Whales (Primary)

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Slide 1: Diapositive
Social StudiesHistory+34-6 Grade6th,7th Grade

Cette leçon contient 35 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 2 vidéos.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min


Whales are under threat from many different issues, hindering their recovery after the end of wide scale commercial whaling.


This lesson is about whale species, some of their characteristics, what is threatening whales and what we can do to help protect them.

Time: 45 minutes

Contact: education@seashepherdglobal.org
© Sea Shepherd 2021


Feuilles de travail

Éléments de cette leçon


Slide 1 - Diapositive

This lesson is provided by Sea Shepherd. Sea Shepherd is a marine conservation organisation with a mission to protect the ocean and marine wildlife.  Sea Shepherd works globally on a range of issues impacting the ocean, running numerous direct action campaigns each year.  Whales are one species that Sea Shepherd is fighting to protect.
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During the lesson we will use these icons to identify the learning actions.
Introduction to IUU fishing and the impact of overfishing.
Protecting whales.

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This lesson is about whale species, some of their characteristics, what is threatening whales and what we can do to help protect them.

INTERACTIVE JOIN – ask students to go to www.LessonUp.app

Slide 4 - Vidéo

Empty ocean by 2050
Scientists estimate that by 2050 the ocean ecosystem will be on the verge of collapse, empty of fish and marine wildlife, unless urgent action is taken on the issues impacting the ocean and marine wildlife.

Show this video (2.53min), which explains how important all species are to our planet.

Discuss the video with the class and what it means.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Whales have been around for over 50 million years, but now many are endangered.

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Whales have been around on this planet for 50 million years. Once, the ocean was home to millions of them.

Today their numbers are significantly reduced.

Many whale species, such as blue whales, sperm whales and fin whales have been hunted to near extinction by whalers.

Why are whales important to the
future of our ocean?

Slide 6 - Question ouverte

Why are whales important?
Ask students answer via www.LessonUp.app or discuss in classroom:

 ‘Who knows why whales are important to the future of our ocean?’  

Whales play an important part in the ecosystem; one of those roles is in supporting our air supply:

Phytoplankton, are tiny little beings that live in the ocean, they are so small you can’t see them with the naked eye, but they are very important to our air supply. They draw carbon from the air. All the air we breathe out, or the fossil fuels we burn, like coal to make electricity, or petrol in our cars, all creates carbon. Without something to take that out of the air it would become toxic and the air would poison us.

Phytoplankton are dependent on nutrients and nitrogen in the ocean which they receive from things like whale poo. Whales need phytoplankton as food, as do other creatures like krill, which are another food source for whales. So we need whales in order to have the phytoplankton populations grow and helping to reduce the carbon in the air. It has been proven that the reduction in the number of whales in Antarctica has had a negative impact on phytoplankton and the level of carbon in the atmosphere.

What are the two categories that all
whale species fall under?

Slide 7 - Question ouverte

Categories of whales
Ask students to answer via www.LessonUp.app or discuss in classroom:

 ‘What are the two categories that all whale species fall under?”
  • Toothed and Baleen Whales

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Baleen whales.

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Baleen means they feed by sifting plankton, krill or fish, through a baleen plate, which is a fibrous brush like plate used to separate their food from the water.  It’s like having a big sieve to catch food in.  
Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
What is baleen made of?

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What is the baleen made from?
The baleen plate is made out of keratin. Keratin is the same material your fingernails or hair are made out of.

Which whale species can live the longest?
Bonus - why can they live so long?

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Longest living whale
Ask students to answer via www.LessonUp.app or discuss in classroom:

 “Which whale species can live the longest?”

Bowhead whale – known to live up to 200 years.  They live in the Artic and subarctic waters.

Which is the largest whale species?

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

Largest whale
Ask students answer via www.LessonUp.app or discuss in classroom:

 “Which is the largest whale species?”

The largest blue whale was over 33m (108 feet).

Ask students if they think there is any mammal that is larger than the Blue whale?

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Whales species

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Whale species
Show the image that shows comparative size of some whale species.

What key features identify
whales as being mammals
rather than being fish?

