Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Unit 2: Once upon a time..
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Slide 1: Diapositive
NederlandsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

Cette leçon contient 32 diapositives, avec quiz interactif et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Unit 2: Once upon a time..

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Fairy tales and myths?

Slide 2 - Carte mentale

Lesson plan: 4 November
1. Getting started with the unit:
- Formatives and summatives
- Google drive
- Quizlet 

2. Fairy tales: basic vocabulary

HW: Watch 'Het Jeugdjournaal'
Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Getting started with the unit...
--> Until the Winter Holiday
--> 2 formatives + 2 summatives: Criterion B (Reading) and criterion D (Writing) 
--> Google drive: make a new folder: Unit 2 - Once upon a time... 
--> Add a new document to the folder: Class work 
--> Once a week: The Big Newsquiz 

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 5 November
1. News quiz: Kahoot

2. Grammar lesson 
- DutchB Student documents folder
- Unit 2: Once upon a time
- Writing exercise phase 1

--> Write your answers in your class work document

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 9 November
1. Correction writing exercises (homework)

2. Vocabulary: fairytales

3. Speaking exercise: Tell a story from your country
Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Present a story from your culture
1. Find a fairy tale, myth or folk tale from a country where you have lived. You use the internet to find a story
2. Summarise the story and make sure you can tell the story in your own words to your classmates
3. You may tell the story in English, but you have to make a list of five key words of your story, that you translate to Dutch
4. Next lesson you will tell your story to your classmates in small groups. Everyone needs to add the new vocabulary to the Quizlet List. 

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 11 November
1. Speaking exercise: Tell a story from your country
--> Done? Add your words to the Quizlet vocabulary list

2. Practising with Quizlet 

3. Reading exercise: News article

HW: Watch 'Het jeugdjournaal'
Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Reading exercise: News article
1. Read the news article about  Mickey Mouse
You can find this news article (and the questions) in the DutchB Student documents folder --> Unit 2 --> Reading exercise
2. Highlight the words you do not know and look them up.
3. Add the words to the shared Quizlet list
4. Answer the questions in English

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 12 November
1. The Big News Quiz

2. Reading exercise: News article

3. Done? Vocabulary 
--> Finish the vocabulary booklets
--> Done? Practise vocabulary on Quizlet

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 16 November
1. Vocabulary booklets: Finish vocabulary booklet 'Het lichaam'
Done? Practise the vocabulary on Quizlet

2. Speaking exercises: 'Het lichaam'
- Wheeldecide
- Commando's
- Dialoog 

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 18 November
1. Speaking exercises: 'Het lichaam'
- Wheeldecide
- Commando's
- Dialoog 

2. Writing exercise: Sentence structure 

HW: Watch 'Het jeugdjournaal'
Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 19 November
1. The Big News Quiz

2. Writing exercises: Make a sentence

3. Grammar exercises
--> DutchB student documents
--> Unit 2 
--> PDF 'writing exercises'
--> Pg. 18 - 23
--> Done? Continue with the next page

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 23 November
1. Correction writing exercise 

2. Grammar exercises
--> DutchB student documents
--> Unit 2 
--> PDF 'writing exercises'
--> Pg. 18 - 23
--> Done? Continue with the next page

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 26 November
1. Formative vocabulary 

2. The Big News Quiz

3. Correction reading exercise: Drie kleine geitjes

HW: Practise for the reading formative (Managebac) 

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 25 November
1. Correction homework: Writing exercises --> Pg. 18 - 23

2. Reading exercise: De drie kleine geitjes

Done? Practise vocabulary

Tomorrow: Formative vocabulary 

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 2 December
1. Writing exercise: Roodkapje

2. Done? Study the vocabulary 'Clothes'

Tomorrow: Formative vocabulary 

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 17 - Diapositive

1. In the Dutch B folder (google drive) you will find a document with pictures of the fairytale 'Roodkapje'. 
2. You are going to write the story. (In your Classwork Document) 
- Phase 1: Write one short Dutch sentence for every picture (explain what you see on the picture).
- Phase 2: Write 2 Dutch sentences for every picture and make sure that all the sentences together is a full story.
- Phase 3: Schrijf jouw eigen versie van 'Roodkapje'. Zorg dat je verhaal de typische kenmerken van een sprookje heeft. --> minstens een half A4

