Stones and proverbs - 3H2 22 november

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 10 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 50 min

Éléments de cette leçon

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Slide 1 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

November 22 - 3H2
What do you need:
Books, notebook, pen
until bell to fill your water bottle and go to the bathroom.
No phones in the classroom.
We start when the bell rings

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Leerdoel: focus hier tijdens het zelfstandig werken op de relatie, ga bij leerlingen langs en vraag ze naar hun weekend/hobbies/etc. om een band met ze op te bouwen.

Make sure the students are sitting in their designated seats. They are not allowed to eat/drink anything but water. They have 3 minutes to fill their bottle and go to the bathroom. We start when the bell rings. Anyone not back by then is too late and will have to get a note. Phones in the bag and grab books/notebook/pens.
Program & Goals
Stones & proverbs

At the end of the lesson I:
- know the meaning of 1 proverb or saying in English
- can tell the class what the Stones of this chapter are about
- have done (part of) my homework for tomorrow

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Overgang 'pauze' naar doelen: alright everybody, good afternoon. Make sure the phones are in the or your bag and you have your books on the table.

Go over the plan for today, something we don't normally do but they could benefit from is going over the stones as well as the sayings and proverbs together. Ask a student to read out the goals. Students are quiet and listen to me and each other.

Do: ex. 6+7 on wb. p. 66/67
Study: Study Words C on p. 50  

Test theme 3: 5 december

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Their homework was to do the reading exercises about C.
Only ask them about the following questions:
From 6 -
4. 'Missouri' = the place where Bonnie, Clyde, Buck and Blanche were almost caught
6. '130' = the number of bullets fired at Bonnie and Clyde
And from 7 -
1. Were they popular = true (ask if they remember from yesterday when the public opinion changed = after they shot texan police officers in cold blood)
6. buried the way they wanted = false (they were separated)

 I have printed answers A-C a few times so they can check their own answers from B&C while working on their homework.
I will ask students what answer they gave to the question above. The rest of the class listens to their classmate in silence. If they want to add something or answer, they can raise their hand.

The checking can take until 15:05 (start up with goals + opening books on the right pages + answering the 4 questions = max. 10 min)

Proverbs & Sayings
What are proverbs & sayings? - example in Dutch.
What could these mean:
This is daylight robbery
To be as thick as thieves
To face the music
To get away scot free
To keep your nose clean

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Until 15:10
First ask students if they know what proverbs and sayings are. (gezegden) and ask for an example in Dutch.
Then look at the proverbs/sayings on the slide and ask what they could mean.
Take about 5 minutes for this. Students may raise their hand to answer the questions. Emphasize that they do have to learn these! Because there is a really big chance it will come in the test again just like on test 1&2

1. pure oplichterij
2. hele goede vrienden zijn
3. de consequenties van je gedrag/acties accepteren
4. ongestraft mee weg komen
5. uit de problemen blijven
This chapter's Stones are about:

Reporting a crime                  - example?
Describing a crime                - example?
Talking about police work  - example?

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5 min until 15:15
Tell students that the Stones of this chapter are about reporting a crime, describing a crime and talking about police work and ask what that could mean. They can give an example in Dutch or in English and ask them to explain what the difference between reporting and describing a crime could be.
If there are volunteers, I will give them the opportunity to answer, if not, I will give someone a turn at random. Students are quiet and listen to me and each other while we do this.
Next, mention that at some point in the future, they will probably have to do a speaking test/presentation and we haven't really practiced speaking yet so that we'll use the stones to do that. (Johan, do you know if and when 3H has to do something with speaking? I feel like there's supposed to be a presentation somewhere but I could be confusing my last internship with this one)

Practice speaking - Stones
What: Look at speech card 3 on wb. p. 162  (in pairs) and use Stone 7 (p. 42) or the Stones I gave you to have the conversation. Circle for yourself which number you'll describe and fill in place and time. Now the other has to try and guess which one you circled.
How: You have 2 minutes to do the conversation, then swap
Done: Make it longer. Fill the full 2 minutes.

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Until 15:20
Let students look at the speech card and read it out loud for them. Give them a clearer example of what they have to do and then ask a student to tell me what they have to do to check if it is clear.
Once everyone is ready with their speaking cards open and their stones in front of them, I will start the timer for 2 minutes.
After 2 minutes, they have to stop and swap. After the 2 times, I'll ask a few pairs to tell me who they had circled and if the other was able to figure it out 

During the explanation and the discussion, students are quiet and listen to what I'm saying and what others are saying. While they are talking, walk around to see and check how students are doing (bring the phone so you can keep an eye on the time)
What: do ex. 8+9 on wb. p. 67-69 and ex. 20-22 on wb. p. 74-76
How: You may discuss in pairs
Help: Stones on p. 42 + 46 (or the hand-out), each other, teacher
Time: 15 min
Done: Show me and I will give you hand-outs to practice vocab.
Outcome: This is your homework. If it's too much for tomorrow, I will put it as the homework for Monday, but I will add to that.

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Until 15:35
Students have to do the ex. from D and I, both about the stones. This is a lot of work, so I will put it as the homework for tomorrow as well as the homework for Monday, however, I will tell them that tomorrow I will add to the homework for Monday.
If they are somehow done with everything before the end of class, they can check their answers for B&C with my handout.
Students can work together here and can be a little bit louder because they had to pay attention for a long time on this late Tuesday afternoon

Students may discuss with each other. If they are not doing what they're supposed to be doing:
1. I will repeat what I want from them
2. I will give them a warning
3. I will put them somewhere else
4. I will make them do some 'strafwerk' with the Stones (write all the stones from D + their translations before tomorrow).
They have to do this until the end of the lesson. 

They may not leave early, they may not use their phone, they may not refuse to do the work. They may, however, if they're done with the work take out their reading book and read it if they don't want to check their answers from B&C
Homework Tomorrow/Monday
Do: do ex. 8+9 on wb. p. 67-69 for tomorrow and ex. 20-22 on wb. p. 74-76 for Monday
Study: Study Words D and proverbs and sayings on p. 50/51 
Plan for tomorrow: Grammar 'relative clauses'

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At 15:36/37 I will tell them about this homework and move on to the goals.
I'll ask someone to read these out loud and confirm.

- I know the meaning of 1 proverb or saying in English
- I can tell the class what the Stones of this chapter are about
- I have done (part of) my homework for tomorrow

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Students do not have to raise their hands here, I will ask a student to read out the goals and ask if they have done all 3 things (and to give an example of a proverb and what the stones are about)

Students may not put their books away until I am done discussing the goals with them. If they do, they need to grab them again. No exceptions. (Unless I have told them they could in the step before this)