Lesson 3 - Once Upon a Time

Get out your:
- English book 
- Notebook
- Pencil case (etui)
- Erase board (wisbordje)
- Plenda/Agenda
Get ready to start when the second bell rings!

Get out your:
- English book
- Notebook
- Workbook
- Pencil case (etui)
- Erase board (wisbordje)
- Agenda
* Leg je werkboekje open op oefening 1 (docent checkt of je het huiswerk hebt gemaakt)
* Get ready to start when the second bell rings!
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

Cette leçon contient 21 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Get out your:
- English book 
- Notebook
- Pencil case (etui)
- Erase board (wisbordje)
- Plenda/Agenda
Get ready to start when the second bell rings!

Get out your:
- English book
- Notebook
- Workbook
- Pencil case (etui)
- Erase board (wisbordje)
- Agenda
* Leg je werkboekje open op oefening 1 (docent checkt of je het huiswerk hebt gemaakt)
* Get ready to start when the second bell rings!

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Starting Assignment
you may NOT use your book!
Write these words in your notebook and translate them:
Vloek                                           Vergiftigd
Geluk                                           Vieren
Vastzitten                                 Adopteren
Lijden                                          Kwaadaardig/slecht
Wens                                           Redden
Overwinning                            Eeuwigheid


Slide 2 - Diapositive

  • Grab your red (or green) pen
  • Open your book p. 7 + 12 
    (words lesson 1 and 2) 
  • Check and correct your starting assignment
    (wrong spelling = 0,5 point on test)
*Noteer je score (aantal goede antwoorden) bovenaan je pagina.

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Goals for this lesson
At the end of this lesson you can:
  1. explain the two reasons to use 'is going to' when we talk about the future.
  2. find the 'checklist' for the curse you are going to create (you know what should be in your curse)
  3. Log in to Blink and StudyGo

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Today's programme 
- Check homework
- talking about the future
- learning about curses (grading examples)
- log in to Blink and StudyGo
- watch episode 2?

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Thursday, 26 September

L: words Blink page 25
M: exercises 3 in the paper workbook (going to) 

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Thursday, 19 September

L: words Blink page 25 (first page of the long word list)
M: exercises 3 in the paper workbook (going to) 

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Compare your answers with your neighbour's -
'to be' in Present Simple (am, is, are)

1. In a faraway land, there _______ a small village where everyone _______ friendly.
2. The villagers _______ always happy to tell stories about their past.
3. There _______ a brave knight who protects the village from danger.
4. The knight _______ very strong and wise.
5. Every morning, the villagers ______ excited to see the knight riding through the town.

6. In the village, there _______ a large, ancient tree where people gather.
7. The tree _______ magical and grants wishes.
8. The children _______ curious about the stories of the magical tree.
9. There _______ a storyteller who _______ ready to share tales with the children.
10. The villagers _______ proud of their peaceful and beautiful village.


Slide 8 - Diapositive

  1. De jas van mijn moeder. - My mother’s coat.

  2. Het boek van mijn broer. - ______________________________________

  3. De auto van John. - ________________________________________

  4. De zus van Mark. - ________________________________________

  5. Het eten van de kat. - ________________________________________

  6. De pen van de leraar. - _______________________________________
  7. wat valt op aan de volgorde tussen Nederlands en Engels?

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Talking about the future: is going to
- Today we are going to talk about curses.
- This is going to be fun.

  • Je gebruikt am going to, are going to en is going to:
  • als iets gepland is (de docent heeft de les gepland)
  • als het erop lijkt dat het in de toekomst gaat gebeuren. (met bewijs!)

Na am/is/aregoing to komt altijd een heel werkwoord (miss, be, do, talk).

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Talking about the future: is going to
- Today we are going to talk about curses.
- This is going to be fun.

  • Je gebruikt am going to, are going to en is going to:
  • als iets gepland is (de docent heeft de les gepland)
  • als het erop lijkt dat het in de toekomst gaat gebeuren. (met bewijs!)

Na going to komt altijd een heel werkwoord (bijvoorbeeld miss, be, do, talk).

Slide 11 - Diapositive

In your notebook: complete the sentences with: am/is/are going to + verb. 

  1. Emma _______ (find) out the truth about her parents. (She already has a clue!)
  2. Snow White and Prince Charming _______ (rescue) their daughter. (They made a plan last night.)
  3. The Evil Queen _______ (cast) a spell over the town. (I saw her preparing the potion!)
  4. I _______ (help) Emma on her journey. (We decided to work together)
  5. Mr. Gold _______ (make) a deal with Regina. (She signed a contract.)
  6. Henry _______ (leave) Storybrooke soon, he already packed his bags.
  7. You and I _______ (visit) the enchanted forest tomorrow. (I have the tickets!)
  8. Hook _______ (fight) the pirates. (He has already drawn his sword.)
  9. The villagers _______ (hide) from the curse. (They have found a safe place.)
  10. I _______ (tell) everyone the story of Snow White. (I’ve prepared my notes!)

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Slide 14 - Diapositive

p.18 book

Watch first, then discuss with 'schoudermaatje'


Slide 15 - Diapositive

Follow these steps:                                            complete step 5 before timer ends
                                                                                                             = pluspoint!
1. Magister                                                                              
2. Leermiddelen                                                                           
3. Engels Blink
4. Kies je leerjaar en klas
5. Steek je hand op als dat is gelukt, dan kan de docent het werk voor je klaarzetten.
6. Klaar? Help klasgenoten die het moeilijk vinden. (Fluisterend!)
                                                                                                                         = pluspoint


Slide 16 - Diapositive


Slide 17 - Diapositive

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Slide 19 - Diapositive

7. Once Upon a Time
8. Exercise 1: understanding evil curses
9. finished the exercises? --> Practise words
Je komt alleen aan je eigen laptop
Je doet eerst exercises 1, daarna de woordjes.
Je doet NIETS anders op de laptop --> inleveren, woordjes overschrijven

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Once Upon a Time Bingo!

Slide 21 - Diapositive