week 4- periode 2-klas3

Engels-klas 3-periode 2
week 4

Wat gaan we deze periode doen op Taalblokken? 
Taalblokken.nl; Beroepsgerichte modules; Generiek;
Taalblokken.nl; Beroepsgerichte modules; 
Economie en administratie; 

Welke examens heb je deze periode?
Jam: schrijven B1
Amih: Schrijven B1, Lezen B2, Luisteren B2
1 / 19
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

Cette leçon contient 19 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Engels-klas 3-periode 2
week 4

Wat gaan we deze periode doen op Taalblokken? 
Taalblokken.nl; Beroepsgerichte modules; Generiek;
Taalblokken.nl; Beroepsgerichte modules; 
Economie en administratie; 

Welke examens heb je deze periode?
Jam: schrijven B1
Amih: Schrijven B1, Lezen B2, Luisteren B2

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Engels-klas 3-periode 1
les 1

Wat gaan we deze periode doen op Taalblokken?
Taalblokken.nl; Beroepsgerichte modules; economie & administratie; Addressing an audience; examples & practice

Welke examens heb je deze periode?
Centraal examen lezen en luisteren B1
Beroepsgericht examen lezen en luisteren B1

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Welke modules zijn we gestart op taalblokken.nl?
Correspondence Generiek; examples&practice en texts and theory
Beroepsgerichte Modules Writing Reports and Essays
Beroepsgerichte Modules Notes, Messages & Forms
Correspondence Economie & Administratie; examples & practice en background information

Slide 3 - Quiz

Taalblokken.nl; Beroepsgerichte modules; Generiek;
letter of application

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Taalblokken.nl; Beroepsgerichte modules; Generiek;
letter of complaint

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Taalblokken.nl; Beroepsgerichte modules; Generiek;

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Taking minutes

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Action list

Slide 8 - Diapositive


Slide 9 - Diapositive

Completing a form

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Deze week: wat is een circular?

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

A circular is a letter or email that is sent to a lot of people at the same time. Its purpose is to inform a group of people about a certain topic.

For example:
  • Local authorities informing their residents about plans to build a new school;
  • a sports club informing members about the extended opening hours of the canteen;
  • a store informing customers about an upcoming sale, a change of address or the opening of a new branch;
  • a company announcing new working hours to its employees.

Slide 12 - Diapositive


Who am I addressing?
A circular letter is written to a large group of people at the same time. Therefore you don't put the recipient's name in the letter. From the salutation it should be clear for which group of people the circular is meant.
For example, you could write 'Dear Sir / Madam', 'To the residents of this building', or 'Dear members of Park Avenue Football Club'.
If you send a circular via email, write the addresses in the BCC field, so they aren't visible to everyone.
On behalf of whom am I writing a letter?
You usually don't write a circular on your own behalf, but on behalf of a company or organisation. If so, you need to use 'we' rather than 'I'.
Do I address the reader formally or informally?
A circular is a formal letter, so you need to address readers formally.

Slide 13 - Diapositive


What is the subject of the letter?
For example, information about an event or service, or a request for co-operation or assistance.
What do I want to say or ask about it?
Everything the reader of the letter needs to know:
- think about what you want to let the reader know;
- try to put yourself in the position of the reader and think about what they'd want to know.
The information needs to be clear and presented in a logical order.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Where, when and why?

Where does the event take place?
When does the event take place?
Where can the reader obtain more information?
Before which date does the reader need to respond?

Why does the event take place?
Explain the reasons.
Why am I writing this letter?
You're writing this letter to inform a group of people about something.

Slide 15 - Diapositive


How can the reader respond?
By telephone, via email, via a website, etc.
How can the reader co-operate?
What can they do to be of assistance?
How will the event be carried out?
How do I establish a good relationship with the reader?
In your use of language, take into account that the letter is meant for a large group of people. It has to be understandable to everyone. Keep this in mind when you organise the letter. For example, you could make use of headings. Present the information in a logical order.
Show consideration for your readers. For example, if residents will be inconvenienced by roadworks, point out how the changes will benefit them in the long run. Give the reader the opportunity to ask questions.

Slide 16 - Diapositive


Slide 17 - Diapositive

Tenslotte, allerlei voorbeelden van opdrachten die je kan krijgen op het schrijfexamen vind je in de bibliotheek op taalblokken.nl
bij text types

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Wat nu?
  • JAM gaat aan de slag met het oefenen voor het schrijfexamen in breakout rooms, die ik langs ga later in de les.

  • AMIH blijft nog even in de algemene les en gaat daarna in breakout rooms werken

Slide 19 - Diapositive