3BB/3KB -Prep for unit test 2


Are you ready for today's lesson? 
1 / 30
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo b, kLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 30 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon


Are you ready for today's lesson? 

Slide 1 - Diapositive

The rules:
1. Respect voor elkaar en voor de docent
2. WC-bezoek voor de les of aan het einde van de les
3. iPad/Chromebook/Cell Phone on the table
4. Steek altijd je vinger op als je iets wilt zeggen!
5. Bags are on the floor
5. Have fun! 

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Let's get started!
  • Notebook + pen on your table
  • Chromebooks on your table (closed) (3C1)
  • Bags on the floor
  • Phone in your bag or in the toolbox on my desk

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Programma en doel

Doel: je laat zien dat je de onderdelen van de Unit 2 toets onder de knie hebt en 90% kan scoren.  


1. Opdrachten in de vorm  van een quiz;

2. opdrachten met open vragen 

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Honestly, how many hours did you study during the holiday?

Slide 5 - Quiz

BB: What will be on the test?
1. Past simple: bevestigende, ontkennende en vragende zinnen
2. have / has + voltooid deelwoord, bevestigende, vragende en ontkennende zinnen,
3. bijwoorden van frequentie
4. can-can't
5. bezittelijke vnw 
6. en alle woorden en zinnen van EN-NE en NE-EN.
Leer de onregelmatige werkwoorden uit je hoofd!!!

Slide 6 - Diapositive

KB: What will be on the test?
1. Voca: leren alle zinnen en woorden van Unit 2 leren (NE/EN – EN/NE) 
2. have / has + voltooid deelwoord (bevestigende, vragende en ontkennende zinnen, 
3. past simple (bevestigende, vragende en ontkennende zinnen, 
4. bijwoorden (adverbs of frequency) 
5. can/can’t / should/shouldn’t 
6. bezittelijke vnw: my/mine/ of mine  
Leer de onregelmatige werkwoorden!!!  

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Je gebruikt de "Simple Past" als ...
iets in het verleden is gebeurd en ook is afgelopen.
iets in het verleden is gebeurd en nog steeds doorgaat in het heden.
je has en have en het voltooid deelwoord wilt gebruiken
je in het verleden iets aanbiedt of vraagt

Slide 8 - Quiz

Je gebruikt de Present Perfect als ...
iets in het verleden is gebeurd en nog steeds doorgaat in het heden
iets gaat in het heden gebeuren
iets is in het verleden gebeurd
iets in het verleden is begonnen en het resultaat ervan merkt je nog in het heden

Slide 9 - Quiz

He has never heard this song before.
Past Simple
Present Perfect

Slide 10 - Quiz

We sang that song yesterday.
Past Simple
Present Perfect

Slide 11 - Quiz

My friends left the party 3 hours ago.
Past Simple
Present Perfect

Slide 12 - Quiz

They have been friends for 10 years.
Past Simple
Present Perfect

Slide 13 - Quiz

My mother didn't find her watch this morning.
Past Simple
Present Perfect

Slide 14 - Quiz

We have just hidden all the presents.
Past Simple
Present Perfect

Slide 15 - Quiz

They saw the house burn down last week.
Past Simple
Present Perfect

Slide 16 - Quiz

Have you seen the firemen arrive yet?.
Past Simple
Present Perfect

Slide 17 - Quiz

Welke zin is juist?

They have sometimes problems with the law.
They sometimes have problems with the law.

Slide 18 - Quiz

Welke zin is juist?

They will never be able to do that correctly.
They will be never able to do that correctly.

Slide 19 - Quiz

Find the 12 mistakes in the story 
'The day Tom disappeared (=verdween)' 
Yesterday afternoon, Tom went home. He packt his bages, and told his girlfriend he had to leave for work. Then he kissed her goodbye. 

Then he caled a cab. At the airpord he changed his money and got on the plane. 

When he arived his pregnant wife was waiting for him. She soon was going to deliver a baby so thad's wy he kame (not for work!). Afther the baby were born, he gived the wife some money and sait: 'I have to go darling! Work is calling, I have to hurry!' 
She brought him to the airport and kissed him goodbye, he also sait goodbye to the baby. He waited for 8 hours for the plane home to his other girl. (She had a surprise, a baby as well!)

Slide 20 - Diapositive

The 12 mistakes are:
Yesterday afternoon, Tom went home. He packt (1=packed) his bages (2=bags), and told his girlfriend he had to leave for work. Then he kissed her goodbye.
Then he caled (3=called) a cab. At the airpord (4=airport) he changed his money and got on the plane.
When he arived (5=arrived) his pregnant wife was waiting for him. She soon was going to deliver a baby so thad's wy he kame (5,6,7=that's why he came) (not for work!). Afther (8=after) the baby were (9=was) born, he gived (10=gave) the wife some money and sait (11=said): 'I have to go darling! Work is calling, I have to hurry!' 
She brought him to the airport and kissed him goodbye, he also sait (12=said) goodbye to the baby. He waited for 8 hours for the plane home to his other girl. (She had a surprise, a baby as well!)

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Wat weet je van het bijwoord?

Slide 22 - Carte mentale

Wat weet je van het bezittelijk voornaamwoord?

Slide 23 - Carte mentale

Wat weet je van het werkwoord must?

Slide 24 - Carte mentale

Wat weet je van het werkwoord should?

Slide 25 - Carte mentale

Welke zin is juist?

They will never be able to do that correctly.
They will be never able to do that correctly.

Slide 26 - Quiz

Which part of the Unit 2 test is the most difficult for you?

Slide 27 - Question ouverte

Slide 28 - Lien

Slide 29 - Lien

Slide 30 - Lien