2. Create a sticky note with your name and answer(s)
Slide 10 - Diapositive
The Laws of a Religion
The laws of a Religion tell us how our God wants us to act and behave
They show us what our religion sees as right and wrong
When making a moral decision, we look at our Religion’s moral code
It can help us to make the right decision, as we want to follow our religion
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Gut Instinct
When we are faced with a moral decision, our gut instinct often guides us
We may not fully understand why an action is wrong, but something inside us is telling us it is
This is often referred to as a sixth sense
The right or moral thing may feel natural, while the wrong or ‘immoral’ thing may make you feel uneasy
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Following the crowd
We all like to feel like we belong
What others think of us can influence us greatly
We can think that whatever the majority is doing must be right
However, we must be careful as this is not always the case
If we are unsure what is right or wrong, looking to the crowd or other people to see what they are doing isn't always a good idea
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Obeying Orders
Sometimes we are told by others what to do.Instead of deciding for ourselves what is right or wrong, we follow the orders of others
If we are told to do something, we might think it’s definitely the moral thing to do, sometimes it is not easy to follow orders.
If we have a difficult moral decision to make, it might be easier to obey and do what others tell us, but we should ask ourselves if the orders we are being given are right or moral
Often people can have a combination of these reasons for deciding what is morally right
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Question Time!
Complete this worksheet as best as you can by editing the Google Doc.
Don't forget to upload your finished work to Google Classroom!
Slide 15 - Diapositive
Euthanasia- when someone who is really sick and will never get better is helped to die by another person
This practice is illegal in Ireland and in many countries
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Slide 18 - Diapositive
Majority- most people
Combination- a mix/mixture of…
Illegal- contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law
Euthanasia- the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma
Slide 19 - Diapositive
In our next lesson we will cover...
The Prodigal Son
Sources of Morality in the 5 Major World Religions