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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 36 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

Éléments de cette leçon

Slide 1 - Diapositive

What's up today?
  • Introduction NEW PROJECT
  • Can you solve it? 
  • Vocab test (end project 3)
  • Assignment (when there's time left)
Today's goals
1. finish project 3 
2. getting you in the right state of mind for project 4

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                      TEAM QUIZ
1. You have 1 minute to make teams of 4.
2. You have 1 minute to think of a name for 
      your team. It has to be an object in English.
3.  Your team will get 7 post-its. 
      Number each post it from 1 to 7.
4.  Write your team's name on each post-it.
5.  Watch ... listen ... discuss in ENGLISH. You will have 1,5 minutes to discuss, write your answer in English and give the post-it to your teacher. 
A. Quiz
Listen to the instructions of your lovely teacher.

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And once again:

TRY to SPEAK as much 
as possible!

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Slide 6 - Vidéo

Let's finish up project 3!
  •  Homework for today: 
       study the word mix
  • Time to look over your test 
  • Ways to do this:
  • Study from piece of  paper and work alone or in pairs (test each other - please whisper!) or study the words with the link in magister in Quizlet or Wrts
But first: get a laptop and sign in to (your studiewijzer and) LessonUP

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Your grade?
  1. Write down your name on the post-it.
  2. Write the grade you expect to get on your test on your post-it.

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When you are ready, walk to your lovely teacher to pick up a paper.

Study the questions on it and write down your thoughts and answers (in English, not in Chinese, please).

Don't forget to write down your name on it. You have to hand it in at the end of the lesson.

Be quiet until everyone is done with the test.

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Do you know who I am?
extra clue
magnifying glass

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What do you know about Sherlock Holmes?

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Where do I live?
I live in London.
Do you know my address?
My address is 221B Baker Street
What is my profession?
I am a detective.
Who is my best friend?
My best friend is Dr. John Watson.

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Do you know any Sherlock Holmes stories/film?
(books) The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Valley of Fear, (serie) Sherlock, (films) A Game of Shadows, Enola Holmes
What is my character like?
I'm excentric & rather arrogant. I smoke a pipe but also do drugs. 
Sometimes I don't eat for days because I believe that stimulates my brain in thinking clearly. My apartment is messy, it is filled with documents and just stuff, but I can always find what I am looking for.

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Who was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?
Watch the videos about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Assignment A.
B. Read the summary
You are going to listen to the beginning of a Sherlock Holmes story called "The Norwood Builder". But first you are going to read the summary on your worksheet, and then you will understand why the story is called "The Norwood Builder".
B. Why is the story called "The Norwood Builder"?
The victim "The Norwood Builder" is from a place called Norwood. And Norwood is a suburb of London.

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Assignment A.
C. Find the mistakes
The summary is not completely accurate. It contains five pieces of information that are not true. Listen to track 1 carefully, read along and identify the mistakes.
1. They are finishing breakfast, not dinner.
2. The man comes in very loudly, not quietly.
3. Holmes has not heard of him - he hasn't read the newspaper.
4. Holmes guesses the man is not married because his clothes are untidy.
5. The headline says that the builder from Norwood is missing, not that his body has been found.

track 1

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On your worksheet you see six words in bold. Match them with their definitions.

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E. Fill in
Read the police report. There are words missing. Fill in the missing words while listening to the rest of chapter 1. You can also read along - the text is on the next page of your worksheet.

1. 50 - 59
2. his parents
3. fire
4. house
5. open
6. bedroom
7. Mr McFarlane
8. garden
9. heavy
10. wood
11. office
track 2

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Cette vidéo n'est plus disponible
The Art of Deduction
Deduction has everything to do with what you see.  Watch the YouTube video. Watch closely! 

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F. "Deduction, my friend"
Sherlock Holmes is able to guess things as a result of considering the evidence that he has and the things he sees.
Watch the next YouTube video, and try to answer the questions. The video will be paused for 5 minutes after you see the questions on the screen. 
Discuss your solutions in your group. Write down your solutions on a piece of paper. We will review your solutions in 5 minutes. I will set the timer first!
5 minutes

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G. Listening
Listen to Track 3 of the story.
Underline the answers in the text to the following questions:
1. What time did Mr Oldacre arrive at the office?
2. Who was the witness when the draft was signed? 
3. How did Mr Oldacre travel?
4. How did Mr McFarlane contact his parents?

Track 3
1. Mr Oldacre arrived at three o'clock.
2. The witness was one of the clerks at the office.
3. He travelled by train.
4. He contacted his parents by telegram.

