rev_Writing an Essay & General Writing tips - H5

Writing an Essay
                                                                   Write a 300-word essay on one of the topics (list on slide 2 &  more difficult topic on slide 3)

  • Mind the 5-paragraph lay-out ("hamburger style" slide 5) & white line inbetween paragraphs

  • Use linking words to connect paragraphs and sentences for coherence (clear and logical sequence of paragraphs & sentences)

  • Don't use I/we/you, but use they/people/researchers/journalists/it is believed etc.

  • Use synynoms for word variety and interesting reading

  • Combine sentences into one to avoid using "that" too often & to avoid repetition of words.
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    Slide 1: Diapositive
    Middelbare school

    Cette leçon contient 22 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

    Éléments de cette leçon

    Writing an Essay
                                                                       Write a 300-word essay on one of the topics (list on slide 2 &  more difficult topic on slide 3)

    • Mind the 5-paragraph lay-out ("hamburger style" slide 5) & white line inbetween paragraphs

    • Use linking words to connect paragraphs and sentences for coherence (clear and logical sequence of paragraphs & sentences)

    • Don't use I/we/you, but use they/people/researchers/journalists/it is believed etc.

    • Use synynoms for word variety and interesting reading

    • Combine sentences into one to avoid using "that" too often & to avoid repetition of words.

      Slide 1 - Diapositive

      Possible Essay topics
      Tiny houses are the future

      British schools should close to curb the spread of the Corona virus

      Motor vehicles should be banned from city centres

      Vegetarians are the future

      Parents are responsible for the development of their children's personalities

      Unemployment benefits need to be cut back

      Slide 2 - Diapositive

      Writing assignment

      Write an essay on beer on one of the following topics:
      • "The import of beer harms the local economy"

      • "Craft breweries are harmful to the economy" 
      (read an article on this: weblink on slide 4)

      Slide 3 - Diapositive

      Slide 4 - Lien

      Slide 5 - Diapositive

      Essay Writing tips - part 1
      • Use a 5-paragraph lay-out (hamburger slide) with a white line between each paragraph
      • Start your introduction with general information (main character/plot/setting) OR attention-grabbing statement about the novel (plot = storyline, sequence of events; setting = time & location of story)
      • Start each of the three middel paragraphs with a linking word and a topic sentence. Then give plenty of examples from the  novel.
               Linking words: first of all, second of all, thirdly/third of all - One example/another example/moreover etc.
              The linking word is then followed by the topic of your paragraph. For example: Second of all, in the novel "Twelve Years a Slave"
              the female slave Patsy is severely discriminated as her master repeatedly humiliates, rapes and whips her. One day he forbids 
              her to wash herself with soap. Continue to give examples or describe in detail how he forbids Patsy to wash herself.
      • Finish your essay by repeating the three arguments (topic sentences) in the middle paragraphs OR finish your essay by repeating the strongest argument (topic) sentence to demonstrate for example discrimination in the novel. 

      Slide 6 - Diapositive

      Essay Writing tips - part 2

        • Don't use " I/we/you" in a formal essay -> Use "they", "people" or "it is or was said/believed/written etc."  
               The reason for not using personal pronouns (I/we/you) is that these weaken your arguments. Write in a neutral way.

          Slide 7 - Diapositive

          General Writing tips - part 1
          • Read a lot to become more fluent in fixed English expressions & to learn more about current news topics (English words for these)
                (door veel te lezen ga je Engelstalige uitdrukkingen gebruiken ipv statisch N-E te vertalen)
                 Useful websites to improve your reading:
        (showbiz gossip)

            • Write with epals ( to improve your informal letter writing

            • Study signal words in the back of your blue booklet

            Slide 8 - Diapositive

            General Writing tips - part 2 

              • Add details to your sentences, by using adjectives & adverbs. For example: The man ran to the store. Revised (herschreven):   Michael Johnson, a thirty-year-old man,  quickly ran to the store. 
                     Adding details makes sentences more interesting.

              •  Combine sentences into one longer sentence
                      For example: This girl is my friend. She is in all my classes and I have invited her to my party. My party is on Saturday. (24 w.)  
                     Revised: This girl, who is in all my classes, is my friend and I have invited her to my party on Saturday. (21 words) 
                     In the revised sentence fewer words are used and the sentence is more natural and more interesting. 
                     Avoid writing sentences with repetitive information, because the reader will be bored.

