tekst 7 2019

tekst 7 2019
1 / 24
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 24 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

tekst 7 2019

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Top 6 tips bij CE Engels
TIP 1:   Let op signaalwoorden en kernzinnen
TIP 2:   Zorg voor een grote woordenschat
TIP 3:   Kijk films en documentaires in het Engels
TIP 4:   Lees zo veel mogelijk Engelse teksten
TIP 5:   Gebruik je woordenboek verstandig
TIP 6:   Leer Engels met een app

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Tijdens het examen

  • Houd de tijd in de gaten.
  • Kijk naar de titel, inleiding, naam van de schrijver etc.
  • Wat weet je al van het onderwerp?
  • Probeer lastige woorden te begrijpen via de context.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

  1. Kies zelf met welke tekst je begint
  2. Lees voordat je de tekst leest eerst:

        De titel



  3. Ga zelf na wat je al over het onderwerp weet, voordat je de vragen gaat


Slide 5 - Diapositive

Tijdens het examen per tekst

  • Lees alinea voor alinea - examenvragen.
  • Let op de eerste en laatste zin van de alinea.
  • Bevatten deze een aanwijzing?
  • Open vragen kort en bondig beantwoorden
  • schrijf duidelijk en leesbaar
  • Wat is jouw eigen antwoord? 
  • Kies het antwoord wat het meest op jouw  antwoord lijkt.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Bij de volgende tekst gaan we eerst woorden

  • Bekijk eerst of je de betekenis kunt raden door de andere woorden.
  • Je hoeft geen letterlijke vertaling te geven, het gaat er om dat je de tekst begrijpt.

  • Bekijk of het woord op een ander woord lijkt.
  • Zoek het basiswoord. (slow ipv slowly, extend ipv extended)
  • Let op :Er staan vaak meerdere betekenissen. 
  • Oefen met het woordenboek dat je op je examen gaat gebruiken.

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Young adults disconnecting with ‘dumbphones’
1 When Ryan Gleeson punches out a text message or takes a call on his cellphone at parties, he prepares to hear questions from onlookers, and sometimes snickers. That’s because the 24-year-old carries a $50 flip phone – the Samsung Gusto 2. There’s no touch screen or apps. No Web browsing capabilities. No collection of music to enjoy through earbuds. Gleeson is among cellphone users who choose to be dialed out of the world of iPhones, BlackBerrys and Androids. In an increasingly connected and accessible culture, these stalwarts have chosen
hand-held devices that offer only the basics, despite the social isolation and limitations that may come with them. 
Probeer de betekenis van de witte woorden te achterhalen. Gebruik je woordenboek indien nodig.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

2 For Gleeson, hanging up the iPhone demonstrates no grand realization about humanity, he said; rather, it’s a way to tamp down his compulsive email checking. “With the basic phone it’s a lot easier to just step away and say, ‘I’m not going to work right now,’” he said. He also feels as though he has more peace of mind and is able to just sit and think, taking in his environment on bus rides to work. “I feel more free.” 
Probeer de betekenis van de witte woorden te achterhalen. Gebruik je woordenboek indien nodig.

Slide 9 - Diapositive

According to a Pew Research Center survey some young adults who could afford the costly Web-browsing phones and the monthly fees associated with them are sticking with more basic devices. When Pew researchers recently asked these people why they didn’t upgrade, a perceived lack of need and the high price of smartphones were the two main reasons mentioned most. Some young adults using the low-tech gear see smartphones as a potential disruption. Craig Griffin, a 36-yearold freelance illustrator from Chicago said he has resisted upgrading from his 2-year-old Samsung slider, partially because of the (25.....) he feels seeing people glued to their screens. “It’s important for me to be therewith the people that I’m with and give them my attention,” he said. 
Probeer de betekenis van de witte en rode woorden te achterhalen. Gebruik je woordenboek indien nodig.

Slide 10 - Diapositive

4 Those who don’t have a smartphone admitted there are times when they long for the power and convenience of having what amounts to a minicomputer in their pocket. Gleeson said he misses being able to look things up quickly on Wikipedia. When a couple of his league’s softball games were rained out last year, Griffin still showed up to the field on his bike because he never saw the Facebook cancellation announcement. “Everyone else on the team knew about it,” he said. 
Probeer de betekenis van de witte woorden te achterhalen. Gebruik je woordenboek indien nodig.

Slide 11 - Diapositive

5 Aaron Ervin, 25, who works at a guitar repair shop, gave up his smartphone about six months ago and now carries no cellphone at all. He said he misses being able to Google unfamiliar references that come up in day-to-day conversation. “I felt like my smartphone made me, well, smarter,” Ervin said. “But once my battery died I was just as ignorant as before.” Ervin said his cellphoneless state does at times annoy his friends but that the distance and quiet that replaces constant texting and Twitter monitoring makes it worth it. 
Probeer de betekenis van de witte woorden te achterhalen. Gebruik je woordenboek indien nodig.

