Ango-Irish Conflict III

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Cette leçon contient 23 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

Éléments de cette leçon


Slide 1 - Diapositive

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Road map
Watching and listening
focus: summarise a text

English Literature 
focus: 'Casualty'

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VWO video 2020 - 2021
Globaal kijken en luisteren

Ready? Work on lit. assignments

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The Anglo Irish Conflict
Poems about the conflict between the English and the Irish

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War & Peace
Beowulf -  Anglo-Saxon Period
World War I Poets  
Anglo-Irish Conflict 

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William Butler Yeats (1888) = Victorian
U2 (1982) & Seamus Heaney (1981) = Postmodern
Anglo-Irish poetry

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Road map
  • Seamus Heaney
  • Casualty
  • Work on assignments

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lesson goals
At the end of class you can
  • understand the contents of 'Casualty'
  • link it to the life of the poet Seamus Heaney 
  • compare and contrast it to the other poems in this part of the course

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Seamus Heaney
1939 - 2013

Catholic from co. Derry

mid. 1970s to Republic of Ireland

Nobel Prize for Literature 1995

(Mr Yeats - 1923)

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The Troubles
  • Northern Ireland 
  • the late 1960s - the Good Friday Agreement in 1998
  • sectarian violence and political strife between the Catholic and Protestant communities.

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Explain the background of the conflict in Northern Ireland and introduce the concept of The Troubles.
Bloody Sunday
  • 30 January 1972
  •  Civil Rights Protest in Bogside, (London)derry
  • Protest against a new NI law 
  • stones were thrown at the army
  • 13 protesters were shot dead
  • at least 15 others injured

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Explain the background of the conflict in Northern Ireland and introduce the concept of The Troubles.

a sad poem or song, especially remembering someone who has died or something in the past

(Cambridge Dictionary)

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Set: Ulster, 1972

Speaker: Mr Heaney, remembering a friend, Louis O'Neill

introduced in first stanza

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2nd stanza: relationship speaker and O'Neill

O'Neill: shot dead 3 days after BS 
(2 Feb 1972)

II The day of Mr O'Neill's death
III The day of Mr OŃeill's funeral

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What kind of picture does each work paint in relation to the conflict at hand? 

Describe in your own words. Refer to the poems in your answer.

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W.B. Yeats  - 

The Lake Isle of Innishfree

Us - Bloody Sunday

Seamus Heaney - Casualty

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Slide 22 - Vidéo

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