-Hand in answers to the 20 chapters (online) + PIF-list (50 words)
Slide 11 - Diapositive
220 – 260 words. Like any article it has a title, introduction, several separate paragraphs and a proper conclusion.
Make sure to incorporate: -Textual evidence (actual quotes/lines from the book) to support your theory -Higher level vocabulary and linking words -A ‘hook’ in the introduction – to make your readers interested enough to want to read on
‘What if Bruno never met Schmuel’ – how would that have affected Bruno? Would he be better off? Why or why not?
Slide 12 - Diapositive
Signing off your booklet
Voldoende: all questions (chapter 1-20) are answered
Goed: all questions + activities (such as 'use three adjectives to' etc. are done)