The Game of Thrones

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Slide 1: Diapositive
TourismFoundation Degree

Cette leçon contient 15 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 20 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Slide 1 - Diapositive

How much of GoT have you watched?

Slide 2 - Sondage

Slide 3 - Vidéo

Transformed NI 
On an economic, cultural and international level, HBO’s blockbuster transformed Northern Ireland. It developed and matured our screen tourism sector through exposure to millions of people across the globe.

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Economic Impact 

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Spreading the economic benefit 
Filming locations 
Studio tour 

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The Doors of Thrones 
The Doors of Thrones campaign aired over a 10-week period in 2016. It captured the imagination of 126 million people around the world. The short films were viewed 17 million times and the campaign generated coverage worth over £17.5 million.

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The Glass of Thrones
The Glass of Thrones campaign rolled-out alongside Season 8 in 2019. It reached 87 million people and generated 8 million video views. The earned advertising value equated to £31.7 million.

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In 2017 the Game of Thrones® Tapestry campaign aired over 8 weeks, coinciding with Season 7. The campaign was seen by 70 million people around the world, generating 33 million video views and coverage worth £20.7 million.

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Slide 10 - Lien

Slide 11 - Lien

What negative impacts can this type of tourism bring?

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

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Strategies to manage tourism
Dubrovnik will launch a “special traffic regime zone” in its UNESCO-listed Old Town.  Permitted taxis from 9,000 to just 700.

“All inhabitants will be allowed to drive in the area, but cars with [foreign license] plates, such as rental cars and taxis, and other vehicles, will not be permitted in the limited traffic zone.

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Observations - 7.10.24  
Visitor and Traffic Management 
Customer Skills 
Opportunities for upselling 
Tour guides/staff 
Opportunities to hold events 


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