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Key features
Ask students answer via www.LessonUp.app or discuss in classroom:

 “What key features identify whales as being mammals rather than fish?”

  • Breathe air through blow holes (fish through gills).
  • Tail moves up and down (fish side to side).
  • Warm blooded (fish are cold blooded).
  • Young drink milk.
  • Give birth to young (fish lay eggs).
  • Smooth skin (fish have scales).
  • Heart has 4 chambers (fish have 2).

How do whales communicate and
navigate their way?

Slide 14 - Question ouverte

How do whales navigate?
Ask students answer via www.LessonUp.app or discuss in classroom:

 “How do whales communicate and navigate their way?”

Toothed whales use echolocation. This means they emit sounds out into the environment and listen to the echoes of those sounds that return from the objects around them. They use these echoes for hunting and finding their way.  

Slide 15 - Vidéo

Whale song
Whales also have their own songs, used to communicate with other whales,

Show this video (1.14min), which shows a humpback whale singing:

Illegal Fishing
Illegal fishing means that the fishermen enter the territorial waters of a country or regulated marine zone without permission or without a license for the fish they intend to catch.

They are stealing from these waters.
Interferes with whales sonar - echolocation.

Noise from shipping disturbs the whales ability to communicate over long distances.

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Ships sonar
Because whales use echolocation, which is like the sonar that we use on ships, it means that the sonar on some ships can interfere with a whale’s sonar. This can result in whales being unable to hunt or find their way. It is also believed to be the reason whales sometimes beach themselves.

Noise pollution from shipping.
Another issue is noise pollution – sound travels 4 times faster under water and it travels further, so imagine the noise coming from a port or shipping lane. Imagine living in a constantly noisy environment and how stressful it might be when you are exposed to unfamiliar sounds or noises.

All this noise disturbs the ability of whales to communicate with each other over distances.

What other human activities
do you think are having a
negative impact on whales?

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Human impacts on whales
Ask students answer via www.LessonUp.app or discuss in classroom:

“What other human activities do you think are having a negative impact on whales?”

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.

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The obvious issue impact on whales is whaling.

While whaling has been banned since 1986 and most countries stopped whaling prior to the ban, their numbers have yet to recover.

Despite the ban there are 3 countries that continue to whale commercially – Japan, Norway and Iceland.

Refer to the Lesson – Whaling for more detail on this topic.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Why have whales numbers not recovered?

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Why are whale numbers slow to recover?
Whale numbers have been slow to recover from whaling for a number of reasons:
  • Slow to reproduce – whales only have new calves once every 3-6 years. 
  • The numerous other manmade issues having an impact on whales.

Despite the ban there are 3 countries that continue to whale commercially – Japan, Norway and Iceland.

Refer to the Lesson – Whaling for more detail on this topic.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
By-catch in commercial fishing nets.

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By-catch in commercial fishing nets.  By-catch is anything that gets caught in the nets that the fishermen don’t want or cannot sell.

Due to the size of commercial fishing nets, like purse seine nets, which can be several kilometres long, it is easy to trap whales in the net.

Each year 300,000 whales and dolphins die as a result of being caught as by-catch in commercial fishing nets.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Entangled in fishing gear.

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Entanglement in fishing gear
Migrating whales also get entangled in illegal gillnets used by poachers or in lost or discarded fishing nets.

Dumped nets become ghost nets, floating in the ocean still catching all animals they encounter. Thousands of whales die each year trapped in nets.

Whales also get caught in cray pots and fishing traps, with the lines becoming entangled around the whale’s body or tail(fluke).

For more information on this topic see the Lesson: Abandoned, Lost and Discarded fishing gear.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Plastic pollution - over 12 million tonnes enters the ocean each year.

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Marine debris
Over 12 million tonmes of plastic pollution finds its way into the ocean each year.

That is one full garbage truck every 40 seconds emptying its contents into the ocean.

This includes small items like plastic bags, balloons, bottles and all kinds of rubbish left behind at beaches, dumped at sea or lost from containerships during rough weather.

Why do you think whales end up dying from this plastic pollution?

