V4B - 03-02-2022 (Periode 3 - Les 3)

Today is the 3rd of February

The Word of the Day is insinuate
verb | in-SIN-yuh-wayt

"to imply or suggest in a subtle or indirect way"
He insinuated he knew where she had been, without her telling him.
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 43 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

Éléments de cette leçon

Today is the 3rd of February

The Word of the Day is insinuate
verb | in-SIN-yuh-wayt

"to imply or suggest in a subtle or indirect way"
He insinuated he knew where she had been, without her telling him.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

After this lesson you will
  • ... have finished reading text 2
  • ... have practised future tenses
  • ... have started text 3

Slide 2 - Diapositive

It's rather hot in here, isn't it? Yes, you're right. I [...] a window.
will open
am going to open
am opening

Slide 3 - Quiz

In September they [...] married. They have already booked the venue.
are getting
are going to get
will get

Slide 4 - Quiz

I am pretty sure it [...] tonight, it's so cold!
is freezing
will freeze
is going to freeze

Slide 5 - Quiz

Don't worry. I [...] the door for you.
will open
am going to open
am opening

Slide 6 - Quiz

Maak een zin waarin je aanbiedt om iets voor iemand te doen.

Slide 7 - Question ouverte

Maak in zin waarin je iemand vraagt om iets voor jou te doen.

Slide 8 - Question ouverte

Maak een zin waarin je een weersvoorspelling doet.

Slide 9 - Question ouverte

Maak een zin waarin je iets zegt over een dienstregeling/rooster.

Slide 10 - Question ouverte


Slide 11 - Diapositive

A hermit who aimed to fast - 1 - 40 days on a hill - 2 - Loch Lomond managed only 27 before staggering - 3 - to a hotel and ordering lasagne and chips.

aimed to vast = had als doel om te vasten
managed = erin slagen
staggering = wankelen

Slide 12 - Diapositive

A hermit who aimed to fast to 40 days on a hill above Loch Lomond managed only 27 before staggering down to a hotel and ordering lasagne and chips.

aimed to vast = had als doel om te vasten
managed = erin slagen
staggering = wankelen

Slide 13 - Diapositive

The bearded and bedraggled hermit had set up his tent - 4 - Benlomond Hill, Central Scotland, where temperatures are - 5 - freezing - 6 - night and barely creep above 9C (48F) during the day, to spend his time in meditation and prayer.

bearded and bedraggled = bebaarde en verfomfaaide
barely creep aboven = kruipen nauwelijks boven

Slide 14 - Diapositive

The bearded and bedraggled hermit had set up his tent on Benlomond Hill, Central Scotland, where temperatures are below freezing at night and barely creep above 9C (48F) during the day, to spend his time in meditation and prayer.

bearded and bedraggled = bebaarde en verfomfaaide
barely creep aboven = kruipen nauwelijks boven

Slide 15 - Diapositive

He told staff - 7 - Rowardennan Hotel that he was a monk - 8 - Scandinavia and gave his name as Father Oucherlony. They were so worried - 9 - his starved appearance that they called an ambulance.

staff = personeel
starved appearance = uitgemergelde uiterlijk

Slide 16 - Diapositive

He told staff of Rowardennan Hotel that he was a monk from Scandinavia and gave his name as Father Oucherlony. They were so worried by his starved appearance that they called an ambulance.

staff = personeel
starved appearance = uitgemergelde uiterlijk

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Sharon Johnston, the manageress, said the middle aged man was wearing a heavy jumper, jeans and a light jacket when he arrived - 10 - the hotel doorstep earlier this week.

middle aged man = man van middelbare leeftijd
heavy jumper = dikke trui
hotel doorstep = de drempel van het hotel

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Sharon Johnston, the manageress, said the middle aged man was wearing a heavy jumper, jeans and a light jacket when he arrived on the hotel doorstep earlier this week.

middle aged man = man van middelbare leeftijd
heavy jumper = dikke trui
hotel doorstep = de drempel van het hotel

Slide 19 - Diapositive

"He obviously had not washed for some days. He was a horrible colur and looked - 11 - death's door.

obviously = overduidelijk
death's door = op het randje van de dood

Slide 20 - Diapositive

"He obviously had not washed for some days. He was a horrible colur and looked at death's door.

obviously = overduidelijk
death's door = op het randje van de dood

Slide 21 - Diapositive

"We gave him a bowl of soup and a bit of bread, but he began to feel even more ill. I think it may have been his body rejecting the food. The ambulance arrived and they led him - 12 - to it, but he returend after he felt better and ate lasagne and chips.

rejecting = verwerpen, afwijzen; uitbraken

Slide 22 - Diapositive

"We gave him a bowl of soup and a bit of bread, but he began to feel even more ill. I think it may have been his body rejecting the food. The ambulance arrived and they led him out to it, but he returend after he felt better and ate lasagne and chips.

rejecting = verwerpen, afwijzen; uitbraken

Slide 23 - Diapositive

She said the hermit, who spoke good English, seemed distressed that he had failed to keep his fast for 40 days, the time spent by Christ - 13 - the wilderness, and left disconsolately to spend the night in a youth hostel.

seemed distressed = leek van streek
disconsolately = ontroostbaar

Slide 24 - Diapositive

She said the hermit, who spoke good English, seemed distressed that he had failed to keep his fast for 40 days, the time spent by Christ in the wilderness, and left disconsolately to spend the night in a youth hostel.

seemed distressed = leek van streek
disconsolately = ontroostbaar

Slide 25 - Diapositive

"It was real strange," she said. "He was trying to get closer - 14 - God, those were his words. We do get a lot of these hermits in the summer, but never usually - 15 - this time of year. I think they must be mad.

