Writing 1

Writing Class 1
1 / 29
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 29 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Writing Class 1

Slide 1 - Diapositive

What do you need?
Your Ipad/laptop

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Class work 
Explanation writing test
Explanation formal letter writing

On your own
Practise the basics of formal letter writing

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Learning Outcome
  • Ik weet wat er van mij wordt verwacht bij de toets in week 3
  • Ik weet de basis outline van een formele brief

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Explanation writing test

  • In week 3
  • Formal letter/email writing
  • 90 minutes
  • You will write your letter/email on the computer (but without internet access)
  • Use of a dictionary (Dutch-English) allowed

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Formal letter/email outline

1. Your own address without your name, with the country

  Marinus Postlaan 1
 8264 PB Kampen

(in an email, you would end with your contact details. That could be email address and phone number)

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Formal letter/email outline

2. Date of writing

 15 December 2020
 December 15, 2020
 December 15th, 2020
 15th December 2020

All options are correct; the first one is the easiest. Remember to write months with capital letters in English!
Please do not write 15/12/2020!

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Formal letter/email outline

3. Subject line

 subject: complaint about … / application for …

Do not use capital letters, except when you use names

There is a seperate space for this in your email. During the exam, please do add the subject as mentioned above.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Formal letter/email outline

4. Salutation

 Dear Mr Jones / Mrs Jones, (if you know who you are writing to)
 Dear Sir/Madam, (if you do not know who you are writing to)

  • Use capital letters
  • Never use a first name.
  • Do not write ‘Mister/Missus’
  • Always end with a comma

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Formal letter/email outline

5. Three paragraphs

More information later on

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Formal letter/email outline

6. Final sentence

 " I look forward to hearing from you soon. "

This is a sentence you can almost always use.

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Formal letter/email outline

7. Closure

   Yours sincerely, / Yours faithfully,

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Formal letter/email outline

8. Your signature and full name


 Renske van Dijk

In an email you would add information about yourself after your name. 
Eg. your title at work, contact details (phone/email/address).

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Formal letter/email outline

9. If necessary: enclosures 

Encl.: CV 
Encl.: receipt 

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Slide 15 - Lien

Basic rules

Between each new part of your letter you leave a blank line

It is okay to start a letter with “I” in English

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Slide 23 - Diapositive

Letter of complaint paragraph contents

Paragraph 1: the reason for writing explained in short (I am writing this letter in relation to the complaint I have about ...) 

Paragraph 2: what you have done so far to solve the problem (I have already talked to the store that sold me the item; however, they could not help me any further. / I have already tried to solve the problem myself with the use of the user's manual.) 

Paragraph 3: your expectations; how they can contact you; your hopes (I would like for you to reimburse the repair costs on my account./ You can email me at ... or call me on ... / I hope to hear from you soon. ) 

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Practise letter/email of complaint
Write a letter of complaint. 
Follow the instructions. 
Make sure you use the outline example as given earlier this class. 

Slide 25 - Diapositive

Je hebt tijdens een bezoek aan Londen een mini-notebook gekocht op 23 juli 2020. Reden: veel goedkoper dan in Nederland. 
Klacht: accu zou volgens de handleiding 6,5 uur moeten werken, maar jouw accu is na 2 uur leeg. Je bent ermee naar een computerzaak geweest; conclusie accu stuk. Bovendien: je hebt in de handleiding gelezen dat er bij de prijs een leren tasje inbegrepen is; zat niet in de doos. 
Je besluit een klachtenbrief/email te schrijven naar:

Morgan Computer, 64 Oxford Street, London WC1A 1AX / customerservice@morgancomputers.co.uk

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Schrijf een klachtenbrief/email en verwerk de volgende gegevens:
  • Vertel wat je wanneer en waar hebt gekocht. (noem winkel, type, prijs)
  • Zeg dat je erg teleurgesteld bent: beschrijf klacht
  • Noem conclusie plaatselijke computerzaak. Als het nodig is, kunnen ze contact opnemen met deze winkel.
  • Zeg dat je in Nederland woont en dus niet even langs kan komen
  • Vraag om nieuwe accu en tasje. Andere mogelijkheden: 1. bedrag van tasje en accu op jouw rekening storten. Geef rekeningnummer. 2. Je stuurt notebook op en je krijgt aankoopbedrag + portokosten terug.
  • Zeg dat je een kopie van de kassabaan hebt bijgesloten.
  • Nog vragen? Ze kunnen je e-mailen op:  jouw emailadres
  • Spreek hoop uit dat klacht wordt opgelost. 

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What to do? 
Write your letter
Hand in via Magister.me 

= Homework for next class if not finished

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End of the class
Today we practised writing a letter of complaint in preparation for the test in week 3 

Next class: review letter of complaint 

Homework: finish letter of complaint 

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