              Slide 9 - Diapositive

              General writing tips - part 3

                  • Use gerunds (verb + ing as a noun) or participles (3rd form of verb) to avoid too many "that-constructions" or to make your sentences shorter and vary with sentence structure:
                         For example: The student that studies hard for his test is the student that succeeds. Revised: Studying hard for a test makes 
                         a student succeed.
                         For example: She was hurt by the mean comments on social media and cut off all contact with her friends. (18 words) 
                         Revised: Hurt by the mean comments on social media, she cut off all contact with her friends. (16 words)

                  • Use  synonyms (different words with the same or almost the same meaning) to avoid repetition.
                         For example:  girl/young woman/female student;   teenager/adolescent/young adult;  great/amazing/fantastic

                         As you practice your essay writing, look up synonyms (same meaning words) and antonyms (opposite meaning words) online

                  Slide 10 - Diapositive

                  General Writing Tips - part 4

                      • Check the tenses (werkwoordtijden) of your sentences (review the tenses in your blue booklet!!!)

                      • Make sure all your sentences have a subject and a verb (zorg ervoor dat in alle zinnen een onderwerp en persoonsvorm staan)

                      • Check spelling mistakes (were/we're/where;  there/they're/their;  capital letters for names/cities/countries etc.)

                      Slide 11 - Diapositive


                      DELETE unnecessary words - There is still the fact that people discriminate -> People still discriminate. 
                      Delete pronouns (I/we/you) in formal essays  - use "people", "they", "it is said" 

                      REARRANGE  information in a sentence for stylistic effect (She was hurt by all the comments -> Hurt by all the comments, she ...)

                      ADD interesting details (adjectives, adverbs) - The man felt tired -> The old man felt extremely tired after running the marathon.

                      FORM gerunds (Knowing he will survive has helped me cope with his accident.) & participles (Hurt by all the negative comments, the royal couple left the country.)

                      THINK aloud - read the sentence out loud to hear if it flows well.

                      Slide 12 - Diapositive

                      Linking words 

                      On the next slide you will find:

                      • linking words to link paragraphs and sentences for coherent (duidelijk/logisch) writing

                      Slide 13 - Diapositive

                      Slide 14 - Diapositive

                      Subordinate/Main clauses
                      Main clause: sentence part with a subject, a verb and a finished thought

                      i.e. Jenny is ill, but her mother is even worse.

                      Subordinate clause: sentence part (which could have a subject and a verb) and an UNfinished thought

                      i.e.  Although he makes a nice living, he always wants to earn more.

                      Slide 15 - Diapositive

                      coordinate conjunctions to connect main clauses
                      For    (She wants to meet her again, for she is a good administrator)
                      And    (She is a good mother, and she has been a fantastic wife.)
                      Nor     (He never fights, nor does he ever get into any other kind of trouble)
                      But     (She always wants to win, but it is not always possible.)
                      Or       (We can meet online, or we can meet at school.)
                      Yet     (He wanted to stay clean, yet the drugs were too tempting.)

                      Slide 16 - Diapositive

                      Subordinate Conjunctions to connect main clause to sub clause(s)

                      even if
                      even though
                      in order that once
                      provided that
                      rather than
                      so that
                      Subordinate Conjunctions to connect main clause to subclause(s)

                      unless until

                      Slide 17 - Diapositive

                      Combine sentences
                      Combine sentences by using a conjunction (to show logical connection)

                      A) Mary was sick. She still went to work.
                      B) Although she was sick, Mary still went to work.

                      A) He didn't have a lot of money. He bought his children some nice presents.
                      B) He didn't have a lot of money,  yet he bought his children some nice presents.

                      A) He will meet you soon. First he has to take this call.
                      B) After he has finished this call, he will meet you.

                      A) I will always do my best. I may be ill, still I will do my best.
                      B) Even if I am ill, I will always do my best.

                      Slide 18 - Diapositive

                      Combine sentences
                      Combine sentences by using a gerund (verb + ing)
                      A) Mary  doesn't do her homework. She is now behind in school
                      B) Not doing homework is why Mary is behind in school.

                      A) He makes a lot of money. That is the reason why Mark studied politics.
                      B) Making a lot of money is the reason Mark studied politics

                      A) There is one thing my brother hates most. This is when he has to do the dishes.
                      B) Doing the dishes is what my brother hates most.

                      A) I like to sleep in. Sometimes I even sleep in till noon.
                      B) Sleeping in, even till noon, is what I like.

                      Slide 19 - Diapositive

                      Combine sentences
                      Combine sentences by using a participle (verb 3rd form = voltooid deelwoord)
                      A) Johnny was thrilled by the news. He ran over to his parents to tell them he had graduated.
                      B) Thrilled by the news he had graduated, Johnny ran over to his parents to tell them.

                      A) He was hurt by the divorce. He decided to never marry another woman again.
                      B) Hurt by the divorce, he decided to never marry another woman again

                      A) The girl was devastated by the news. She decided to call her best friend immediately.
                      B) Devastated by the news, the girl decided to call her best friend immediately.

                      A) This is guys is a real Frisian. He is born and bred in Harkema.
                      B) Born and bred in Harkema, he is a real Frisian.

                      Slide 20 - Diapositive

                      Slide 21 - Lien

                      Slide 22 - Diapositive