Pre-university Year 3 adjectives and adverbs

Lesson on adjectives & adverbs
Pre-university year 3
1 / 18
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 18 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Lesson on adjectives & adverbs
Pre-university year 3

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Today's Programme
*Show what you know
*Learning goal: "Ik kan een bijwoord gebruiken om een actie te beschrijven (hoe iets gedaan wordt) en bijvoeglijk naamwoord om een persoon, ding of dier te beschrijven."
*Do exercises 

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Show what you know!
Word lists about 'people' (i.e. describing civilizations etc.) 

Slide 3 - Diapositive

What type of house do you live in? Choose from: detached house, terraced house, semi-detached house.

Slide 4 - Question ouverte

I don't know if this news source is 1. ___________ , since the trustworthiness is 2. _________as lacking by the general public . Especially the interview in which a famous artist talked about how 3. __________ he is about releasing his latest album seems to be dodgy. It seems as if the journalist had been paid prior to the interviewer by said artist.

Choose from: to preserve - legal system - reliable - - faith - community - passionate - regarded - native.

Slide 5 - Question ouverte

Kampen is a 1. ________ city that boasts many shops, restaurants and small cafés. The city council is renovating one of its most famous landmarks. The church tower in the city centre. Soon they will remove the 2. _____________. Many 3. _________ are relieved that it will be removed because it's spoiling the cityscape (stadsgezicht).
1. residential 2. bustling 3. scaffoling
1. bustling 2. residential 3. scaffolding
1. bustling 2. scaffolding 3. residents
1. resident 2. bustling 3. scaffolding

Slide 6 - Quiz

You have been backpacking through a country. You're walking on the pavement and you bump into someone who seems familiar to you. How do you say... (Ik weet vrij zeker dat ik je eerder gezien heb.) This person affirms that you met each other at a hostel two weeks ago. You ask what the person has been doing lately. (Wat heb je de laatste tijd gedaan?)

Slide 7 - Question ouverte

look at the following three sentences...

1. The man easily defeated his opponent during the match.
2. He admitted to the interviewer it was an easy match.
What does the word 'easily' describe and what does the word 'easy' describe?

Slide 8 - Question ouverte

Theorie (grammatica)
Je gebruikt een bijvoeglijk naamwoord om een zelfstandig naamwoord (actie, persoon, dier, gebeurtenis); Dit staat vaak voor een zelfstandig naamwoord. 

1. The amazing performance was met with a cheerful response. 
2. The hungry animal devoured the innocent prey. 
3. The enthusiastic mayor revealed the finished statue. 

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Het bijvoeglijk naamwoord kan ook verderop in de zin staan (achter een koppelwerkwoord = to be, to seem, to look  ) 

1. The mayor is enthusiastic  (The enthusiastic mayor)
2. Those people are kind.        
3.  He seems very upset.          
4. That test looks easy

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Je gebruikt een 'bijwoord' om aan te geven hoe iets gebeurt (op welke manier)
1. The actors performed amazingly during play.  (hoe? -> geweldig) 

2. The animal hungrily devoured the prey. (hoe? -> hongerig) 

3. The mayor enthusiastically revealed the statue. (hoe? -> enthousiast) 

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Een bijwoord zegt over hoe iets gebeurt. Het kan wat over een werkwoord zeggen. (hoe deden ze het licht aan? -> onmiddelijk)
Basisregel: een bijwoord krijgt een -ly uitgang 

1. She immediately switched on the lights. 
2. The dog slowly took the treat from the owner. 
3. The musician sang very loudly. 

Slide 12 - Diapositive

regel 2: een bijwoord krijg een -ily uitgang als het bijv. naamw. een 'y' uitgang heeft. 

1.The spectators happily cheered on the runners. (happy)
2.My sister easily finished the pop quiz within an hour. (easy
3. The predator hungrily devoured its prey. (hungry

Slide 13 - Diapositive

*Bijwoord kunnen ook gebruikt worden om te vertellen over een ander 'bijv. naamwoord' of  'bijwoord'. 
                                                                  bijw. (hoe?)   bijv nw. (wat voor?)  
1. The view from the mountain was absolutely incredible. 

               bijw. (hoe?) bijv. nw. (wat voor soort) 
2. The incredibly annoying baby finally stopped crying. 

Slide 14 - Diapositive

The athlete was 1. ______(extreme) proud of his achievements. He had finally won a golden medal. He 2. _______(immediate) walked up to his wife to give her a hug; The 3. __________(lovely) moment was captured on camera by journalists. The son, who was also present, was 4.__________(clear) 5._______(incredible) proud.

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

The athlete was 1. ______(extreme) proud of his achievements. He had finally won a golden medal. He 2. _______(immediate) walked up to his wife to give her a hug; The 3. __________(lovely) moment was captured on camera by journalists. The son, who was also present, was 4.__________(clear) 5._______(incredible) proud.

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

Page 115
Do: exercises 7, 8,9,

Exercise 10 (in a word file -> with which of these points do you agree / disagree)
-Do something for another subject / Finish the informal letter; 
Time: ___________
Outcome: we'll   check exercise 7 

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Lr. words lesson 2,3,4 (unit 3)
Lr. expressions A,B,C (unit 3) 
st. grammar (future tenses + the adjectives vs adverbs) 
Do: exercises 8,9,10 

Slide 18 - Diapositive