Speaking 1, module 4

Speaking 1: Drama
Module 3, session 1
This week's objectives:
You will be able to…
-Use your body effectively for teaching
-Identify strengths and areas for improvement in your body language
-integrate drama activities effectively into your English teaching practice.
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsHBOStudiejaar 2

Cette leçon contient 37 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 3 vidéos.

Éléments de cette leçon

Speaking 1: Drama
Module 3, session 1
This week's objectives:
You will be able to…
-Use your body effectively for teaching
-Identify strengths and areas for improvement in your body language
-integrate drama activities effectively into your English teaching practice.

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Agenda - Acting day!
  • Week 3 Review
  • Ted Talks
  • Formal & Informal Speech
  • Body Language Introduction & Warm-Up
  • Activity Round: Emotional Improvisations
  • TED Talk Filming

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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Which of the following is NOT part of your final assessment for this course?
Participation in drama activities
An interview
A monologue
Leading a drama activity

Slide 3 - Quiz

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

I have prepared the activity I plan to lead.
I know what a B2-level spoken interaction goal is.
I know how to find/create an activity that puts participants in a fictious situaiton.
I would like feedback from my classmates/teacher on my activity.

Slide 4 - Quiz

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What to hand in on Gradework
  • Hand in a description, powerpoint or link to an online presentation for your drama activity to Gradework.
  • Due date: Friday, Test Week Period C at 23:59.
  • Sign up for Week 7 Final Assessments today: sign up with 3/4 people, make sure nobody ends up alone!
  • Dates to be announced in period C.

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Activity Environments on p. 8 of the Drama Activities Reader. 

Grouping: a whole class together
Materials: none
Time: 5-10 minutes
Purpose: body language
Tell the class to just start walking around the room. After a minute, shout out, “Now you are walking through peanut butter!” Give them 15-30 seconds to try this. Then shout out another environment, such as “Now you are walking on the moon!” The possibilities are endless: water, jell-0, nails, hot lava, etc.

TED talks
Individual speaking groups depending on who's here.
Group talks by: Tamira

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provide feedback on the B2/C1 language goal(s) and/or presentation skills goals
Short reflection
Speakers write down the feedback that you received and how this made you feel.

Everyone else write down what feedback was given and what you think of how it went, will you use anything for your upcoming TED talk? OR take a look at week 4 materials and choose your assignment.

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10min break

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Improv Time!

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Assignment 4 review
Have you filmed yourself yet and watched it?
Did you give yourself constructive feedback (instead of all-or-nothing thinking? 'I can't present.')
Next session: Make sure to film yourself and watch it back. In groups of your choice, you'll look at each other's performance. Then compare your feedback on body language to the feedback that was given by your classmates, were you too harsh on yourself?

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As much as it is uncomfortable (for some people) to rewatch themselves do anything, it is an integral part of becoming a better teacher. Overcome the uncomfortableness! Maybe you never will, but at least you'll get used to stepping over that initial dread. 

The activity is voluntary and can be done with people you trust the most or groups of choice
Vocabulary & Fluency game
 Activity: as a group, develop a story incorporating the random words generated by the website. Each person has to incorporate the new word into their next sentence without saying 'no' or 'umm'; if they do, they're 'out'. Once they have used the word the story moves onto the next person and a new word is generated. The 'winner' is the last person speaking not to say 'no' or 'umm'.


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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

For next session:
Bring the film of your TEDtalk and self-evaluation (Assignemnt 4: Your new Superpower).
Start brainstorming ideas for your IDT

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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Preparations-Canvas-Speaking 1- Assignment 5
  • For your assigned activity from ESL Role-Plays, come up with a B2-level spoken interaction goal you want your learners to fulfill by using the document in Assignment 4: Preparing your Drama Activity.
  • From your assigned activity, choose a discussion activity or 1-2 questions as a 3-minute preparatory activity.


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10 min prep, alone!

Leading your activity
  • 5 minutes: Share the goal and lead the preparatory activity.
  • 2 minutes: Assign each learner a role and let them read through their role.
  • 3 minutes: Have your learners perform their role-play.
  • 5 minutes: Evaluate the activity with your learners—Did they reach the goal? Did the preparatory activity help them do the role-play? Other comments?


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10 min prep, alone!

Speaking 1: Drama
Module 4, session 2
This week's objectives:
You will be able to..
-Use your body effectively for teaching
-Identify strengths and areas for improvement in your body language
-integrate drama activities effectively into your English teaching practice.

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Agenda - Theory&Acting

  • Body Language Warm-Up
  • Creating groups 3/4 people IDT
  • Reading Theory
  • The Friend Zone
  • Lip Sync
  • Subtext Activities
  • TEDTalk Body Language Feedback&

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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

TED talks
Individual speaking groups depending on who's here.
Group talks by: Sven, Tamira, anyone else?

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provide feedback on the B2/C1 language goal(s) and/or presentation skills goals
Canvas Assignment 4, step 1

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What are some of the do's when it comes to presenting

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What are some of the don'ts when it comes to presenting

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Why may it be a good idea to be able to ‘fake’ an emotion as a teacher?

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Slide 28 - Vidéo

4 categories when you first meet someone:
Sexual partner
Default setting is indifference.
How to get into the friend zone?

10min break

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Slide 30 - Vidéo

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Slide 31 - Vidéo

Choose who's going to be who:
Make sure to mute the sound!
Audio dub.
Lip sync in IDT groups!
  • Choose 2 people to be voices and 2 to be bodies (or in this case, faces and hands).
  • Decide who will be the voice for which body.
  • The conflict is that person A would like to ask person B to marry them. Person B would, however, like to break up with person A.
  • Have fun and come back to the main group after 10 minutes.


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Text example
Kelly:  Hello.
Chris:  Hi. How are you?
Kelly:  OK--and you?
Chris:  Oh, I'm OK
Kelly:  What's wrong?
Chris:  Nothing. Why do you ask?
Kelly:  Well, you just seem... Oh, I don't know.
Chris:  Well, I've got to go. Bye.
Kelly:  See you around.

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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Subtext Exercise: Choose 1 of these scenarios and prepare the dialogue for performance.
  • Kelly and Chris are at a friend’s funeral
  • Kelly and Chris are waiting in line for a roller-coaster
  • Kelly walks in on Chris looking in a mirror
  • Kelly doesn’t know it, but Chris saw her stealing a book
  • Kelly knows that Chris saw her steal the book
  • Chris just found out Kelly inherited a million dollars
  • Kelly just beat Chris in a math contest
  • Kelly is genuinely concerned, but she is the last person in the world Chris wants to talk to
  • Kelly and Chris are best friends
  • Kelly and Chris cannot stand each other but were told by their teacher to make an effort to tolerate each other

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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Reflection: Discuss the following questions
  • Have you enjoyed these improvisations?
  • Can you see yourself using any of these activities in class? Why/why not?
  • What do you struggle with when improvising?
  • What are your strengths when improvising?
  • What are your verbal/non-verbal communication goals?
  • What tips from the video (or elsewhere) would you like to put into practice?
  • What do you think is the single most important aspect of good body language while speaking publicly?

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Homework for next session
Do Assignment 5: Preparing your Drama Activity

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See you on Tuesday for S&W!

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