WF4 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

WF4 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
1. Understand the impact of an effective communication and language curriculum that offers positive benefits to babies and children’s development


 2. Understand that children develop at their own pace in language development and can experience speech and language difficulties
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Early yearsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

Cette leçon contient 34 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 240 min

Éléments de cette leçon

WF4 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
1. Understand the impact of an effective communication and language curriculum that offers positive benefits to babies and children’s development


 2. Understand that children develop at their own pace in language development and can experience speech and language difficulties

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Readiness to Learn
Notes to be taken
bags and coats to hang up - Health and Safety
Water only 
lanyards to be worn

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Urgent - Part timers
Hand in work
WF1, WF5, WF6 should now be handed in 

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Recap Last Lesson we .........
Using your notes - what did we cover last lesson?

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WF1 2.1  Reflect on prior learning and experience as appropriate to describe the role of the early years
educator in the following aspects:
● confidentiality
● information-sharing
● use of technology
● referring development concerns
● protecting self (for example, media and online presence)
● staff health and safety, including mental
● health and wellbeing support and supervision
Recap - Think - Pair - Share
using your notes from previous sessions

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Today we will........
1.1 Explain how communication and language is the cornerstone of an early years curriculum, which can provide all children with an equal chance of success

1.2 Describe the relationship between an effective communication curriculum and positive benefits for all children in early years settings including their spoken language skills, their understanding of language, and their early reading skills, including for children from disadvantaged background

2.1 Explain the importance of respecting pace of language development in individual babies and children
2.2 Summarise stages of language acquisition

2.3 Outline speech and language difficulties that may be experienced by babies and children as they acquire language
2.4 Identify ways babies and children can be supported with speech and language difficulties including specialist early intervention

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Introduction to Unit WF4
If we take a moment to just reflect on this, we can acknowledge the absolute power of communication to engage, to appreciate, to raise confidence and to instil a sense of belonging, value and importance. 
‘I am listening to you because you matter, you are important. 
You have a voice and I want to her what you think, what you feel’. 
Confidence underpins all ambition and for those babies, children and families experiencing an unfair start to educational attainment.
Communication can be key here and the time we spend communicating with children is absolutely powerful in establishing an equal chance of success. 

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Starter - discussion
You will have 2 scenario to discuss

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Activity: Starter
 Give a brief example of how communication plays a vital role in your everyday interactions.

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Link your examples to the importance of communication for children, especially in the early years,

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Scenario - to discuss 
Charlie aged 3 years old lives with his parents. His parents are struggling with personal health-related issues which demand a lot of their attention. Charlie is an only child and is often left to play alone at home with little adult interaction. This could be described as a language poor environment; discuss and think about the critical need for communication and engagement in the setting.

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Scenario - to discuss 
Helena is 3 years old. She is the third child of a loving family. Helena will often come into nursery eager to share what she has been doing at home with her parents and siblings. Helena loves stories, rhymes and singing, she has an extensive vocabulary and curious imagination. At nursery she will chat socially and confidently with both peers and adults and enjoys one on one and small group story telling experiences. This may be described as a language rich environment. 

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Learning Outcome 1
1.1 Explain how communication and language is the cornerstone of an early years curriculum, which can provide all children with an equal chance of success

1.2 Describe the relationship between an effective communication curriculum and positive benefits for all children in early years settings including their spoken language skills, their understanding of language, and their early reading skills, including for children from disadvantaged background

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an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.
What does the EYFS state about communication and language?
Spend 5 minutes researching 

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EYFS - page 9
The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development. Children’s back-and-forth interactions from an early age form the foundations for language and cognitive development. The number and quality
of the conversations they have with adults and peers throughout the day in a language-rich environment is crucial. By commenting on what children are interested in or doing, and echoing back what they say with new vocabulary added, practitioners will build children’s language effectively.

Reading frequently to children, and engaging them actively in stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems, and then providing them with extensive opportunities to use and embed new words in a range of contexts, will give children the opportunity to
thrive.  Through conversation, storytelling and role play, where children share their ideas with support and modelling from their teacher, and sensitive questioning that invites them to elaborate, children become comfortable using a rich range of vocabulary and language structures.

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Development Matters - Non statutory guidance

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Group Activity 1.1 1.2 
Create a presentation to be presented to another peer group

1) Within the stages of language development in babies and young children and consider the needs of children at each stage
Age groups birth to 3 years 3- 4 years, Reception years links to 2.2
Pre-linguistic Stage (0-12 months): Cooing, babbling, gestures. First Words (12-18 months): Simle words like “mama,” “dada.”
Two-Word Stage (18-24 months): Combining words for meaning, e.g., “want toy.”
Telegraphic Speech (2-3 years): Forming short sentences, e.g., “I go park.”
Complex Sentences (3+ years): Developing grammar and vocabulary.

