Unit 4: A healthy life

Unit 4 - A healthy life
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NederlandsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 39 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Unit 4 - A healthy life

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Lesson plan: 19 March 2020
1. Getting started with the unit:
- Formatives and summatives
- Focus per lesson
- Weekly tasks 

2. Task: Your daily meals

3. Watch 'Het jeugdjournaal'

4. Done? Weekly tasks 
Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Unit 4: A healthy life 
  • Unit about a healthy lifestyle 
  • Assessment: Criterion A + C/D --> Listening + Speaking 
  • Focus per lesson: 3 lessons a week
- Unitlesson: Dutch culture + vocabulary
- Skills: Listening (Jeugdjournaal!) + Speaking (dialogues) 
- Grammar (Friday!)
  • Weeklytask: Every week there will be a weekly task per phase. When you are done with the tasks for the lesson, you can work on the weekly task. The next weekly task has to be finished before the 27th of March

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Task: Your daily  meal
  • Make a new folder in your google drive with the name 'Unit 4 - A healthy life 
  • In that folder you make a new document with the name 'My daily meal'
  • In this document you make a list (in Dutch!) of what you have eaten and drunk (and will eat and drink) yesterday and today.
  • You may use a translation website to translate the words to Dutch. Don't forget to add your words to the (new!) quizlet list (unit 4 - a healthy life) 
  • Answer the following questions (next sheet): 

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Task: Your daily  meal
Answer the following questions: (Phase 1 in English, Phase 2+3 in Dutch)
1. What is a healthy diet according to you?
2. Did you eat and drink healthy yesterday and today? Give examples of healthy or unhealthy food you ate.
3. Who determines what is healthy and what not according to you? 
--> Make sure that your list of food and answers to the questions are in a google document in the drive that you have shared with me! 
  • If you are done with this task: Watch het jeugdjournaal (link on managebac) or work on the weekly task (in the google drive)!

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Lesson plan: 23 March 2020
1. Feedback task: Your daily meal

2. Speaking/writing exercise: Going to a restaurant

3. Tasks for this week:
- Finish dialogue 'Going to a (healthy) restaurant'
- Grammar exercises 
- Weekly task
Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Task: Your daily  meal
Answer the following questions: (Phase 1 in English, Phase 2+3 in Dutch)
1. What is a healthy diet according to you?
2. Did you eat and drink healthy yesterday and today? Give examples of healthy or unhealthy food you ate.
3. Who determines what is healthy and what not according to you? 
--> Make sure that your list of food and answers to the questions are in a google document in the drive that you have shared with me! 
  • If you are done with this task: Watch het jeugdjournaal (link on managebac) or work on the weekly task (in the google drive)!

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Dialogue: Going to a (healthy) restaurant
  • In groups of 2 you have to write a dialogue in Dutch. In this dialogue one of you is a guest that goes to a restaurant, the other one is a waiter
  • To help you write this dialogue, look at the dialogue of 'Going to a shop' which we used earlier this year (task is on the Google drive - Unit 4).       You can use parts from this dialogue
  • Make a new Google Document with the name 'Going to a restaurant) and share it with your partner so you can work simultaneously. 
  • The new dialogue has around the same length as the dialogue of 'Going to a shop'

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Dialogue: Going to a (healthy) restaurant
  • Make sure the restaurant you go to is a healthy restaurant! 
  • After you finished the dialogue, you are going to record the dialogue. 
  • You can do this in Google Meet and use the record function. 
--> One of you starts the Google Meet session and sends the link to the other one. Click on record and start with the dialogue. The recording will be in your Drive
  • You don't have to know the text by heart, you may read it!
  • When you have finished recording, make sure that the text of the dialogue + the recording is in both of your drives (Unit 4) 

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Dialogue: Going to a (healthy) restaurant
  • Differences per phase 
- Phase 1: Write a dialogue with short sentences. You only need to ask what's on the menu, order the food and pay at the end of the meal
- Phase 2: Extra: You are a vegetarian and want to know what the options are for you
- Phase 3: When you get your meal you find that there is too much salt in your food. You start complaining to the waiter 

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Dialogue: Going to a (healthy) restaurant
  • Groups MYP5 
Anna + Dhwani                                                                 Shea + Nefeli
Vitor + Avel
Gabriela + Amelia 
Arnav + Mathéo
Andrija + Hayden 
Valeria + Marielle
Travis + Meghan + Lars

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Summary: What to do for Dutch B this week?
1. Dialogue (Going to a healthy restaurant): Put your text + recording in your drive (Unit 4 folder)
2. Grammar task (New!): Phase 2/3 = Les 19 + Phase 1 = Les 20
--> You can find the exercises on the drive
3. Weekly task
--> You can find the exercises on the drive 

