Session 8 - Independent session

Element 11 - Special Educational needs

Session 8 - Independent session due to learning & development day. 
T - level in Education & Early Years 
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MathematicsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

Cette leçon contient 22 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

Éléments de cette leçon

Element 11 - Special Educational needs

Session 8 - Independent session due to learning & development day. 
T - level in Education & Early Years 

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Learning objectives 
By the end of the independent session , all learners will be able to:

  1. Recap and recall some key information and terminology practitioners need to be aware of when working with children and young people.
  2. Clearly explain 5 chronic health conditions and the impact that can because on learning and development. 
  3. Start your first early intervention plan to support the child in the case study. (ESP exam support) 

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Pause for a thought

This session is planned as part of your independent study time. 
While going through the powerpoint, you will be required to carry out additional information on the topics covered. 
This is good professional practice and we provide you practice in using the internet in the correct way to search information you require. 

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Key term 
Neurological development
A term referring to brain development, often affected by the central nervous system. For example: ASD or ADHD
Holistic is a term used when referring to overall development (PILES) and overall wellbeing.
Perception is the ability to work on something out based on how we understand this. Children with certain disabilities may struggle with this. 
Logic & reasoning
The ability to problem solve and understand why things are happening. Children who have multiple disabilities may struggle with.
Auditory and visual processing
Auditory and visual processing is part of our processing abilities, using sound and image to understand. Individuals with visual impairment will struggle making sense of information, judging distances and spatial processing. It can affect their confidence and they way they respond to situations. 
Key terminology work bank - recall 

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Cognitive difficulties may impact holistic development
Children and young people who may have a learning need or disability may struggle with: 
Language and communication 
Reading and comprehension skills 
Mathematical skills and concepts 
Vocabulary and communication skills 
Attention span 
Co - ordination 

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Cystic fibrosis
This is a genetic condition, there are many who carry the gene in the UK. It is believed to be 1 in 25 people, often many carry the gene without knowing at all. 
If both parents carry the gene, then it is likely the child will be diagnosed at birth using the 'heel prick test'.
Cystic fibrosis is a condition that affects the liver and digestive system, a diagnosed person is likely to need much treatment including an oxygen tank. 
Organ transplants are considered for those who have severe symptoms of the condition. 

Working with children of this condition, they will need much support for their learning and development. Partnership working with parents and professionals is essential 

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Explore the following website to gain further information about cystic fibrosis. 
Once you have opened the website click on 'About CF'. 

There are loads of tabs you could use to extend your knowledge.

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Public are now more aware of depression and mental health concerns in children and young people. 
The current statistics show 1 in 3 children and young people experience symptoms of depression.
Often this will affect emotional stability, behaviour or even abilities to form relationships.
Depression can lead to disorders that can lead to fatalities, such as: eating disorders, bulimia, self - harm or drug and alcohol abuse.

On occasions adult become unaware a child is expressing depression, it is advised healthy relationships and discussions regularly with children and young people is key.

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Sickle cell disease

Research sickle cell disease using the NHS website or the NHs video. 
What does it tell you?

Note take in bullet point form.

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Sickle cell disease
Hemoglobin is the part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen. In sickle cell disease, the hemoglobin can change the rounded shape of red blood cells into a C-shape that is crooked, like the tool called a sickle. When that happens, the cells get sticky and can clog up small blood vessels. It also makes the red cells more fragile and likely to break apart, causing anemia.

This condition is genetically inherited. All of us have two genes that decide what kind of hemoglobin we have, one from each parent. People with sickle cell disease have two copies of the sickle gene, inherited from both parents. If someone has one copy, they have "sickle cell trait," meaning that they are a carrier of the gene.

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Fragile X syndrome 
  • Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition that affects a range of developmental problems and causes learning disabilities.
  • Behaviour and learning is normally at the fore front, the symptoms can range from mild to severe.
  • Along side learning disabilities, children experience short attention span, impulsivity, overreactions as well as struggles to regulate own emotions.
  • Fragile X is known to cause global delay in children.
  • It can affect both males and females, but males are affected more. 
  • children may share features similar to autism, social anxiety, struggles with changes to routine or repititive body movements such as spinning or flapping.

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Diabetes is a life long condition (chronic) that can be managed, this condition occurs when sugar levels build up in the blood stream and become too high. The often happens as your body may struggles to produce insulin. 

Type 1 - Can be genetically inherited and is a chronic condition. It can be present from birth of arise later on life. People of all ages can develop type 1 diabetes, this happens when your pancreas doesn’t make insulin or makes very little insulin. Insulin helps blood sugar enter the cells in your body for use as energy. Without insulin, blood sugar can’t get into our cells.
Some symptoms could be: wetting the bed, feeling tired of lack of energy, bad breathe.

Type 2 - This form of diabetes can occur due to bad diet or lack of exercise. This causes the sugar levels (glucose) to rise in our blood stream. This can be managed through the injection on insulin with meals to ensure glucose levels remain correct.

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Diabetes affect on learning.

Diabetes can affect a child’s learning because it can cause difficulties with attention, memory, processing speed and perceptual skills if it’s not managed.

It’s really important that a child is supported at school so they can manage their diabetes and get the most out of being at school.

Some children with diabetes will have more absences than other students. This won’t be the case for every child with diabetes, but if they do take time off for hospital appointments or feeling unwell because of diabetes, it’s important they don’t get penalised for this if possible.

It’s the parent’s responsibility to tell you their child has diabetes as soon as possible, so make sure you discuss your school’s absence policy with them and how you can be flexible to make sure the child doesn’t feel set up to fail.

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Understanding low - tech & high - tech communications 
Low tech communications
Low tech or aided communication does not require any chargers or batters.
It may involve the use of specific pens or papers or even PECS. 
PECS  is Picture exchange communication systems, this is photos or symbols to support communication.

High tech communications
These may include the use of battery powered items (computers/iPads/ eye tracking devices).
Often recommended by professionals such as AAC professionals or speech therapist. 
High tech communications can also include a voice aid, this produces the sound of a voice. 

Click the link below to find out more 

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Task 1 - Revision questions
Try and answer the following questions without your notes. 
If a question requires you to look at your notes then ensure to add this to your revision list.

What is the main legislation affecting SEND in England?
Explain the purpose of the progress check at two. 
What is the purpose of an EHC plan? When and why would it be used?
How the SEND code of practice 2015 linked to the Children & Families Act 2014?
Name 4 ways you can remove barriers to learning and development to support children with SEND.

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Early support plan task - Link to ESP Task 1a
What is an early support plan?

This a plan you will create to support the child in the case profile given to you for your research task. 
You will need to focus on 5 areas of development(holistic - PILES), and how you can add ;strategies' to support the child in the case study.
In your exam you will have 3 hours to write this documents - should be about 8 - 10 pages in detail. 

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Area of development
strategies to support child in case study and area of development
Link to theory
Your intentions
This must be repeated for all 5 areas.
  • Physical
  • Intellectual 
  • Language
  • Emotional 
  • Social
Use the example on google classroom!

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Your case study
Your case study 
You will use the case study to to start your early support plan.

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Your case study
Areas in focus
You will also receive this information, it shows you what the child in the case study in currently achieving 

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Using the information provided, create an early support plan for Amelia. 

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