Cette leçon contient 10 diapositives, avec quiz interactif et diapositives de texte.
La durée de la leçon est: 50 min
Éléments de cette leçon
Welcome, everybody!
To start of: minutes of skills
Slide 1 - Diapositive
De leerlingen krijgen 10 minute de tijd om aan hun skills te werken.
Dit gebeurt in stilte
At the end of this lesson...
…you will understand the main points of simple descriptive texts on a familiar topic
…you will be able to identify a few book/movie genres
Slide 2 - Diapositive
Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions
What do you read?
Slide 3 - Carte mentale
Question 1: What do you usually read?
De leerlingen krijgen 30 seconden de tijd om - in stilte – na te denken over dingen die zij lezen. Dit mogen dingen zijn die ze op school lezen, in hun vrije tijd, etc.
Leerlingen krijgen hierna 1 minuut de tijd om dit toe te voegen aan de lesson up.
Short stories
Science fiction
Horror fiction
Historical fiction
Fantasy novel
Fairy tales
Crime novels
Comic books
Classic novels
Slide 4 - Diapositive
In duo's (and 1 group of 3), the students will be asked to translate these words:
autobiography / autobiografie
biography / biografie
classic novel / klassieke roman
comic book / stripboek
crime novel / misdaadroman
fairy tale / sprookje
fantasy novel / fantasy-roman
historical fiction / historische fictie
poem / gedicht
science fiction / science fiction
short story / kort verhaal
thriller / thriller
Discuss in duos
What book genre(s) do you find interesting to read and which don't you like reading?
Phrases I would like you to use:
I love...
I'm into...
I quite like...
I'm not into...
I can't stand...
Slide 5 - Diapositive
2 minutes: 1 minute per person
Discuss in duos
Which superheroes have your read about/seen in films and which superpower would you like to have?
Slide 6 - Diapositive
2 minutes: 1 minute per person
Time to work
In Focus 2 , do:
Unit 3.4 (page 36) - Question 5 and then 4
Done? Discuss your answers with your neighbour
Slide 7 - Diapositive
Individually, the pupils now get 15-20 minutes to unswer question 5 and 4 (in this order) on page 36 of their workbooks.
Anyone done, can pair up with the person next to them and compare answers.
Check your answers
Question 5:
not used
Question 6:
Answer: 2
Slide 8 - Diapositive
Individually, the pupils now get 15-20 minutes to unswer question 5 and 4 (in this order) on page 36 of their workbooks.
Anyone done, can pair up with the person next to them and compare answers.