2) Explore the role of the adult in meeting the needs of children at various stages and the benefits to the child’s holistic development and learning.


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Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory
How children’s communication is influenced by their environments?

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Roger Brown 
Skinner reinforcement
The term speech, language and communication are often used together because they are related
Speech - spoken language or sign language
Sounds that are made when you are talking
Language - to use and understand a language you have to know the symbols and the rules (grammar)
Communication -is an umbrella term covering all ways in which information can be exchanged between people

Language is linked to Cognitive development and memory linking names of objects and pictures in memory. 
Children learn by asking questions
Behaviour, Social Development, - how does language link to these?

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How does language link to these -Behaviour, Social Development,

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Example of children developing speech

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Features of Language
Phonology - the sounds of language
Intonation - this gives the mood of words - gives meaning
Grammar (syntax)- the words of each language have a particular order 
Articulation - how words are spoken in order to be understood
Vocabulary - this is sometimes called Lexicon - the words that make up the language
Semantics - this is about the meaning of the words, It focuses on understanding and analysing how meaning is constructed, interpreted, and communicated. 
Conversations - ways for people to interact share feelings, ideas and relate to each other using language

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Chomsky argued that children are born with an innate ability to acquire language. He proposed that humans have a natural predisposition for learning language, which distinguishes us from other species. This contrasts with behaviourist theories (e.g., Skinner) that suggest language is learned entirely through imitation, reinforcement, and interaction
Chomsky introduced the concept of the LAD, a hypothetical structure in the brain that enables children to:
Recognise grammatical structures.
Process linguistic input from their environment.
Form rules for syntax, grammar, and vocabulary.
The LAD allows children to acquire language quickly and efficiently, even when exposed to incomplete or imperfect language from adults. 
Chomsky proposed that all humans share a universal grammar—a set of linguistic principles common to all languages.
This explains why children across different cultures acquire their native language in similar ways and why they can construct sentences they’ve never heard before, demonstrating an understanding of grammar beyond imitation. While Chomsky did not focus exclusively on the critical period, his theories support the idea that language acquisition is most effective during a specific developmental window. This is why early exposure to language is crucial for development. Innate Potential: Children have the ability to pick up language naturally, so caregivers and educators should focus on providing rich and meaningful linguistic environments. Grammar and Syntax: Adults should model correct sentence structures, as children instinctively internalise these patterns.
Support Natural Development: Respect each child’s individual pace of development, as they will naturally acquire language over time.

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Language Acquisition Device LAD

A child might say “I goed to the park” instead of “I went.” This demonstrates their innate ability to form grammatical rules (adding -ed for past tense) without being explicitly taught
.Between ages 2-5, children acquire vocabulary at a remarkable rate, illustrating their natural ability to process and internalize language
Learning Outcome 
2.1 Explain the importance of respecting pace of language development in individual babies and children
2.2 Summarise stages of language acquisition

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2.1 Explain the importance of respecting pace of language development in individual babies and children
Language development is unique to each child and depends on factors like temperament, environment, and experiences.
Development milestones are guidelines, not rigid rules.
Pushing children before they are ready can cause frustration and hinder confidence.
Group discussion on the consequences of comparing children’s language development.

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Loss of Confidence: Constant comparison can lead to a child feeling inadequate, which may harm their self-esteem and willingness to try communicating.
Stress and Anxiety: Children may become frustrated or anxious if they sense pressure to meet certain expectations.
Hindered Progress: A focus on what they "lack" can overshadow celebrating their unique strengths, potentially slowing their development.
Increased Pressure: Parents or caregivers may set unrealistic expectations, which could lead to pushing the child too hard.
Misjudgment of Abilities: Adults might overlook the child's individual progress and unique developmental timeline, leading to mislabeling delays as deficiencies when they may be within the norm.
Parental Stress: Parents who compare their children to others might feel guilt or inadequacy, which can strain their relationship with their child.
Social Isolation: Comparisons might cause parents to withdraw from groups or settings where other children are more advanced, limiting the child’s social opportunities.
Overlooking Genuine Issues: Some parents or educators may dismiss a child’s delay as "just slower than others," potentially delaying early intervention for speech and language difficulties.
Underestimating Unique Needs: Comparing children might lead to overlooking specific support a child may need, like tailored learning activities or therapy.
Peer Competition: Children might feel they need to compete with others, which can create unnecessary tension in social settings.
Social Exclusion: If comparisons are vocalized, children may feel singled out or excluded from group interactions.
Loss of Motivation: Children develop at their own pace. Comparisons can overshadow the joy of small achievements, discouraging further effort.
Missed Focus on Holistic Development: Adults might overlook other areas of strength (e.g., motor skills or creativity) in favour of language milestones.
2.2 Summarise stages of language acquisition Covered in 1.2 
Pre-linguistic Stage (0-12 months): Cooing, babbling, gestures.
First Words (12-18 months): Simple words like “mama,” “dada.”
Two-Word Stage (18-24 months): Combining words for meaning, e.g., “want toy.”
Telegraphic Speech (2-3 years): Forming short sentences, e.g., “I go park.”
Complex Sentences (3+ years): Developing grammar and vocabulary.