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Lesson plan: 1 April 2020
1. Listening exercise: A healthy life 

2. Tasks for this week:
- Finish listening exercise: A healthy life
- Grammar exercises: correction + 1 lesson (week 3) 
- Weekly task --> week 2

3. Feedback dialogue + weekly task (mail or document)
Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Lesson plan: 6 April 2020
1. Feedback listening exercise: 
A healthy life 
--> 2 groups:
- Phase 1&2
- Phase 3 (After 20 minutes)

2. Reading task: 'Thuis bezig blijven'

- Watch 'het jeugdjournaal'
- Finish weekly task
Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Lesson plan: 9 April 2020
1. Newskahoot: Het jeugdjournaal

2. Reading task: 'Thuis bezig blijven'
- Phase 1: Feedback
- Phase 2&3: Finish task

Done? Grammar task: 
Phase 1: Lesson 22 (Week 4)
Phase 2&3: Lesson 21 (Week 4)

Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Lesson plan: 4 May 2020
1. Preparation formative: listening exercise (5 mei: Bevrijdingsdag)

2. Speaking exercise: Taalpingpong

HW: Prepare for the listening formative (Exercises on Managebac) 

Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Listening exercise: Bevrijdingsdag
1. Watch the video: https://schooltv.nl/video/clipphanger-wat-vieren-we-op-5-mei/#q=5%20mei 
(Link is also on Managebac)
2. Answer the questions on the next sheet (answer them in a google document or write your answers on a paper)
- Phase 2 and 3: Answer all the questions
- Phase 1: Answer only the questions with (Phase 1) 
3. In 15 minutes I want to see you back in Google Meet to look at your answers! 

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1. On which date did the Allied Forces land in Normandy? (Phase 1)
2. Which 3 words can you also make with the D of D-day, according to the storyteller? And what do these words mean in English? 
3. Which Dutch province was liberated first in The Netherlands? (Phase 1)
4. What was the goal of Operation Market Garden? 
5. What do we remember on the 4th of May? (Phase 1) 
6. What do we remember on the 5th of May? (Phase 1)
7. What do people normally do on the 5th of May (If there wasn't a coronavirus)

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Speaking exercise: Taalpingpong
1. In the Google Drive you can find a document with the name 'Taalpingpong'
2. You will see a dialogue with a lot of vocabulary about food. 
3. In pairs of 2 you have to do the dialogue. You don't need to record it, it is just an exercise. Make your own Google Meet call to meet up with your partner
4. Do the dialogue twice, so you have said every sentence once. Also make sure you translate the words you don't know. 
5. Next week I will check with everyone to see if you know how to answer in the simple structure. 

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Lesson plan: 11 May 2020
Grammar lesson
1. Phase 1: Lesson 23 + 24
--> Instruction in Google Meet 
Done? Practise Taalpingpong (at loud!)

2. Phase 2&3: Lesson 22 + 23
--> Work individually (or meet up with a partner) 
--> Questions? Come to Google Meet
Done? Lesson 26

Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Lesson plan: 13 May 2020
Correction grammar lesson + Taalpingpong check
1. Phase 1: Lesson 23 + 24

2. Phase 2&3: Lesson 22 + 23

Meanwhile: Task - Instruction exercise 

Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Lesson plan: 18 May 2020
1. Finish writing task: instruction for an exercise 

2. Speaking exercise: Give your instruction + reflection 

3. Done? Watch 'het jeugdjournaal'
+ Do the quiz 
(links on Managebac --> Homework for next Monday)  

Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Speaking exercise: instruction
1. Choose a partner (or 2 partners) from your phase and set up a groupscall. 
2. Give your instruction and see if the other is able to do the exercise. (Your partner really needs to do the exercise in his/her room)
3. Write a little reflection about your instruction (in the same document as the instruction). Was your instruction clear? Was your exercise well chosen? 

