Sea Turtle Poaching (Primary)

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Slide 1: Diapositive
Social StudiesHistory+34-6 Grade6th,7th Grade

Cette leçon contient 30 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min


Overfishing is emptying the ocean, with 90% of fisheries already overfished. Illegal poaching is having a big impact on species like sea turtles. This lesson focuses on sea turtle poaching.


This lesson focuses on one of the main reasons why sea turtles are endangered – poaching.

Time: 45 minutes

© Sea Shepherd 2021


Feuilles de travail

Éléments de cette leçon


Slide 1 - Diapositive

This lesson is provided by Sea Shepherd.  Sea Shepherd was founded in 1977 and is a marine conservation organisation working to protect the oceans and marine wildlife.  Sea Shepherd works globally on a range of issues impacting the oceans, running numerous direct action campaigns each year.  Sea turtle poaching is one area Sea Shepherd is working on to help stop sea turtles becoming extinct.
What you already know...
You are going to learn...
Action required!

Evaluate your knowledge

Click on the image

Watch  the video

Slide 2 - Diapositive

During the lesson we will use these icons to identify the learning actions.
Illegal poaching endangering sea turtles.
Illegal poaching endangering sea turtles.

Slide 3 - Diapositive

This lesson focuses on one of the main reasons why sea turtles are endangered – poaching.

INTERACTIVE JOIN – ask students to go to

Slide 4 - Vidéo

Empty ocean by 2050
Scientists estimate that by 2050 the ocean ecosystem will be on the verge of collapse, empty of fish and marine wildlife, unless urgent action is taken on the issues impacting on the oceans and marine wildlife.

Show this video (2.53min), which explains how important all species are to our planet.

Discuss the video with the class and what it means.

Current sea turtle species appeared
over 100 million years ago.
Current sea turtle species appeared over 100 million years ago.

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 Sea turtles
Sea turtles as a species have existed since the time of the dinosaurs, with the current species of sea turtles starting to appear over 100 million years ago.

Seven main species of sea turtle.
Seven main species of sea turtle.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Sea turtle species
There are 7 main sea turtle species.
Ask students to name the sea turtle species they know?


Slide 7 - Question de remorquage

Match the images
Using ask students to match the image of the sea turtle to its name.

Sea Turtle species

    Weight up to 70kg (154pounds) 90cm (3 feet).
    Hawks beak, which allows to get food from coral reefs.
    2 claws on front flippers.

Olive Ridley
    70 cm (2.5 feet) 45kg(100pounds).
    Olive green shell colour.
    Front and rear flippers have a claw.

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Hawsbill and Olive Ridley
The 7 species of sea turtles are:

➢    Weight up to 70kg (154pounds) 90cm (3 feet).
➢    Hawks beak, which allows them to get food from coral reefs.
➢    2 claws on front flippers.

Olive Ridley
➢    70 cm (2.5 feet) 45kg(100pounds).
➢    Olive green shell colour.
➢    Front and rear flippers have a claw.

Sea turtle species


Kemp Ridley
    66 cm (2feet) 50 kg (110 pounds).
    Dark green shell, while underside is white or yellowish.

    Grow to 1.1m (4 feet) long and up to 190kg (420 pounds).
    Brown to olive shell, but have green skin.

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Kemp Ridley and Green

Kemp Ridley
➢    66 cm (2feet) 50 kg (110 pounds).
➢    Dark green shell, while underside is white or yellowish.

➢    Grow to 1.1m (4 feet) long and up to 190kg (420 pounds).
➢    Brown to olive shell, but have green skin.


     110 cm (3.5 feet) 170kg (375 pounds).
     Large head, reddish brown shell.

    Thin layer of tough skin over shell that gives it the appearance of leather.
    183cm (6 feet) 500kg (1,100 pounds).

    Shell is flat compared to other turtles.
    99cm (3.25 feet) and 90kg (198 pounds).

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Loggerhead, Leatherback and Flatback sea turtles

➢    110 cm (3.5 feet) 170kg (375 pounds).
➢    Large head, reddish brown shell.

➢    thin layer of tough skin over shell that gives it the appearance of leather.
➢    183cm (6 feet) 500kg (1,100 pounds).

➢    Shell is flat compared to other sea turtles.
➢    99cm (3.25 feet) and 90kg (198 pounds).

What do you know about sea turtles?

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Sea turtle facts
Ask students to identify the facts they know about sea turtles, or do an in class research project to find answers:
➢    What are the shells made of?
➢    Does the head retract into shell?
➢    How long can they dive for?
➢    How long do they live?
➢    What do they eat?
➢    How do they breathe?

6 of 7 species are endangered
or critically endangered

•    Hawksbill and Kemp’s Ridley - critically endangered
•    Green and Loggerhead - endangered
•    Leatherback and Olive Ridley - vulnerable
•    Flatback turtles are the only ones not currently listed as endangered, but it is listed as endangered in Australia.

