.

Do the before reading ex 42 (page 82, G)
Explanation the importance of linking words (page 201-204)
Read "Meet an international pizza consultant"
Do ex 43+45
Check the answers

Homework:Study all words + grammar of chapter 3+4. Werk aan jouw artikelenserie. Geef een onderwerp door!

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Read the LessonUps about the grammar
Go to the site (chapter 3)
Extra opdrachten (do all exercises)
Go to chapter 4
Extra opdrachten (do all exercises)

Homework: Study all vocabulary and grammar of chapter 3+4. Werk aan de artikelenserie!

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Choose between reading or speaking or work on your assignment
Take your book with speaking assignment. Practise the role plays
Go to LessonUp and do the speaking assignments 
Take some speaking assignments from my desk

Homework: Study all words and grammar of chapter 3+4. Work on your assignment

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Do the extra grammar exercises with me or....
Go to the site (slim stampen)
Do ex 6a/6b (articles)
Do ex 7a/7b (past tenses, past simple/continuous/present perfect)
Work on your assignment

Homework: Study all vocabulary and grammar of chapter 3+4. Werk aan de artikelenserie!

Slide 14 - Diapositive


Go to the site (slim stampen)
Do ex 8a/8b (all, both, every, no)
Do ex 10a/10b (all tenses)
Or do the exercises about the tenses together with me

Homework: Study all vocabulary and grammar of chapter 3+4. Werk aan de artikelenserie!

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Do the extra grammar ex with me (or Kahoot on your laptop)
You can also practise the grammar in LessonUp or on the site
There are slides with extra grammar exercises
You can also work on your assignment

Next lesson: SE6 Chapter 3+4
Homework: Study all vocabulary and grammar of chapter 3+4. Werk aan de artikelenserie!

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Are there questions about the assignment? Work on your assignment
Take some speaking assignments and speak English with each other (including love quotes)
You can also do the speaking assignments in LessonUp

Homework:Study all words and grammar of chapter 3+4. Werk aan de artikelenserie

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Read some texts of questions you find difficult
Come and get the answers

Work on your assignment

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Slide 19 - Vidéo

Do the extra grammar ex with me
You can also practise the grammar in LessonUp or on the site
There are slides with extra grammar exercises
You can work on your artikelenserie or practise your speaking skills
Homework: Study all vocabulary and grammar of chapter 3+4. Werk aan de artikelenserie!

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Speed dating assignment
Go to LessonUp. Open the Valentine's day LessonUp. Take the quotes about love and say whether you agree or disagree with the quotes

Homework: Practise speaking with your book. Go to and practise reading

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Lesson goal: I can understand specific information in a magazine article.

Read the strategy key words on page 66. Do ex 18b
Read the text. Do ex 18c+d
Do ex 19a+20
Check the answers
Finished? Work on your artikelenserie

Homework:Study all words + grammar of chapter 3+ words A+B+C of chapter 4
February 19th: SE6 test chapter 3+4 

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Test chapter 3+4

Date: 19th February 2024
Abbreviation teacher: EKC
Write down A or B

Homework: Work on your artikelenserie

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Take your book with speaking assignment. Practise the role plays
Go to LessonUp and do the speaking assignments 
Take some speaking assignments from my desk
Work on your assignment

Homework:Practise speaking with your book. Work on your assignment

Slide 24 - Diapositive

Take the reading assignments
Start reading the texts and answer the questions
Check your answers!

Homework: Work on your assignment

Slide 25 - Diapositive

Work on your assignment

Who wants to speak English with me?
Take your book with speaking assignment. Practise the role plays
Go to LessonUp and do the speaking assignments (there are some new ones I shared with you) like "what's on the pictures"
Take some speaking assignments from my desk

Homework: Work on your assignment

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Reveal about which situations you'll get
Pick a speaking assignment or
Write down your own writing assignment
For example: write down what a doctor would say & a patient
You can also choose to work on your assignment

Homework: Practise speaking with your book. Go to and practise reading or work on your assignment

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Reading exam 2024,2e tijdvak (part 1)
You have 3 lessons to start and finish this exam
Write down which texts/questions you find difficult so I can discuss them 
Use a dictionary and highlight the texts/questions!

Homework: Study linking words (book, teams), practise exams on Work on your assignment

Slide 28 - Diapositive

Are there questions about the assignment?
Work on your assignment
Take some speaking assignments and speak English with each other
You can also do the speaking assignments in LessonUp

Homework: Practise speaking 

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Reading exam 2024,2e tijdvak (part 2)
You have 3 lessons to start and finish this exam
Write down which texts/questions you find difficult so I can discuss them
Use a dictionary and highlight the texts/questions!

Homework: Study linking words (teams), practise exams on Practise speaking

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Go to LessonUp
Open the LessonUp "What's on the pictures/30 seconds"
Describe the words without translating it and without using parts of the words.
Finished? Choose another speaking assignment from the table or in LessonUp

You can also make word list. Study etc

Homework: Study linking words (teams), practise exams on Practise speaking

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Reading exam 2024,2e tijdvak (part 3)
You have 3 lessons to start and finish this exam
Write down which texts/questions you find difficult so I can discuss them
Use a dictionary and highlight the texts/questions!

Homework: Study linking words (book+Quizlet), practise exams on

Slide 32 - Diapositive

Go to LessonUp
Fill in the slides of the different speaking assignments (at the doctor's, at the hotel, at the shop).
Finished? Choose another speaking assignment.

Homework:Practise speaking with your book+LessonUp. Go to and practise reading (older exams)

Slide 33 - Diapositive

Do the reading game "No trousers on the tube"
Form groups
Answer the questions
Who are the winners?
Word game

Homework: Practise speaking with your book. Work on your assignment

Slide 34 - Diapositive

Do 30 seconds or take another speaking assignment from LessonUp (for example what's on the picture) or from my desk

Homework:Practise speaking with your book. Go to and practise reading

Slide 35 - Diapositive

Friday (90 minutes)
Reading game about the text Bel Powley; new British actress
After this, decide if you're going to work on reading or speaking?
For speaking assignments >>>LessonUp or on my desk
For reading assignments>>>Take out the reading books or go to (take the older exams <2016)

Homework:Practise speaking with your book+LessonUp. Go to and practise reading (older exams)

Slide 36 - Diapositive

Friday 31th March
Check the answers of the reading exam
How many points do you have and what grade? 
Which texts were difficult?
Gimkit linking words

Homework:Study linking words (book+Quizlet), practise exams on

Slide 37 - Diapositive

Wednesday 12th April
Do some texts with me (2021, 2e tijdvak)
Or read on our own
You can also choose the reading exams with the specific exam questions

Homework:Study linking words (book+ teams+Quizlet), practise exams on

Slide 38 - Diapositive

Thursday 13th April
Do some texts with me (2021, 2e tijdvak)
Or read on our own
You can also choose the reading exams with the specific exam questions

Homework:Study linking words (book+ teams+Quizlet), practise exams on

Slide 39 - Diapositive

Friday 14th April
Do some texts with me (2021, 2e tijdvak)
Or read on our own
You can also choose the reading exams with the specific exam questions

Homework:Study linking words (book+ teams+Quizlet), practise exams on

Slide 40 - Diapositive

Friday 14th April
Reading game about Emma Watson

Slide 41 - Diapositive

Wednesday 19th April
Do some texts with me (2021, 2e tijdvak)
Or read on our own
You can also choose the reading exams with the specific exam questions

Homework:Study linking words (book+ teams+Quizlet), practise exams on

Slide 42 - Diapositive

Wednesday 19th April

Slide 43 - Diapositive