Phase 1: English / Phase 2+3: Dutch 
--> Minimum 3 sentences

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Lesson plan: 25 May 2020
1. Speaking exercise: What is important for you to stay healthy? 
--> Prepare a small presentation 

2. Done? Prepare for the listening summative + look at the feedback on your formative

Next lesson: Listening summative 
--> Exercises are on Managebac   

Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Speaking exercise: presentation
1. This exercise will be a preparation for the formative (blog) and the summative (vlog) of this unit --> Criteria C + D 
2. For this task you will brainstorm about what a healthy life means to you. What keeps you healthy and happy? You have to choose 1 topic that is the most important for you. 
Examples: Sport, healthy food, social contact, mindfullness,...
3. Prepare a small presentation around the topic you chose: 
- Make a powerpoint with 1 slide or use a google document
- Choose 1 picture that resembles your topic

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Speaking exercise: presentation
- Describe your picture + explain why you chose this topic (why is it important to you) 
  • Phase 1: Describe your picture in Dutch in 3 short sentences. Your motivation may be in English. Use simple and short sentences!
  • Phase 2: Your presentation is in Dutch. It's around 10 sentences. You may use some short notes that are in the same document as the picture
  • Phase 3: Your presentation is in Dutch and 5 minutes long. Make sure that you really motivate why you chose this topic. 
Next monday:  Presentations per phase!

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Lesson plan: 4th June 2020
1. Grammar lesson!
  • Phase 1: Lesson 25
--> Verbs that start with 'te'

  • Phase 2&3: Lesson 26 + 27
--> Degrees of comparison & adjectives

HW: Prepare your small presentation (task from last week)

Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Lesson plan: 11th June 2020
1. Instruction Formal Formative: Blog 
- 2 lessons
- Instruction in Google Document (attached to the lesson plan)
- Submit on Managebac 

2. Presentations phase 3 

Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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Lesson plan: 22th June 2020
1. Listening exercise: How to make your own vlog? 

2. Instruction Summative: Vlog 
- 2 lessons 
- Submit on Google Drive (Dutch B folder) 
--> Next week Monday! 

3. Work on the script of your vlog 

Unit 4: A healthy life

Inquiry question: What is needed for us to be healthy? 

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How to make your own vlog? 
1. What is the first step when you want to make a vlog? 
2. What should you tell your viewers at the start of the vlog? 
3. What do you do after the introduction of the vlog? 
4. What should you pay attention to while filming your vlog? Name 2 things. (camera/speaking)
5. How should you end your vlog? 
6. What do you need to do if you want that many people watch your video? 
7. What other things do you think should be in a vlog? 
Time: 10 min

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Time schedule: Vlog task
Lesson 1 (Today): introduction vlog + brainstorm: How will you do your introduction? What will you show in your vlog? Which parts of your blog do you want to use? 
Lesson 2 (Thursday): Rewrite your blog with the feedback + write the script for your vlog. More time: practise with filming
Lesson 3 (Next week Monday): Film your vlog + editing --> Upload in your Dutch B folder

Need more time? --> Next week Tuesday is the last day to submit! 

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Last lesson: Summer quiz!
1. We will use this lesson to do a Dutch summer quiz! Don't worry, the questions are in English. But you need to use everything you know about The Netherlands and the Dutch language in this quiz. 
2. I made the groups for you. 
3. For this quiz you have to work together. When you know who your group members are, one of you makes a google document where you write your answers. Share this document with your group members so everyone can write in the document. 

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Last lesson: Summer quiz!
4. How you want to discuss with your group members is up to you! You can use the google document to type your message to each other and edit the answers, you may also use a whatsapp/another groups call.
5. Make sure you can still see and hear my screen. I will show the questions for the quiz on my screen. 
6. If you don't understand a question, you can always ask in Google Meet. Make sure you don't ask questions during a video. 
7. At the end of the quiz, one of you sends me a mail with your answers (in PDF). I will let you know who the winner is later (in mail). 

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Last lesson: Summer quiz!
8. Don't worry if you don't understand the Dutch videos. One of your group members might understand it and a lot of the questions are about the details in the video, not about what they say. 

Play fair and have fun! 

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Groups MYP5
- Group 1:
Marielle     Gabriela 
Hayden      Travis

- Group 2
Megan      Anna
Andrija      Mathéo

- Group 3
Shea     Valeria
Nefeli    Dhwani

- Group 4
Lars      Amelia
Vitor      Arnav

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Groups MYP4
- Group 1:
Maya    Isabela
Leo       Ruby

- Group 2
- Group 3

- Group 4
Seb          Renata
Polina     Jay

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Groups MYP3
- Group 1:
Romy                Makayla

- Group 2
Josh                 Dhruva
Shravan          Gonzalo
- Group 3
Martha        Selim
Jheel            Veer

- Group 4
Xavier           Valentina
Jamie           Kaan

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Groups MYP2
- Group 1:
Daniel           Aditya         

- Group 2
Aaryan           Prem
Yashvi            Giulia
- Group 3
Alec                Diva
Aashvi           William

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Groups MYP1
- Group 1:
Korn       Or
Noga    Emmely

- Group 2
Noren     Clotilde
Manuela     Mathew
- Group 3
Jason      Samantha
Lulu          Shelly

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