46-2 SE Speaking

What? At the end of this lesson you should have
  • shared your article and received a "go"
  • written down keywords to summarise your article
  • shared the contents of your article with a classmate
  • do speaking exercise with your SE group (Lars join 

Ga bij je groep zitten.
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 11 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

What? At the end of this lesson you should have
  • shared your article and received a "go"
  • written down keywords to summarise your article
  • shared the contents of your article with a classmate
  • do speaking exercise with your SE group (Lars join 

Ga bij je groep zitten.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

What? At the end of this lesson you should have
  • have been reminded of the SE procedure
  • written down keywords to summarise your article
  • formed an opinion and questions about your article
  • shared the contents of your article with a classmate
  • you share your articles with your SE group (mail a link!)
  • you read your article, write down keywords
  • you tell the contents of your article to your group

Slide 2 - Diapositive


  • check: heeft iedereen ander artikel, zijn de artikelen te doen?
  • deel artikel met groepsgenoten
  • lees artikel, maak aantekeningen
  • vertel je samenvatting en geef je mening
  • bedenk vragen over jouw artikel
  • lees artikelen van je groepsgenoten
  • bedenk vragen over hun artikel, ook inhoudelijke vragen
  • voer een oefendiscussie
Tijdens het SE
  • artikel mag niet mee, wel een (mindmap met) losse steekwoorden + evt 1 quote
  • duur: 5 minuten per persoon
    - 1,5 tot 2 minuten: degene die aan de beurt is legt uit waar het artikel over gaat en geeft zijn / haar mening . Anderen zijn stil
    - groepsgenoten kunnen na afloop om uitleg vragen
    - gebruik de vragen om een gesprek / discussie te voeren 
  • zorg ervoor dat: iedereen even veel praat, het gesprek op gang blijft, er naar elkaar geluisterd wordt

Slide 3 - Diapositive

10 minutes read / take notes
  • Read your article and take notes
  • Aim: being able to tell what the article is about to your groupmates 

No article yet? Article not approved yet?
Make sure to choose one and have it approved.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Talk about your article to your group 
10 minutes
  • explain what your article is about to your team mates
  • take turns, use no more than 1.5 minute per turn
  • check: did they get the essence?
  • does the article "work" for you and the group?

Give tips, feedback, help each other out with words

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Useful phrases
  • I can suggest the following order, …Do you agree?
  • I believe the most (important) is … and the least (significant) is …
  • We (have) agreed on the following order,…
  • We (have) decided that number one is, number two is… and number three

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Useful phrases
  • Let’s discuss….
  • We should discuss…
  • If we talk about …,it seems necessary to discuss… and decide which is the most and the least….,
  • Let me start with…
  • Let's begin with...
  • Let's discuss .... first
Asking for opinion
  • Do you agree?
  • Do you share my point of view?

  • I strongly agree with you.
  • I couldn’t agree more.
  • I share your point of view.
  • I can see your point, but…

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Useful phrases
  • I don’t agree with you.
  • I’m of a different opinion.
  • I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with you.
Expressing an opinion
  • From my point of view,…
  • In fact,…
  • The way I see it,…
  • If you ask me, …
  • I think…
  • I’m not sure if…
  • It is said that…
  • It seems (to me) that …
Balancing arguments
  • On the one hand,… and on the other hand….
  • It is said that…. However,….
Summing up
  • To sum up,…, to summarise
  • To conclude,…
  • Taking everything into consideration,…

Slide 8 - Diapositive


  • Choose some phrases (use the file on Classroom) you want to practise
  • Within your group, discuss the following

1. The order in which everybody is going  to present their article

2. For each article: give an opinion about one element and invite others to agree / disagree
=> To ensure that everybody talks, ask: "....... what do you think"? 
=> Choose a moderator for each article

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Speaking -2

a celebrity
film / series
covid - 19
black lives matter

part-time job
US - elections
reading books
(or any other topic you like)

Slide 11 - Diapositive