Chapter 5 Lesson 3: Ancient Egypt

5 Minute Brain Break
Take this time to:
  • let go of anything that happened before this class.
  • prepare to be engaged and an active member of class.
  • Work on anything quiet that will help you prepare!
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Slide 1: Diapositive
History6th Grade

Cette leçon contient 18 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 50 min

Éléments de cette leçon

5 Minute Brain Break
Take this time to:
  • let go of anything that happened before this class.
  • prepare to be engaged and an active member of class.
  • Work on anything quiet that will help you prepare!

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Chapter 5 Lesson 3 Recap
I know you have read all of the lesson with your groups. You have created amazing posters for a pharaoh of your choice. Now we are going to do a quick recap to see what information you have mastered and what we need to go over again!

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Lesson Objectives
  1. I will be able to name the correct Pharaoh when given a description of a specific event or accomplishment.
  2. I will be able to name an accomplishment for at least three pharoahs by the end of the period. 
  3. I will be able explain what the "Golden Age" means for ancient Egypt.

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Pharaoh who cared more about establishing positive Trade relationships than war and conquering new land.

Slide 4 - Quiz

The Prince who helped take Egypt back from the Hyksos.

Slide 5 - Quiz

Hatshepsut took power when ...
her brother ran away
her husband died
her son went to jail
there was nobody to take over.

Slide 6 - Quiz

The Hyksos
  • Powerful warriors who used methods of warfare unknown to the Egyptians.
  • The Hyksos rode in horse-drawn chariots and fought with sturdy weapons made of bronze and iron. 
  • As a result, they overwhelmed the Egyptian soldiers and took control of the land.
  • For more than 100 years, Hyksos kings ruled Egypt. The Hyksos borrowed some Egyptian customs but remained separate from the Egyptian people. 
  • Most Egyptians hated the Hyksos and planned to overthrow them. 
  • The Egyptians learned how to steer horse-drawn chariots and use Hyksos weapons. 
  • Around 1550 b.c., an Egyptian prince named Ahmose (AH • mohs) formed an army and drove the Hyksos out of Egypt.

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Ahmose founded a new dynasty. It began a period known as the New Kingdom, which lasted from about 1550 b.c. to 1070 b.c. During this time, Egypt prospered through trade, gained more lands through conquest, and reached the height of its power. No longer isolated, Egyptians benefited from the spread of goods, ideas, and cultures within their empire.

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  • A queen named Hatshepsut was one of the few women to rule Egypt.
  • In order for the people to accept her, Hatshepsut dressed in the clothes of a male pharaoh. 
  • She even wore the false beard to copy the one worn by male Egyptian kings.
  • She built magnificent temples and restored old monuments.
  • Her tomb in the Valley of the Kings contains large wall carvings that illustrate some of the major events of her reign.
  • Hatshepsut was more interested in promoting trade than starting wars. 
  • When Hatshepsut died, her nephew, Thutmose III, became pharaoh

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Thutmose III
  • Thutmose was a strong leader and general who expanded Egypt's control north to the Euphrates River in Mesopotamia. 
  • Egyptian armies captured nearly 350 cities during Thutmose's reign.
  • As Thutmose and his armies conquered more areas, the Egyptian empire grew wealthy, and slavery became more common.
  • Egypt acquired gold, copper, ivory and other valuable goods from conquered peoples.
  •  Egyptians captured and enslaved many prisoners of war.
  • Enslaved people had some rights, however, including the right to own land, marry, and eventually gain their freedom.

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Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaton
  • Amenhotep tried to change Egypt's religion, which was based on the worship of many deities.
  • Amenhotep believed that Egypt's priests had grown too powerful and wealthy.
  • He introduced the worship of Aton (AHT • n ), the sun god, as Egypt's only god.
  • When Egypt's priests opposed this change, Amenhotep removed many of them from their posts, took their lands, and closed temples. 
  • He then changed his name to Akhenaton (ahk • NAH • tuhn), meaning "Spirit of Aton."
  • The capital was moved to a new city north of Thebes called Akhetaton (ahk • heh • TAH • tuhn).

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Amenhotep IV
     Jafar (From Alladin)

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King Tut
  • When Akhenaton died about 1360 b.c., his son, 10-year-old Tutankhamen (too • tang • KAH • muhn), became pharaoh. 
  • The young pharaoh relied on advice from priests and officials to rule Egypt. Tutankhamen quickly restored the worship of many deities. 
  • Tutankhamen's short rule ended after only nine years when he died unexpectedly. The cause of his death is still a mystery to historians and he remains a fascinating figure.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Slide 14 - Vidéo

Ramses II
  • The most successful of these pharaohs 
  •  who ruled from 1279 b.c. to 1213 b.c.
  • Ramses conquered the region of Canaan and moved north into Syria.
  • After many battles, Ramses and the Hittite king signed a peace treaty.
  • During his 66-year reign, Ramses also devoted himself to peaceful activities. Ramses II and other New Kingdom rulers had many temples built throughout Egypt.

Slide 15 - Diapositive

  • Most Egyptians prayed in their homes, so temples were used only for special occasions. 
  • Egyptians saw the temples as the homes of their deities.
  • Priests and priestesses performed daily rituals, washed the statues of the deities, and brought them food.
  • Priests hired people to work in temple workshops and granaries. Temples also served as banks. Egyptians used them to store valuable items, such as gold jewelry, fragrant oils, and finely woven textiles.

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Decline of Egypt
After Ramses II died, Egypt declined. Pharaohs fought costly wars. Armies from the eastern Mediterranean attacked Egypt. By 1150 b.c., the Egyptian empire controlled only the Nile delta.

In the 900s b.c., the Libyans conquered Egypt. Then, the people of Kush seized power. Finally, in 670 b.c., Egypt was taken over by the Assyrians from Mesopotamia.

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Who as your favorite Pharoah we learned about?

Slide 18 - Question ouverte