Week 7 - Task les 1 & 2

Week 7 - Lesson 1 
Task preparation

  1. Startup / Check goal last lesson: exercise 53, p. 69
  2. Explanation task
  • Planner & test
  • Doel, cijfer en opdracht
   3. Work on Task
- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.
1 / 28
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 28 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Week 7 - Lesson 1 
Task preparation

  1. Startup / Check goal last lesson: exercise 53, p. 69
  2. Explanation task
  • Planner & test
  • Doel, cijfer en opdracht
   3. Work on Task
- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

exercise 53, 
p. 69
Lees door je eigen
tekst heen. Doe de 
volgende 2 dingen:
1 - Onderstreep
zinnen waarin je gerund
of infinitive hebt gebruikt.
2 - Heb je een woord met
gemaakt? Onderstreep 
die ook.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Planning / Upcoming tests
Deze week (week 7)
Les 1: Taskopdracht voorbereiden
Les 2: Taskopdracht afmaken en presenteren aan klasgenoten / docent
Volgende week (week 8)
Les 1: herhalingsles, proeftoets, test jezelf (voorbereiding op toets)
Les 2: Repetitie Chapter 1
Na herfstvakantie: voorbereiden op SE kijk/luistervaardigheid 
(Toetsweek - week 10)

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Task Assignment: 
Pass on the Message!

This lesson: Je gaat samen met een groepje de betekenis van songteksten van Engelse liedjes bekijken. Je geeft je mening, in het Engels, over deze liedjes en songteksten. Je maakt hier een Powerpoint presentatie over.

Next lesson: Samen met je groepje vertel je aan de rest van de klas welke liedjes jullie hebben besproken en wat jullie van deze liedjes vinden. 
- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Task Assignment:
Pass on the Message!

  • Deze task assignment is je portfolio beoordeling
  • Je wordt in de volgende les beoordeeld 

Beoordeling : Ik let op of je in het Engels het liedje kan beschrijven, je je mening over het liedje kan vertellen en hoe uitgebreid de informatie in de presentatie is.
- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Task Assignment:
Pass on the Message!

Step 1: Start up together (20 minutes)
- LessonUp Questions: focus on vocab & opinion
- Work on the assignment alone

Step 2: Work together in a group (30 minutes)
- Work on the assignment instructions in the LessonUp
- Make the Powerpoint
- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Translate the word: Lyrics

Slide 7 - Quiz

Translate the word: meaning

Slide 8 - Quiz

What kind of music
do you like?

Slide 9 - Carte mentale

What do you do to understand the lyrics of a song?

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

What songs do you know
with a powerful message?

Slide 11 - Carte mentale

Step 1: 
Work by yourself - 10 min.
  1. Choose one (of your favourite) English songs on Spotify/Youtube - with a powerful message. Don't know one? Google it.
  2. Find the lyrics of the song on Google (search: song title / artist + lyrics)
  3. Copy / paste the lyrics in a Word document.
  4. Highlight what you think are the most important pieces in the lyrics.
  5. Type below the lyrics in at least 6 sentences: What the lyrics actually mean and what your opinion is of that. 
  6. Search for other people's opinions on the meaning online (Google search: song title / artist + lyrics meaning) and compare and add to your own opinion.

- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Step 2:
Work together - 10 minutes

Step 1: Team up with other classmates (groups of 4 - sit together)
Step 2: Tell each other about your lyrics. 
Step 3: Every person takes a turn to explain what they think of other people's opinions.
Step 4: Compare the meanings and choose one song that your group thinks has the most meaningful message (betekenisvolle boodschap).

- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Groups 3C - 20 students:
5 groepjes van 4 leerlingen
Group 1 - Jasmijn, Esmee, Noa, Lisa
Group 2 - Youri, Dion, Zaïd, Daan
Group 3 - Thijmen, Mees, Wessel, Tim
Group 4 - Esra, Rozemarijn, Emma, Sude
Group 5 - Daan, Milou, Vicky, Fiene

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Groups 3D - 21 students: 
4 groepjes van 4 leerlingen, 1 van 5 leerlingen
Group 1 - Kris, Kate, Zara, Nicky
Group 2 - Rozemarijn, Lauren, Kymberly, Luuk 
Group 3 - Chris, Tygo, Bilal, Hugo
Group 4 - Luuk, Tijn, Joshua, Boris
Group 5 - Junia, Lonneke, Mathilde, Yasmin, Tess

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Step 3: 
Work together - Presentation
Make: A powerpoint presentation with a slide for every song
Info on the slide: 
  • Artist / song title / pictures 
  • Most important parts of the lyrics
  • Meaning of the lyrics explained in keywords
  • Explain why you like/dislike it (every person gives their opinion on each song)
Last slide: On this slide you explain which of the songs your group likes the most and why.