Slide 12 - Diapositive

6 (28 .......) some who have resisted an upgrade said they could eventually be enticed to switch. Griffin said he foresees upgrading to a smartphone onen day if applications are developed that “would totally enhance my life. It just hasn’t happened yet,” he said. For now, “a phone just needs to be a phone.”

chicagotribune.com, 2014
Probeer de betekenis van de witte woorden te achterhalen. Gebruik je woordenboek indien nodig.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Young adults disconnecting with ‘dumbphones’

1 When Ryan Gleeson punches out a text message or takes a call on his cellphone at parties, he prepares to hear questions from onlookers, and sometimes snickers. That’s because the 24-year-old carries a $50 flip phone – the Samsung Gusto 2. There’s no touch screen or apps. No Web browsing capabilities. No collection of music to enjoy through earbuds. Gleeson is among cellphone users who choose to be dialed out of the world of iPhones, BlackBerrys and Androids. In an increasingly connected and accessible culture, these stalwarts have chosen
hand-held devices that offer only the basics, despite the social isolation and limitations that may come with them. 
vraag 22 ‘Young adults disconnecting with “dumbphones”’ (titel)

Welk woord in alinea 1 wordt gebruikt om deze groep mensen te typeren?
Citeer (= schrijf over uit de tekst) dit woord. 

Slide 14 - Diapositive

23 What can be concluded from paragraph 1?

Only a small group of people are up-to-date with the latest gadgets.
Some people consciously go for a mostly off-line existence.
The flip phone is starting to become trendy amongst youngsters.
Youngsters without money for a smartphone tend to be lonely.

Slide 15 - Quiz

2 For Gleeson, hanging up the iPhone demonstrates no grand realization about humanity, he said; rather, it’s a way to tamp down his compulsive email checking. “With the basic phone it’s a lot easier to just step away and say, ‘I’m not going to work right now,’” he said. He also feels as though he has more peace of mind and is able to just sit and think, taking in his environment on bus rides to work. “I feel more free.” 
‘For Gleeson, hanging up the iPhone demonstrates no grand realization about humanity’ (paragraph 2)

vraag 24
What does this remark make clear about Gleeson? 

Slide 16 - Diapositive

‘For Gleeson, hanging up the iPhone demonstrates no grand realization
about humanity’ (paragraph 2)
What does this remark make clear about Gleeson?

He had a simple and practical reason for opting to get rid of his smartphone.
He intended to make a heart-felt statement about people’s cellphone habits.
He was more at ease among people who did not look on their phones constantly.
He was only trying to find an appropriate way of doing his job more effectively.

Slide 17 - Quiz

According to a Pew Research Center survey some young adults who could afford the costly Web-browsing phones and the monthly fees associated with them are sticking with more basic devices. When Pew researchers recently asked these people why they didn’t upgrade, a perceived lack of need and the high price of smartphones were the two main reasons mentioned most. Some young adults using the low-tech gear see smartphones as a potential disruption. Craig Griffin, a 36-yearold freelance illustrator from Chicago said he has resisted upgrading from his 2-year-old Samsung slider, partially because of the (25.....) he feels seeing people glued to their screens. “It’s important for me to be therewith the people that I’m with and give them my attention,” he said. 
Probeer de betekenis van de witte en rode woorden te achterhalen. Gebruik je woordenboek indien nodig.
25 Kies bij 25 in alinea 3 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden.
A dependence
B fascination
C indifference
D irritation 

Slide 18 - Diapositive

25 Kies bij 25 in alinea 3 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden.


Slide 19 - Quiz

4 Those who don’t have a smartphone admitted there are times when they long for the power and convenience of having what amounts to a minicomputer in their pocket. Gleeson said he misses being able to look things up quickly on Wikipedia. When a couple of his league’s softball games were rained out last year, Griffin still showed up to the field on his bike because he never saw the Facebook cancellation announcement. “Everyone else on the team knew about it,” he said. 
26 What is the purpose of Griffin’s softball game anecdote? (paragraph 4)

A It explains why a growing group of people refuse to upgrade their smartphones.
B It illustrates that it is perfectly possible to live without a smartphone nowadays.
C It makes clear that the internet generation is often inconsiderate and rude.
D It shows that most people rely on the internet as their main means of

Slide 20 - Diapositive

26 What is the purpose of Griffin’s softball game anecdote? (paragraph 4)

It explains why a growing group of people refuse to upgrade their smartphones.
It illustrates that it is perfectly possible to live without a smartphone nowadays.
It makes clear that the internet generation is often inconsiderate and rude.
It shows that most people rely on the internet as their main means of communication.

Slide 21 - Quiz

5 Aaron Ervin, 25, who works at a guitar repair shop, gave up his smartphone about six months ago and now carries no cellphone at all. He said he misses being able to Google unfamiliar references that come up in day-to-day conversation. “I felt like my smartphone made me, well, smarter,” Ervin said. “But once my battery died I was just as ignorant as before.” Ervin said his cellphoneless state does at times annoy his friends but that the distance and quiet that replaces constant texting and Twitter monitoring makes it worth it. 
 ‘the distance and quiet that replaces constant texting and Twitter
monitoring’ (alinea 5)

 In welke andere alinea is een vergelijkbaar voordeel ook al eens genoemd?
Schrijf het nummer van deze alinea op in de uitwerkbijlage. 

Slide 22 - Diapositive

6 (28 .......) some who have resisted an upgrade said they could eventually be enticed to switch. Griffin said he foresees upgrading to a smartphone onen day if applications are developed that “would totally enhance my life. It just hasn’t happened yet,” he said. For now, “a phone just needs to be a phone.”

chicagotribune.com, 2014
28 Kies bij 28 in alinea 6 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden.
A For instance,
B In addition,
C Nevertheless,
D Therefore, 

Slide 23 - Diapositive

28 Kies bij 28 in alinea 6 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven

For instance,
In addition,

Slide 24 - Quiz