4.3 Communication Skills Managing conversations

4.3 Communication Skills: 
Managing conversations

GSE learning objectives

  • Can extract key details from conversations between colleagues about familiar topics.
  • Can infer speakers' opinions in conversations on familiar every day topics.
  • Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics of interest.
  • Can respond to opinions expressed by others.
  • Can respond to interruptions in a meeting using fixed expressions
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

Cette leçon contient 14 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

4.3 Communication Skills: 
Managing conversations

GSE learning objectives

  • Can extract key details from conversations between colleagues about familiar topics.
  • Can infer speakers' opinions in conversations on familiar every day topics.
  • Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics of interest.
  • Can respond to opinions expressed by others.
  • Can respond to interruptions in a meeting using fixed expressions

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Who in this class multitasks? Give examples

Slide 2 - Question ouverte

What does natural culture mean?

Slide 3 - Question ouverte


We see Beata talking with Alex about Beata's forthcoming trip to Brazil. 

He/She likes the sound of his/her own voice.
He/she talks a lot and is very confident.
He/She goes with the flow.
He/She is very relaxed and does wathever is the easiest.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Watch the video of Alex and Beata talking about Beata's forthcoming trip to Rio de Janeiro. Answer the questions.

1. Has Alex ever been to Rio de Janeiro?
2. How well does he know Matteo?
3. What does Alex mean when he says. 'It's difficult to stay on track sometimes.'
4. What preparation has Beata done for the trip?
5. What advice does Alex give Beata? Do you think it is useful advice? Why?

Slide 5 - Diapositive

3A Based on what you have seen so far, how should Beata behave in the meeting with Matteo? As a class, decide which option to watch first.

Option A. Listen to Matteo, but politely try to stay on the topic of the Diabsensor and not be distracted. Stay focused on why she is in Rio.
Option B. Listen to Mateo, show interest in what he is saying and not worry about the Diabsensor. Go with the flow - he is the client, after all.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

3B Watch the video in the sequence the class has decided and answer the questions for each video.

Option A 
1. What topics do Beata and Mateo talk about?
2. How does Beata try to turn the discussion towards the Diabsensor?
3. How does Mateo react to these attempts?
4. Alex warned Beata that Mateo likes to multitask (do different taks at the same time).
5. Overall, how well does Beata manage the conversation?

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Option B

1. What topics do Beata and Mateo talk about?
2. How does Beata show an interest in what Mateo is saying?
3. Does Beata try to turn the discussion towards the Diabsensor?
4. Alex warned Beata that Mateo likes to multitask (do different tasks at the same time) What example of this do we see?
5. Overall, how well does Beata manage the conversation?

Slide 8 - Diapositive

5. In pairs, discuss what you have learnt from Beata's experience about adapting your communication style.

1. What is the efffect of going with the flow?
2. What is the effect of focussing on the task in hand?

Watch the conclusions section of the video and note down the main learning point.

Slide 9 - Diapositive

6. Reflection:

Think about the following questions. Then discuss your answers with a partner.

1. Compare yourself to Beata in a similar situation. How do you think you would manage?
2. Is 'go with the flow' a useful tip for you when you meet people? Why/Why not?

Slide 10 - Diapositive

7. Changing the subject and staying on track.

Look at these phrases from the video. Decide which are for changing the subject (C) and which are for staying on track (S). 

1. There will be plenty of time for that later
2. I really think we should get to the.....
3. Is this a good moment to start talking about the......?
4. We'll come to that later.
5. That reminds me.
6. We'll get to the .........in a moment.
7. Can we move to.......?
8. Before I forget,..........

Slide 11 - Diapositive

8. Use words from the phrases in Exercise 7 to complete the dialogue. In pair, practice reading the dialogue.

A: So, 1 __________item 3 on the agenda, the new minibus?
B: Yes, of course. It will be delivered next Monday morning. So we can use it for the trip to the factory on Tuesday.
A: Is 2______________factory visit? What's the plan?
B: We'll 3______________details of the Factory visit 4________________.
A: Actually, that 5__________________, I need to check if my children are being picked up from school today. The bus company is on strike.
B: I'm sure there 6_______________. Could we first finish discussing the minibus?
Then we'll have a break and you can sort out your children's bus.

Slide 12 - Diapositive

9A Work in pairs and discuss one of these topics using phrases from Exercise 7. One person tries to talk about the topic, the other tries tochange the subject. After a few minutes, change partners and choose a new topic.

* Plans for next week
* Organising a surprise birthday party for a friend.
* A new smartphone on the market.
* A trip abroad
B. Write short dialogues based on your discussions and turn these in on teams.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Slide 14 - Diapositive