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H. Do you know a reason for ... ?
Discuss in English and write down reason for the following questions in English:
1. Why didn't Mr Jonas Oldacre sleep in his bed?
2. How did the fire start?
3. Why was there blood on the walking stick and in the bedroom?
4. What was in Mr Jonas Oldacre's safe?
You have 10 minutes to discuss the above. Write down your reasons. We will discuss them in 10 minutes.   
10 minutes

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I. Vocabulary - Complete the sentences
Look at the words and phrases. Complete the sentences with the words from the box above.
You will have 3 minutes to complete the exercise.
1. express train, points
2. on trial, proof
3. will, witness
4. clerks, draft, (wax) seal
3 minutes

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J. Look for two more answers in the text.
question 1
Why did Mr Oldrace want to leave all his money to Mr McFarlane?
question 2
What happened in Mr Oldrace's bedroom? 
KEY 1.
Mr Oldrace had known Mr Farlane's parents, liked them and he wanted to please them. He had no family of his own and he had heard good things about Mr Farlane.
KEY 2.
The men discussed some business documents which were in his safe. Mr Farlane helped to seal some of them into envelopes with wax seals.

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K. Pronunciation
Wisper these words to your neighbour. How do you pronunciate these verbs? Write the verbs on your worksheet in the right box. 
For example the word: started ends in an -it sound and managed ends in a -t sound.
decided                              asked                           finished
                     arrived                          happened
owned                          executed                             helped
                reminded                          stopped
wanted                               killed                            talked
4 minutes

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Assignment A.
Let's do some DETECTIVE work ourselves!
What are the solutions to these riddles? After every riddle the video will be paused to discuss the solutions to the riddles in class.

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L. Interview
Pair up. One of you is inspector Lestrade. The other one is Mr McFarlane.
Think of the answers to the inspector's questions. Some of you have to play the dialogue in front of the class.
The inspector's questions 1:
1. State your name.
2. What is your profession?
3. Are you pleading guilty to the murder of Mr Oldacre?
4. How did you meet Mr Oldacre?
5. Why were you not suspicious when you heard that Mr Oldacre wanted to leave you his possessions?

The inspector's questions 2:
6. What do you think happened to your walking stick?
7. What do you think happened to Mr Oldacre?

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M. Listening assignment
First read the statements on your worksheet.
Listen closely. Do you know the answer while listening?
Fill in T (true) or F (false)
1. F     
2. F    
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. F
9. F
10. T
11. T
12. T
13. F
14. F

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N. characters and evidence
Make a list of all the characters in the story.
Make a list of all the evidence in the story.
KEY characters
Mr McFarlane: lawyer and suspect
Mr Oldacre: a builder and victim
Oldacre's housekeeper
Mrs McFarlane: the suspect's mother

KEY evidence
the will, the open safe, 
Oldacre's payments to "Mr Cornelius", 
the marks on the ground in the garden, 
the fire in the timber store, 
the burnt flesh, 
blood on McFarlane's walking stick, 
the missing body, 
the fingerprint

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O. Invent a possible ending
Pair up and talk about a possible ending. Write your ending down on a piece of paper. The ending should explain the elements of evidence as much as possible. What is the motive of the criminal?
Use about 50 to 100 words to write down the ending.

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Read out loud
Every pair reads out loud the possible ending.
Everyone else rates the elements of probability and creativity
Which pair wrote the most probable ending?
How probable is the ending? 
0 = impossible; 5 = very probable
(probable = waarschijnlijk)
How entertaining is the ending? 
0 = not entertaining; 5 = very entertaining

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P. Listen to the story ending.
Listen carefully to the ending of the story. While listening write down the answers to the questions.
1. Where did the blood-stained fingerprint come from?
2. How did Holmes know about the hidden room?
3. Why did Oldacre do it?
4. Who is Mr Cornelius?

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KEY 1. blood-stained fingerprint
Oldacre had made McFarlane seal the documents with a wax seal, ensuring that he had an impression of his fingerprint. He then made an impression of that impression to recreate the fingerpint. Then, he cut himself and used his own blood to make a bloody fingerpint on the wall.
KEY 2. The hidden room
Holmes knew that Oldacre was hiding in the house if the blood-stained print was new. He measured the house by pacing up and down the garden, then pacing up and down the corridor. This way, he realized that the corridor was shorter than it should have been. Oldacre's building skills would have made putting in a hidden room easy for him.

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KEY 3. Why did Oldacre do it?
Mr Oldacre owed a lot of money to people. If everyone thought he was dead, he wouldn't have to pay them back. He tried to take revenge on McFarlane's mother for refusing to marry him thirty years before by making it look like her son had committed the murder.
KEY 4. Who is Mr Cornelius?
Mr Cornelius is Jonas Oldacre. He created a false identity so that he could move to a different area and start life again, taking his money with him.

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