September 18th, 2021

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Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 31 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 3 vidéos.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 120 min

Éléments de cette leçon


September 18th, 2021

Slide 1 - Diapositive


Slide 2 - Diapositive

Slide 3 - Lien

Two large land purchases by the United States were the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and the Alaska Purchase in 1867.

Slide 4 - Quiz

To see the Grand Canyon, to visit Yosemite, and to drive through the Rocky Mountains are all part of his retirement plans.

Slide 5 - Quiz

Not only do parts of Canada get heavy
snow in the winter, but also in the fall.

Slide 6 - Quiz

You can either hang the painting here by the window or there over the piano.

Slide 7 - Quiz

This ticket permits you to sit either on the main floor or you may sit in the balcony.

Slide 8 - Quiz


Slide 9 - Diapositive

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Introductory Paragraphs 

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Step 1 
Read carefully the following thesis statement:

Antismokers provide several reasons for the importance 
to ban smoking from public places.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Step 2
Write an introductory statement or hook.
TS: Antismokers provide several reasons for the importance to ban smoking from public places.

Slide 14 - Carte mentale

Step 3: Narrow the topic.
TS: Antismokers provide several reasons for the importance to ban smoking from public places.

Slide 15 - Carte mentale

Step 3: Improve your introductory paragraphs by adding definitions or more sentences to narrow the topic.

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

To check your work, ask the following questions:

Have I introduced the general topic?
Have I narrowed the general topic to a specific topic?
Would a definition or further explanation improve my introduction?
Have I included a thesis statement that tells my reader exactly what I am going to discuss?

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Many people are addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes. These people like to smoke whenever or wherever they feel the urge for a cigarette. However, the smoke from cigarettes disturbs nonsmokers. Because of that, many nonsmokers would like smoking to be banned from public places. Antismokers provide several reasons for the importance of such a ban.

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Reverse Outlining

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Slide 20 - Vidéo


Slide 21 - Diapositive

Slide 22 - Vidéo

Slide 23 - Vidéo


Slide 24 - Diapositive

Causes of Violence against Women in El Salvador
     Violence against women is strongly established in our country, and is the maximum expression of inequality between men and women. According to the United Nations, violence against women is understood to include all types of actions based on belonging to said sex of the victim, and regardless of her age, and that through physical or psychological means, including threats, intimidation, or coercion, has as a possible or real result a physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering for the woman, and is carried out under the protection of a situation of weakness or physical, psychological, family, work, or economic dependency of the victim in front of the aggressor. Unfortunately, El Salvador registered 18,352 cases of violence against women in the last year (Ministry of Justice and Security, 2020). Violence against women in El Salvador is caused by three main problems: poverty, gender inequality, and cultural patterns.

Slide 25 - Diapositive

Title: School dropout in the educational system of El Salvador


A. Hook: School dropout is a worrying problem both for public and for private sectors within the educational system of El Salvador.
B. Background: According to the statistics (MINEDUCYT, 2016) school dropout has remained in these last six years between 5 and 6%. The average percentage of school dropouts is obtained through the initial and final censuses of educational centers nationwide. Highest dropout is reflected in the flexible mode and the lowest in the traditional mode.
C. Thesis Statement: Dropout in the educational stem of El Salvador occurs due to three main causes: change of residence, migration abroad and school violence.

Slide 26 - Diapositive

A. Hook: Violence against women is a reality that affects a large part of the Salvadoran population.

B. Background: According to data from the General Prosecution of the Republic (FGR), 2,272 cases of violence against women were registered in the first quarter of the current year.
C. Thesis Statement: Some causes of violence against women in El Salvador are caused by sexism, discrimination, and intolerance.

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A. Hook: It is no surprise that in 2021 there are still parents who do not care enough about their children's education.

B. Connecting Information: We can still see many families that due to lack of resources do not send their children to school because they prefer to send them to work and become mature to sustain themselves and the rest of their family. El Salvador may not be the only country where we get to see that studies may not be important or a priority to some. A large sum of children does not attend school like they should as it is their right are there are many causes why this might happen.
C. Thesis statement: Relocation, economic status, and violence in the country are some of the causes of why children drop out of school in El Salvador.

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The authors Wehlege, Rutter, Smith, Lesko and Fernández (1989), cited by Ungureanu (2017) name school dropout in different ways: “school maladjustment, absenteeism, repetition, early school leaving”. In El Salvador there are many cases of school dropout, which is defined as: "the situation of students who, having enrolled at the beginning of the school year, withdraw before the end of it" (MINED, s.f) This definition applies to high school students, so it is limited only to that group of students. However, even university-level students drop out before completing their careers. Among the main causes of school dropout in El Salvador are economic, social, and family.

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• Cause and Effect Essay: 
Friday, October 8th, 2021.
• Oral Assignment: 
Saturday, October 16th, 2021.
• Next Workshop: Saturday, October 23rd, 2021.

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Slide 31 - Diapositive

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