Slide 26 - Diapositive

"It was real strange," she said. "He was trying to get closer to God, those were his words. We do get a lot of these hermits in the summer, but never usually at this time of year. I think they must be mad.

Slide 27 - Diapositive

The hermit later returned to the hills to collect his belongings and it is believed that he has left the area. Police Sergeant Kevin Findlater, - 16 - Balfron, said: "It's an old hermit-type scenaro. He obviously felt the need to do this.

his belongings = zijn bezittingen
obviously felt the need = voelde (over)duidelijk de behoefte

Slide 28 - Diapositive

The hermit later returned to the hills to collect his belongings and it is believed that he has left the area. Police Sergeant Kevin Findlater, of Balfron, said: "It's an old hermit-type scenaro. He obviously felt the need to do this.

his belongings = zijn bezittingen
obviously felt the need = voelde (over)duidelijk de behoefte

Slide 29 - Diapositive

His condition was not as bad as was first thought, but he did well to last this long - 17 - food. He must had been in a valley near water.

condition = conditie, omstandigheden
last this long = het zo lang volhouden

Slide 30 - Diapositive

His condition was not as bad as was first thought, but he did well to last this long without food. He must had been in a valley near water.

condition = conditie, omstandigheden
last this long = het zo lang volhouden

Slide 31 - Diapositive

An ambulance service spokesman said the hermit had told the ambulance crew that doctors were no use - 18 - him and he did not want to travel - 19 - us to hospital, so there was nothing we could do

spokesman = woordvoerder
crew = medewerkers, bemanning

Slide 32 - Diapositive

An ambulance service spokesman said the hermit had told the ambulance crew that doctors were no use to him and he did not want to travel with us to hospital, so there was nothing we could do.

spokesman = woordvoerder
crew = medewerkers, bemanning

Slide 33 - Diapositive

Although no precise figures exist, increasing numbers of men and women are thought to be seeking lives - 20 - solitude in a reaction - 21 - the materialism of the late 20th century.

precise figures = exacte aantallen
increasing numbers = een groeiend aantal ...
solitude = eenzaamheid

Slide 34 - Diapositive

Although no precise figures exist, increasing numbers of men and women are thought to be seeking lives of solitude in a reaction to the materialism of the late 20th century.

precise figures = exacte aantallen
increasing numbers = een groeiend aantal ...
solitude = eenzaamheid

Slide 35 - Diapositive

Some are infected by "millenium fever", a conviction that the turn - 22 - the century will witness the Second Coming - 23 - Christ or even Armageddon.

millenium fever = millenium koorts
conviction = overtuiging
Armageddon = laatste gevecht tussen goed en kwaad

Slide 36 - Diapositive

Slide 37 - Vidéo


Slide 38 - Diapositive

a banker = een bankier
unfortunately = helaas
wasting = verspillen
filling = vullen
if only = waren er maar ...

valuable = waardevolle
commodity = nuttig voorwerp
chorus = in koor zeggen
bounds = stuitert
bright tie = felgekleurde das
flapping = wapperen
cups his ear = vouwt om zijn oor
magician = goochelaar
uncomfortable = ongemakkelijk
underused = onderbenut
resource = hulpbron
manic finger = manische vinger
strides = stappen
utilise = gebruiken, benutten
his brow = zijn voorhoofd
leaps = springt

Slide 39 - Diapositive

smoothly = soepel
synchronised = gesynchroniseerd
significantly = veelbetekenend
dress-rehearsal = generale repetitie
midway point = het midden
reach = bereiken
obediently = gehoorzaam
spacey slap = holle klap
instructed  = geinstrueerd
twitching = trillen
punches = gooit zijn vuist in
wonderful = fantastische
forest of hands = veel handen
recognise = herkennen
wire tray = draadmandje
scatters them = verstrooit ze
corkscrew = kurkentrekker
winding its way = boort zijn weg
temple = slaap (zijkant hoofd)
from the blocks = uit de startblokken
feature = artikel
cuttings = krantenknipsels

Slide 40 - Diapositive

fetch = ophalen
parents' evening = ouderavond
MOT = APK(-keuring)

Slide 41 - Diapositive

Translate the next paragraph (Thomas Kibling ... is serene).

Tackle one sentence at a time

Slide 42 - Diapositive

Thomas Kibling is een civielrechtelijk advocaat die is gespecialiseerd in arbeidsrecht. Ik ontmoet hem op een hete zaterdagochtend in zijn huis in het oosten van Londen. De achtertuin is een klimaatvernietigend tropisch genot, waar bananen groeien aan onwaarschijnlijke palmbomen. Binnen in zijn huis is het als een kale galerie voor moderne kunst vóór openingstijden. Alle muren zijn wit en hangen met schilderijen; alle vloeren hout of tegels. In een grote kamer staat een vleugel alleen te wachten; de keuken is een lange, gevlamde houten tafel en een prachtige roestvrijstalen kookplaat. Hier staat de tijd stil. Alles is sereen.

Slide 43 - Diapositive