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 7 December
1. Feedback formative reading

2. De vijf legendes 

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 6 January 
1. Task: De vijf legendes 
--> This task will be assessed as a formative 
--> Instructions for the task is in the attached file of the lesson plan on Managebac

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 11 January 
1. Task: De vijf legendes 
--> This task will be assessed as a formative 
--> Instructions for the task is in the attached file of the lesson plan on Managebac

2. Done?
Vocabulary on learndutch.org  

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 13 January 
1. Grammar exercises: The present tense 

2. Done?
Practise the verbs 'zijn' and 'hebben'

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 28 January 
1. Listening exercises:
- Doornroosje 
- www.nedbox.be 

2. Done? 1 lesson on www.learndutch.org 

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 23 - Diapositive

1. Who told the queen that she would get a child?
2. Why did one fairy stay home? 
3. Name 3 of the gifts the child received from the fairies. 
4. What did the 13th fairy wish for the child?
5. What happened on the 15th birthday of the princess? 
6. What happened to the rest of the people living in the castle? 
7. Why did the hedge with roses open for the prince? 
8. Why did Doornroosje wake up? 
9. How do we say 'and they lived happily ever after' in Dutch? 

Slide 24 - Diapositive

Extra exercises 

Slide 25 - Diapositive

De vijf legendes: Task
Make a new Google document with the name 'Film: De vijf legendes' and put it in your Dutch B folder
1. Make a wordlist of atleast 10 Dutch words you have heard/ seen in the movie. Add these words to the Quizlet list
2. Describe your favourite character in the movie in Dutch (appearance and character)  
3. Choose your favourite holiday and explain why it is your favourite holiday in Dutch. (Phase 1 & 2: Short sentences) 
--> Phase 1 can bring this preparation to the summative!

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Differences between a fairytale, a myth and a horrorstory
1. Find a fairy tale, a myth and a scary story on the internet in Dutch (Phase 1: English)
2. Read the stories 
3. Make a list with the characteristics (in Dutch) of these tales.  Use examples from your text. 
4. Write down the similarities and the differences between a fairytale, a myth and a horrorstory 

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Task: storytelling (myth) 
1. For this task you have to collaborate. The higher phases have to help the lower phases. I will divide you in groups. 
2. Together you choose a tale from the Greek mythology. 
3. Write the myth in Dutch and make sure that everyone in the group understands it. Use simple language and only use google translate to translate words, not full sentences!
4. Divide the story and give everyone a part. You will tell the story together the next lesson. 

Slide 28 - Diapositive

Task: storytelling (myth) - MYP1
1. For this task you have to collaborate. I will divide you in groups. 
2. Together you choose a tale from the Greek mythology. https://owlcation.com/humanities/top-10-greekmyths
3. Write the myth in Dutch and make sure that everyone in the group understands it. Use simple language and only use google translate to translate words, not full sentences!
4. Divide the story and give everyone a part. You will tell the story together the next lesson. 

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 21 November
1. Speaking exercise: Storytelling

2. Phase 1 + 2: Doornroosje
Watch the video about 'doornroosje' (link on managebac)
--> Write in English a summary about what you've understood!

Phase 3: Werk aan de opdrachten bij je leesboek. 

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 2 December
1. Writing formative:
  • Choose your favourite fairytale
  • Write in English (Phase 1 + 2) or in Dutch (Phase 3) a short summary about the story. Include the ending of the story.
  • Write a new ending to the story in Dutch. 

Word count: Phase 1: 100 / Phase 2: 150 / Phase 3: 200 

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 9th January
1. Preparation for the summative
- On the summative you have to write a few shorts texts in Dutch. The topics will be the movie we've watched and/or Unit 2 (Vocabulary) 
- Look at the feedback I gave you on your formative and resolve the comments
- Work on the task: 'De vijf legendes'
--> Phase 1 can bring this preparation to the summative

Unit 2: Once upon a time...

Inquiry question: What makes a story a fairy tale or a myth? 

Slide 32 - Diapositive