Junior Class History Lesson

Junior Class
1 / 21
Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 21 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Junior Class

Slide 1 - Diapositive

What are we going to do today?
  • You will compete with each other and find out which explorer will return with the most riches
  • You will be quizzed on your knowledge about the Age of Discovery
  • You will need a piece of paper and a pen
  • You will need a phone to answer the quiz questions

Slide 2 - Diapositive

The assignment
  • Use your piece of paper and write down that you have 6 coins
  • With every new question, you can receive new coins or lose them. On your piece of paper, you can write down + ... or - ... to keep track of your coins.
  • The people who have the most coins at the end of the game, win! 

Slide 3 - Diapositive

The story
"It is the year 1490. A wealthy Dutch merchant (handelaar) has hired you to find a new route to the Indies, a place far away from here. He has been getting spices (specerijen), herbs (kruiden) and riches from that area for years. However, the road to the Indies is now in the hands of the Ottoman Empire. The merchant has asked you to find a new route to the Indies. The one who returns with the most goods (producten) will be richly rewarded! " 

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Slide 5 - Diapositive

What kind of ship will you use?
Write down A, B or C on your piece of paper with the characteristic of your ship.
Every ship costs 3 coins (so write down -3 points on your paper)
Een schip gericht of stevigheid / sturdiness
Een schip gericht op snelheid / speed
Een schip gericht op laadruimte / capacity

Slide 6 - Quiz

Which continents were explored between 1450 - 1700 by European merchants?
(Good= +1 coin, Wrong= -1 coin)
Africa and Asia
Asia and America
America, Africa and Asia

Slide 7 - Quiz

Which European sailor (re)discovered America in 1492?
(correct = +1 coin, wrong= -1 coin)
Vasco da Gama
Christopher Columbus
Michiel de Ruyter
Amerigo Vespucci

Slide 8 - Quiz

Why did Columbus sail to the West instead of going South?

(correct = +1 coin, wrong = -1 coin)
Hij dacht dat het een snellere route zou zijn vanwege de kalme oceaan
Hij dacht dat de wereld rond was en dat hij via het Westen ook zijn bestemming kon bereiken
De koning en konigin van Spanje dwongen hem deze route te nemen.
Hij dacht dat hij, door naar het westen te varen, andere rijke landen zou tegenkomen op zijn reis.

Slide 9 - Quiz

Event #1:
You are sailing along the western coast of Africa. You see a port with lots of buildings and you hear a lot of sounds. What do you do?
Write on your paper if you keep on sailing or visit the port
You keep on sailing, ignoring the port
You decide to visit the port, maybe to get some new food or to get important information!

Slide 10 - Quiz

Event #1 results
A) You keep on sailing, ignoring the port. 
--> Jullie liggen voor op de andere groep(en), krijgen een extra munt (+1), maar hebben niet voldoende eten meer. 
B) You decide to visit the port, maybe to get some new food or to get important information.
--> Jullie kennen als enige een route, die langs de rotsen in het water leidt. Jullie hebben wel nog voldoende eten.

Slide 11 - Diapositive

It looks like you reached the most southern point of Africa. 

A lot of stories tell us that this is the halfway point to India!

Slide 12 - Diapositive

How do we call the most southern point of Africa?
(correct = +1 coin, wrong= -1 coin)
Nova Zembla
Cape town
Golden Bay
Cape of Good Hope

Slide 13 - Quiz

Event #2
A storm is coming...Luckily you all chose a sturdy ship... right? 

If you chose a sturdy ship (type A): You lose nothing.

If you chose a fast ship (type B): You lose a lot of trade goods, lose 2 coins!

If you chose a ship with lots of capacity (type C): You lose 1 coin, because lots of stuff falls overboard.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

The Dutch captain calls out: "Drie knopen bakboord!"
Which side of the ship is bakboord?
(Good= +1 coin, Wrong= -1 coin)
The front
Left side
Right side
The back

Slide 15 - Quiz

Event #3
The ships approach their
destination. Everything 
seemed fine, until large 
pointy rocks appeared near
the coast. 

Did everyone know this?

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Event #3 results 
Hadden jullie gekozen voor een het bezoek aan het havendorp:
-> You lose nothing. 
Did you choose to keep on sailing:
-> You lose 2 coins. 
If you chose the fast ship:
-> You lose 1 coin instead of 2 if you decided to skip the visit. 

Slide 17 - Diapositive

End results
  • Those who chose the fast ship (type B)  get 2 extra coins.
  • The sturdy ship (type A) did not have any problems along the way, they get 1 extra coin. 
  • The ships with a large capacity (type C) brought double the goods.  You double your coins.
Who has the most coins? Who is our winner?  

Slide 18 - Diapositive

How many coins do you have left?
Less than 5 coins
6 coins
7 coins
8 coins
9 coins
10 coins
11 coins
12 coins
13 coins
14 coins or more

Slide 19 - Sondage

Slide 20 - Diapositive

What have you learned this lesson? Write down one answer

Slide 21 - Question ouverte