Slide 23 - Question ouverte

Why do whales ingest plastic?
Ask students answer via www.LessonUp.app or discuss in classroom:

“Why do you think whales end up dying from this plastic pollution?”

Whales ingest the plastic while feeding. Because they can’t regurgitate the accidentally eaten plastic, their stomach gets blocked and they are no longer able to eat and digest properly.

Whales can’t distinguish the difference between food and rubbish. Baleen whales can easily scoop up rubbish as they feed.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Why do whales ingest plastic?

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Why do whales ingest plastic?
Whales don’t expect anything but food to be in the ocean, they’re not familiar with ‘manmade’ rubbish.

Ocean pollution kills hundreds of thousands of marine animals each year.

The ‘Polluting the Ocean’ lesson provides additional information on this topic.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Ship strikes

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Ship strikes
Shipping is the main way that goods are transported around the world.

Increases in shipping over the last 50 years has led to two issues, the first we have already talked about, noise pollution. The second is ships hitting whales and other marine wildlife.  

Ships often use the same water routes as migrating whales, and also cross whales feeding grounds and nursery areas. Thousands of marine animals are hit and seriously injured or killed by ships each year. In particular by the big cargo ships, oil tankers, coal ships and cruise liners.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Tourist boats.

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Tourists boats
Another risk is whale watching tourist boats getting too close and harassing or injuring whales.

Generally there are laws in place that restrict how close vessels can get to whales. This also applies to aircraft and drones.  Exemptions might apply for researchers collecting data.

There may also be laws in place that restrict vessel speed to protect whales and dolphins in areas close to shore.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Overfishing of food sources.

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Overfishing of food sources
Overfishing of the ocean impacts on other marine species, as their food sources are taken away. Whales and other species may be competing for food.

Krill fisheries are expanding in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica, increasing the catch taken. This is the same region where most whales migrate to in the southern summer to feed on krill and plankton.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Climate change.

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Climate change
Climate change; is having an impact on the ocean, as it absorbs increasing levels of manmade carbon pollution, increasing the acidity levels in the ocean, as well as the temperature of the ocean water.

Warming temperatures have an impact on which species can live in each area. This may have a long term impact on feeding and migration patterns of whales.      

Name six of the issues impacting on whale species?

Slide 29 - Question ouverte

Ask students to answer via www.LessonUp.app or discuss in classroom.

“Name six of the issues impacting on whale species?”

What do you think you could
do to help protect whales?

Slide 30 - Carte mentale

Ask students to answer via www.LessonUp.app or discuss in classroom.

“What do you think you could do to help protect whales?”

Illegal Fishing
Illegal fishing means that the fishermen enter the territorial waters of a country or regulated marine zone without permission or without a license for the fish they intend to catch.

They are stealing from these waters.
➢  Don’t invade a whales space.
➢  Think about noise pollution if out on the water on a boat.
➢  Help fight climate change.
➢  Reduce demand for fish and related products, like fish oil or krill oil.
➢  Help fight plastic pollution.

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Ways to help protect whales?
  • Don’t invade a whales space, stay at a safe distance. Disturbing a whale with a calf can cause distress.
  • Think about noise pollution if out on the water on a boat.
  • Help fight climate change to reduce ocean acidification and a rising ocean temperature.
  • Reduce demand for fish and related products, like fish oil or krill oil.
  • Help fight plastic pollution – reduce your use of single use plastics or join in clean ups.  

These areas can be expanded as classroom discussions or research projects on ways students can help in each area.  

Write down three things you have learned?

Slide 32 - Question ouverte

What did you learn?
Ask students to answer the following question using www.LessonUp.app or discuss in the classroom.  

“Write down three things you have learned?”

Write down one thing you didn't understand?

Slide 33 - Question ouverte

What don’t you understand?
Ask students to answer the following question using www.LessonUp.app or discuss in the classroom.  

“Write down one thing you didn’t understand?”

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Sea Shepherd Case Studies cover a number of Sea Shepherd campaigns and show video of some of our work to protect whales.  These can be used to enhance the learning experience from these lessons


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