
Goals for today 
Introduction to a non-literary text type for paper 1 
Language to discuss textual reference and the author -audience relationship 
Formulating a guiding question 
Formulating a thesis statement 
Improving body paragraphs
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsUpper Secondary (Key Stage 4)GCSE

Cette leçon contient 23 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Goals for today 
Introduction to a non-literary text type for paper 1 
Language to discuss textual reference and the author -audience relationship 
Formulating a guiding question 
Formulating a thesis statement 
Improving body paragraphs

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Rate the word 1 to 4
1. I do not know the word, and I have never seen it before. 
2. I've heard or seen the word before, but I'm not sure what it means. 
3. I know the word and can recognise and understand it while reading, but I probably wouldn't feel comfortable using it in writing or speech. 
4. I know the word well and can use it correctly in writing or speech. 


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Word of the day
Lucid (n) - clearly expressed and easy to understand, or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly.

Write down three antonyms for the word lucid. 

He didn’t seem very lucid after the accident.
cloudy, confused, dark, murky, obscure, vague, unclear

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Integrating textual reference & author/audience relationship  
1. As the passage begins, (author) employs [technique] ...
2. In line ___, (author) uses [technique]...
3. To further emphasize ___, (author) utilizes [technique]...
4. To heighten___, (author) uses [technique]...
5. Even more..., (author) chooses [technique]...
6. Through [technique], the author...
7. Accordingly, the audience understands that...
8. As a result, the audience concludes that...
9. Consequently, the audience realizes that...
10. As a consequence, the audience perceives that... 

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Discussing the implications 
1. This phrase implies that...
2. Although not explicitly stated, the reader can imply that...
3. The author suggests that...
4. While not stated explicitly, the author hints that...
5. The implications are clear: ( ...) .
6. The reader can deduce that...
7. Readers can infer that...
8. Readers can conclude that...
9. The audience can reason that...
10 While not overtly stated, the reader can infer that...

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The pleasure of books 
Read the paper through once. 
Make sure you read from the outside in - author, source, date, context, headings, subheadings, images and then content. 

What is the purpose? (how do you know?)
Who is the audience? (how do you know?)

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The pleasure of books 
I have removed the guiding question.
Make a guiding question for this text.
Share it on the next board.

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Your guiding question for this text

Slide 8 - Question ouverte

The pleasure of books 
How are rhetorical and figurative devices used to engage the listener and to convey  the author's assumptions and values? 

Slide 9 - Diapositive

The pleasure of books 
For each paragraph, on the left-hand side of your text, write the focus/topic/message of that paragraph. You can also pick out important words from that paragraph that reflects the main message. 

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The pleasure of books 
Annotate for these items: 
pronoun usage - inclusive and direct address
modal verbs

Annotate for these items: 
emotive language/pathos

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Thesis statement 
1. Carefully read the Guiding Question and determine the focus and key words that must be implemented in the thesis statement.  The key words will typically be the literary or linguistic element from the Guiding Question.
2. Look for the “insightful ideas” from your (left margin) annotations while also considering the key words of the Guiding Question.
3. Flip the Guiding Question into a thesis statement. 
4. Use evaluative language in your thesis statement. 
How does the author persuade the audience to agree with his opinion? 

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Evaluative language. Adjectives/adverbs indicating evaluation 

Slide 13 - Diapositive

The pleasure of books 
Write a thesis statement for this text and share it on the next board. 

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The pleasure of books 
Improve the register of these two examples. 
Place or replace the words given in the body paragraphs. Add one linking word. 

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Your thesis statement for this text

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

Academic vocabulary 

Use at least eight of these words in your introduction. 

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The name of the extract is stated
The author or originating source is given
The text type is clearly identified without elaboration
where the text appeared is stated
When it was produced is stated
The content is discussed: what does the text actually say (briefly)
The intended audience/reader is stated (if definable) 
The purpose(s) is stated
The social, cultural and temporal context is addressed (if available)
The thesis: what you find most important about the text (without elaboration) (main idea/main theme)& plan of development is stated (what general areas of authorial choices you will focus on) 

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The infamous run-on sentence

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Your body paragraph contains 
An insightful idea
Key language from your guiding question
textual references/ quotes
stylistic features
the author/audience relationship (effect on the reader)
transition words
evaluative language 
All these features appear several times and not in a specific order. For example; the words "Fitzgerald/the author" and "the audience" highlight that you are going to discuss the author/audience relationship. 

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The pleasure of books 
Plan and write two body paragraphs.
Use your annotations
Use your thesis statement 
Use the vocabulary for academic register 

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