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Learning Outcome 

2.3 Outline speech and language difficulties that may be experienced by babies and children as they acquire language
2.4 Identify ways babies and children can be supported with speech and language difficulties including specialist early intervention
SEND code of practice

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2.3 Outline speech and language difficulties that may be experienced by babies and children as they acquire language
Severe learning difficulties, moderate learning difficulties or physical challenges = cerebral palsy
hearing impairment - hard for them to listen and talk
frustration, loneliness and feeling powerlessness.
sign language or Makaton

For information - gestures and touch are effective forms of communication

PEC pictures and symbols that help them to think ahead or think back about what they will do and what they have done
May have a communication system - only close people to them will understand
language delay - environment not support C&L
Autstic spectrum disorder or downs synfrone 

2.4 Identify ways babies and children can be supported with speech and language difficulties including specialist early intervention
Strategies: Engage children in frequent conversations.
Label objects and actions during everyday activities.
Use songs, rhymes, and stories to promote vocabulary development. Provide a variety of visual aids (e.g., pictures, flashcards, or real objects).
Why it Works: This encourages exposure to a wide range of words and language structures.
Use Clear and Simple Language
Speak slowly and clearly, using simple sentences.
Repeat key words or phrases to reinforce understanding.
Use gestures, facial expressions, and body language to support verbal communication.

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Encourage Non-Verbal Communication
Support children to use gestures, sign language (e.g., Makaton), or picture communication systems. Provide communication boards or visual schedules for children who struggle to verbalise their needs.
Provide Opportunities for Interaction
Arrange peer play activities to encourage communication in social settings. Use open-ended questions to stimulate responses. Be patient and allow children extra time to respond or communicate.
 Adapt Activities and Resources
Modify classroom or home activities to meet the child’s communication needs. Use interactive toys or apps designed for language development. Provide sensory resources (e.g., textured materials or sensory bins) to engage children and encourage verbal interaction.
Foster Positive Relationships-Build trust and create a safe environment where the child feels comfortable expressing themselves. Praise all communication attempts, even if the words or sentences are imperfect.

Early Identification and Monitoring -Monitor Progress: Regularly observe the child’s language development milestones and document concerns. Engage Parents: Work collaboratively with parents to ensure consistency in support at home and in educational settings.
Specialist Early Intervention - When significant speech or language difficulties are identified, specialist interventions are essential: Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Role of SLTs:
Assess the child’s communication needs. Provide tailored strategies and exercises to improve speech, language, and communication skills. Offer direct therapy sessions or train caregivers and educators to implement strategies. Examples of SLT Activities: Exercises to strengthen the muscles used for speech. Word games to build vocabulary and comprehension.
Multi-Agency Support - Collaboration with professionals such as: Paediatricians, Audiologists (to address hearing-related issues) Occupational therapists (for children with broader developmental challenges).
Assistive Technology - see next slide

Specialized Programs
Enroll children in specialized programs, such as:
Language enrichment groups: Small group interventions focused on language skills.
Targeted early years interventions (e.g., the Nuffield Early Language Intervention).
9. Parental Involvement
Encourage parents to:
Read regularly with their child.
Play language-focused games (e.g., “I Spy” or rhyming games).
Attend speech therapy sessions to learn and implement techniques at home.
10. Build Confidence
Provide opportunities for children to communicate in low-pressure situations.
Celebrate small successes to motivate continued efforts.

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How technology supports ......

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Did we achieve.....
7.1 Explain benefits of physical activity for babies’ and children’s holistic health and wellbeing

8.1 Explain principles of risk assessment and management, and how to balance risks and benefits of activities for children

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what have you learnt today?

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Next session we will .......
3.1 Use examples to describe strategies for effective
communication with babies and children from birth to 5 years of age
3.2 Explain strategies for effective communication for babies and children with speech and language
difference including:
• SEND or neurodivergent children
• children using English as an additional language (EAL)
3.3 Analyse the importance of valuing diversity, equality and inclusion, for effective communication and language development

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