Afghanistan Cold War

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Slide 1: Carte mentale
GeschiedenisWOStudiejaar 6

Cette leçon contient 24 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

Éléments de cette leçon


Slide 1 - Carte mentale

- Rich in oil and opium
-Borders Sovjet-Union

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Afghanistan (1950-1980)
  • 1953: Muhammad Daoed Khan becomes minister president
1960: Modernisation Afghanistan SU & US both interested.
• 1965: Afghanistan becomes a constitutional monarchie.
  • 1973 Vietnam war ends 
1978: Communist (Saur Revolution) take power about a succesful coup.
  • Iranian Revolution 1979
• 1979: Tensions between prime minister and deputy prime minister.
  • • Amin: Neutral foreign policy , Taraki: Focus on SU
  • 1979 Russian Invasian Afghanistan 

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Different parties 
  1. Afghanistan
  • President Daoed Kahn 
  • Communists 
  • Moejahedin  (Islamic fighters)

2. United States 

3. Sovjet-Union

4. Iran 

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Muhammad Daoed Khan
  • 1953:  Prime minsister
  • Western education
  • Muslim 
  • Spoke to American congress
  • In favor of reform and modernisation
  • 1973 plans coup - becomes President
  • Red-Prince

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Historical Context 
Helmand Valley project 
  • AID - Investment project 
  • US involvement 
  • Support Khan
  • New energy sourcers
  • New roads
  • Repaired bridges 
  •  Modernisation in agriculture

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Historical Context 
Modernisation '60
  • Golden years of Afghanistan
  • Modern architecture
  • New roads
  • Academic possibilities for woman
  • Burka was not mandetory 
  • Western clothing
  • Tourism

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Why did the US start the project in the Helmand Valley?

Slide 9 - Question ouverte

Communist Revolution
  • 1965: Communist party formed 
  • 1978 Saur Revolution Left-wing military officers take power
  • No support for the communist party from the people
  • 1978:Muhammed Daoed Khan killed
  • 1978:Decleration of Friendship between SU and Afghanistan 
  • Econimal aid, trade benefits and political ties with the Sovjet-Union 

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Why did both the SU and the US tried to help with the modernisation of Afghanistan?

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

  • Those who engage in Jihad 
  • Tribal/Urban groups
  • Supported by the US with weapons 
  • Conflict  communism and Islam

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Reason invasion SU
  •  Russia uses division 
  • Breshnev wants power - expansion Sovjet influene sphere
  • Afraid of Iranian influence and expansion of Islam 

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Name 2 reasons why the SU decided to invade Afghanistan?

Slide 14 - Question ouverte

1979-1989 Afghan war
  • Invasion on Christsmas day 1979
- 1979-1989: occupation Sovjet-Union - mostly cities
- Country side controlled by Mujahedin 
- Guerilla war vs Bombing villages 
- No Air suppriority
- Muslim volunteers 
- Cultural consequences 

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Sovjet Propaganda

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Slide 17 - Vidéo

End Afghan War 
-   US -> Sovjet imperialism
- SU -> self defence 
'The greatest achievement of the CIA during the Cold War'
- SU loses 
- Gorbatsjov pulls back
- First sign of SU collapse 

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End of Afghan war
- Taliban
- Start Afghan civil war - War lords
- Islamic Extremism and Pashtun nationalism 
Turns into a Islamic state 
- Taliban win the conflict - Sharia Law
- September 1966: Osama Bin Laden housed by Taliban
- Great culture change - exmpl. womans rights 

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Wat kan je afleiden uit deze bron?

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Wat kan je afleiden uit deze bron?

Slide 22 - Question ouverte

Welke gebeurtenis laat deze bron zien?

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Welke gebeurtenis laat deze bron zien?

Slide 24 - Question ouverte