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Chapter 1 - C: Reading
Chapter 1
1 / 14
Slide 1:
Middelbare school
vmbo k
Leerjaar 3
Cette leçon contient
14 diapositives
, avec
diapositives de texte
La durée de la leçon est:
50 min
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Éléments de cette leçon
Chapter 1
Slide 1 - Diapositive
What do you need this lesson?
- Your textbook
- Your workbook
- Your notebook
- A pen
- Smartphone (on quiet)
- Earbuds/headphones
- Food/drinks (this means water as well)
- Gum
* Bags on the floor
- Jackets/Coats
On your desk:
In your bag (not pockets):
In your locker:
Slide 2 - Diapositive
What do you always have to do?
Always take a notebook with you to class.
Write down the grammar rules in your notebook.
Write other important stuff in your notebook.
No notebook (or an empty one) means that you've forgotten your work.
Create a vocabulary list at the end of your notebook. This broadens your vocabulary and help you remember more.
Take Notes!
Vocabulary list
Always do your homework + don't forget to bring your homework, books, pen and notebook with you.
Slide 3 - Diapositive
Learning goals
I can find and understand specific information in simple everyday material;
I know what crowdfunding is;
I can talk about a specific project to my classmate;
I can scan a text:
I can give my opinion about crowdfunding;
I can create a crowdfunding project and present it to the class;
Slide 4 - Diapositive
This lesson:
18. Before reading - give your opinion
19. During reading - scan a text
20. After reading
Create your own crowdfunding page.
C. Reading
Slide 5 - Diapositive
What do you know about crowdfunding?
Slide 6 - Diapositive
18. Before reading
On your own:
- Look and read the two crowdfunding texts on the screen.
In pairs:
- Discuss which one you would choose and why. How much money would you like to raise?
In the classroom:
- Tell the class why you've chosen a particular text.
Slide 7 - Diapositive
Reading - scanning
Go to page 211 of your book and read:
Zoekend lezen - scanning
Tell me in English what you have to do if you scan a text.
Slide 8 - Diapositive
19. During reading
On your own:
- Scan a crowdfunding project on page 43 of your book. Answer the questions on page 42 (19-during reading)
Read the text and answer the questions on page 43
Slide 9 - Diapositive
20. After reading
On your own:
Read the Theme words again.
- Write them down in the correct category. (page 39)
In pairs:
- Compare your answers with those of a classmate;
In the classroom:
- Why is it negative or positive? Explain.
Slide 10 - Diapositive
21. After reading
On your own:
Give your opinion and answer the questions.
In the classroom:
- We'll discuss the answers together.
Slide 11 - Diapositive
Create a crowdfunding
In groups of three/four:
- Create a crowdfunding together and write it down.
- It can be silly
- How much money?
- What is your goal?
- What is the purpose?
- What platform would you use?
- Give a short explanation.
- Use PowerPoint or Word.
Present this the next lesson
Slide 12 - Diapositive
What have you learned?
I can find and understand specific information in simple everyday material;
I know what crowdfunding is;
I can talk about a specific project to my classmate;
I can scan a text:
I can give my opinion about crowdfunding;
I can create a crowdfunding project and present it to the class;
Slide 13 - Diapositive
Next Lesson (Homework)
Next lesson:
Create a crowdfunding in groups of three/four.
- It can be silly
- How much money?
- What is your goal?
- What is the purpose?
- What platform would you use?
- Give a short explanation.
- Use PowerPoint or Word.
Slide 14 - Diapositive
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