Make sure you and your group can explain this Powerpoint to your classmates next class, without notes. Share your powerpoint with me: mvanderveer@waldheim.nl 

- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Slide 17 - Diapositive

#1 Checklist: Powerpoint 
Info on the slide: (every person has 1 song, so 1 slide)
  • Artist / song title / pictures 
  • Most important parts of the lyrics
  • Meaning of the lyrics explained in keywords
  • Explain why you like/dislike it (every person gives their opinion on each song)
Last slide: On this slide you explain which of the songs your group likes the most and why.

- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 18 - Diapositive

#2 Checklist: Presentation

  • You descibe what your song is about & why you chose it
  • You give your opinion about your song & tell what others think of it
  • You use no notes during the presentation
  • You make sure you explain what is on your slide

Pay attention: 
Your last slide is a group slide - explain your choice together!
- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Week 7 - Lesson 2 
Task Assignment

0-10     What did we do last lesson / How far are we?
10-35  Work on task
  • Checklist powerpoint & presentation
  • finishing touch & prepare
35-80  Presentations
- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Task Assignment: 
Pass on the Message!

Last lesson: Je gaat samen met een groepje de betekenis van songteksten van Engelse liedjes bekijken. Je geeft je mening, in het Engels, over deze liedjes en songteksten. Je maakt hier een Powerpoint presentatie over.

This lesson: Samen met je groepje vertel je aan de rest van de klas welke liedjes jullie hebben besproken en wat jullie van deze liedjes vinden. 
- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Task Assignment:
Pass on the Message!

  • Deze task assignment telt mee in je portfolio
  • Je wordt in deze les beoordeeld 

Ik let op of je het liedje kan beschrijven, of je je mening over het liedje kan vertellen en hoe uitgebreid jullie informatie in de presentatie is.
- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 22 - Diapositive

#1 Checklist: Powerpoint 
Info on the slide: (every person has 1 song, so 1 slide)
  • Artist / song title / pictures 
  • Most important parts of the lyrics
  • Meaning of the lyrics explained in keywords
  • Explain why you like/dislike it (every person gives their opinion on each song)
Last slide: On this slide you explain which of the songs your group likes the most and why.

- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Slide 24 - Diapositive

#2 Checklist: Presentation

  • You descibe what your song is about & why you chose it
  • You give your opinion about your song & tell what others think of it
  • You use no notes during the presentation
  • You make sure you explain what is on your slide

Pay attention: 
Your last slide is a group slide - explain your choice together!
- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 25 - Diapositive

Week 7 - Lesson 2 
Task Assignment 

Work on task - time...?
  • Finish your powerpoint by using the checklist 
  • Practise your presentation

Presentations - last 30 minutes

- I can describe someone or something in English.
- I can give my opinion about things.

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Groups 3D - 21 students: 
4 groepjes van 4 leerlingen, 1 van 5 leerlingen
Group 1 - Kris, Kate, Zara, Nicky
Group 2 - Rozemarijn, Lauren, Kymberly, Luuk 
Group 3 - Chris, Tygo, Bilal, Hugo
Group 4 - Luuk, Tijn, Joshua, Boris
Group 5 - Junia, Lonneke, Mathilde, Yasmin, Tess

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Groups 3C - 20 students:
5 groepjes van 4 leerlingen
Group 1 - Jasmijn, Esmee, Noa, Lisa
Group 2 - Youri, Dion, Zaïd, Daan
Group 3 - Thijmen, Mees, Wessel, Tim
Group 4 - Esra, Rozemarijn, Emma, Sude
Group 5 - Daan, Milou, Vicky, Fiene

Slide 28 - Diapositive