Speech disorders

Speech Disorders
Lara Zullo (c3397409)
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Slide 1: Diapositive
Special educationPrimary Education

Cette leçon contient 10 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Speech Disorders
Lara Zullo (c3397409)

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What is a speech disorder?
Speech disorders are impairments in vocal communication. This includes disabilities in forming and articulating words and sounds correctly. 

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How to help in class?
Teachers can:
  • Arrange the classroom or seating plan so students with speech disorders feel confident to speak in class
  • Have healthy conversations about speech disorders to remove any negative connotations about it
  • Provide extra time for students to formulate discussion responses

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Scenario 1:
Lucy, a 7-year-old student, has a speech delay and often hesitates to participate in class discussions. She struggles with articulating her thoughts and feelings verbally, which impacts her confidence in social situations.

How can you as an educator help Lucy feel more comfortable participating in class?
Encourage her to speak louder and faster
Get her to communicate through drawings
Tell her not to participate so the lesson is faster
Provide additional time for her to formulate responses during discussions.

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Correct answer is D
Provide additional time for her to formulate responses during discussions.

Providing additional time allows people with speech disorders to process information at their own pace without feeling rushed or pressured. This accommodation acknowledges speech delay and supports students in overcoming the challenges associated with verbal communication. 

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Sam is a 10-year-old boy who has difficulty pronouncing certain sounds due to a speech delay. He often feels nervous to make speeches as his peers make fun of him for the way he speaks

How can you help Sam reduce his anxiety for his presentation?
Give him the option to do a solo presentation
Make him do it so he gains confidence
Just correct his pronunciation during the presentation
Get him to listen to recordings of himself speaking so he knows what words are wrong

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Correct answer is A
 Give him the option to do a solo presentation 

By giving the opportunity for a solo presentation, teachers can create a supportive environment where students with speech disorders can overcome their anxiety, build confidence, and improve their communication skills at their own pace. Sam will feel more relaxed as he isn't worried about what his classmates will think, allowing him to focus on slow and controlled language.

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Jane, a 9-year-old student, has a speech delay that affects her ability to engage in conversations with classmates. She often feels isolated and left out during group activities and lunch breaks.

How can you support Emily in developing her social interaction skills?
Assign her a peer mentor to practice conversational skills.
Limit her interactions with classmates to avoid embarrassment.
Encourage her to focus only on school work during group work.
Tell her to communicate through non-verbal means, such as drawing or gestures.

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Correct answer is A 
Assign her a peer mentor to practice conversational skills.

Assigning a peer mentor can foster a supportive environment to conversational skills. Peer mentors can offer encouragement, model effective communication strategies to help build confidence in social interactions. This fosters inclusivity and empowers students with speech disorders to engage more comfortably with classmates over time.

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Reference List
Mehar, P. (2018, May 25). New clues may help improve speech for people with ALS. Tech Explorist. 

Image 2 :
Sketchbubble. (n.d.). Speech Disorders. photograph. Retrieved from https://www.sketchbubble.com/en/presentation-speech-

Image 1:
Therapy and Wellness Connection. (2019, September 16). Top 10 Causes of Child Speech Delays and Language Problems. 
                Therapy & Wellness Connection. https://therapyandwellnessconnection.com/speech-therapy/top-10-causes-of-child-

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