You included your name @ your address
You forgot to include: (The) Netherlands
You did not list everything on the left side of the page
Date should be: 21 November 2024 OR November 21st, 2024
This letter should be addressed to: Dear Reader, / Representative, because there was no person to write to specifically. Dear Amazon, is wrong.
Did you use paragraphs?
Were you polite~ish?
Did you use contractions? I’m -> I am, wasn’t -> was not, etc.
Ik = always with a capital -> I, so are days and months (December).
You forgot a sentence to finish your letter with, in which you (clearly) indicate what you would like the other person to do.
Although it is not wrong, Yours Sincerely / Truly / Faithfully is quite old-school. Kind Regards, is much more modern.
Autograph included?
Added Your Name?