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Facing extinction
Endangered status of sea turtles.
6 of the 7 species are currently endangered or critically endangered.
•    Hawksbill and Kemp’s Ridley - critically endangered.
•    Green and Loggerhead – endangered.
•    Leatherback and Olive Ridley – vulnerable.
•    Flatback turtles are the only ones not currently listed as endangered, but are listed as endangered in Australia.

What do you think are the
main reasons why sea turtles
are endangered?

Slide 13 - Carte mentale

Ask students to answer the following question using or discuss in the classroom.  

“What do you think are the main reasons why sea turtles are endangered?”

Why sea turtles
are endangered?
These include:
  • Plastic pollution.
  • Oil spills.
  • Coastal development impacting nesting.
  • Costal development taking away habitat and food.
  • Climate change.
  • Entanglement in ALD fishing gear.
  • B-ycatch by commercial fishing
  • Poaching.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Why sea turtles are endangered
There are a number of issues impacting on sea turtles.
These include:
➢    Plastic pollution
➢    Oil spills
➢    Coastal development impacting nesting
➢    Costal development taking away habitat and food.
➢    Climate change.
➢    Entanglement in ALD fishing gear
➢    Bycatch by commercial fishing
➢    Poaching

Today we will be focusing on poaching.

Why do you think sea turtles
are taken by poachers?

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

Sea turtle poaching
Ask students to answer the following question using or discuss in the classroom.  

Why do you think sea turtles are widely taken by poachers?
(What do they use them for?)

For turtle meat, eggs and
the shells to make ornaments.
For turtle meat, eggs and the shells to make ornaments.

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Sea turtle poaching
The main reasons for sea turtle poaching are:
➢    Turtle meat.
➢    Eggs taken for food.
➢    Shells – used to make ornaments and jewellery, often for tourists.

Female turtle coming ashore to nest.
Female turtle coming ashore to nest.

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Nesting sea turtles
Female turtles come ashore for nesting season, where they lay their eggs on beaches.

Sea turtles are slow moving and spend time digging a nest and laying eggs, then bury the eggs before heading back to sea.

Poachers can wait until the eggs are laid and then kill the turtle.

How do you think poachers know where
and when to find sea turtles?

Slide 18 - Question ouverte

Ask students to answer the following question using or discuss in the classroom.  

“How do you think poachers know where and when to find sea turtles?

Female turtles use the same beach to nest on where they were born.
International laws regulate fishing.
Female turtles use the same beach to nest on where they were born.

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Nesting sea turtles
Female turtles will use the same beaches to nest on, often where they were born.

Nesting season is also a regular occurrence, so poachers come to know what time of year to watch for sea turtles and the beaches to monitor.

Taking eggs takes away the
next generation of sea turtles.
Taking eggs takes away the next generation of sea turtles.

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Increasing risk of extinction
Poachers are increasing the risk of turtles becoming extinct by only taking female turtles that are reproducing, laying eggs.

They also often take the eggs – killing the next generation of sea turtles.

Only 1 in 1,000 sea turtles survive from the eggs hatched to adulthood.

Protecting sea turtles around the world.
Protecting sea turtles around the world.

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Where are sea turtles hunted?
Sea turtles are hunted in many places around the world.

Sea Shepherd runs campaigns to protect sea turtles. These have been in: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mayotte, Italy, Honduras, Florida (USA), Barbuda, Antigua and Cabo Verde.

Sea Shepherd Case Studies provide additional learning on some of these locations.



CITES - Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, requires that countries who have signed up to CITES must prohibit any trade in sea turtles or anything made from them.

Individual countries may also have their own laws to protect sea turtles.

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Protecting sea turtles
How can we protect sea turtles from poachers?

International laws say it is illegal to carry sea turtle parts or products between countries.  Thus most poaching is for local purposes only.

CITES - Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, requires that countries who have signed up to CITES must prohibit any trade in sea turtles or anything made from them.

Individual countries may also have their own laws to protect sea turtles.

Patrolling beaches to protect nesting turtles.

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Patrolling beaches
Conservation groups, like Sea Shepherd and local activists, patrol beaches to protect nesting turtles from poachers.

In high risk areas sea turtle eggs are removed from the nest and are taken to hatcheries where they can be kept safe until they hatch and can then be returned to the ocean.

How do you think you can
help protect sea turtles?

Slide 24 - Carte mentale

How do you think you can help protect sea turtles
Ask students to answer the following question using or discuss in the classroom.  

“How do you think you can help protect sea turtles?”

How can you help
protect sea turtles?

Help stop the use of turtle eggs and meat by spreading awareness.

Never purchase products made from turtle shells.

Do not disturb nesting turtles, nests or hatchlings

Slide 25 - Diapositive

How do you think you can help protect sea turtles?
Some ways you can help include:
➢    Help stop the use of turtle eggs and meat by spreading awareness.
➢    Never purchase products made from turtle shells.
➢    Do not disturb nesting turtles, nests or hatchlings.
How can you help
protect sea turtles?
     If visiting nesting beaches ensure you remove your beach equipment. Eg. Beach chairs, umbrellas and children’s toys, so turtles can come ashore and hatchlings find their way to the ocean.

    Be sure to knock down sandcastles before you leave because they become obstacles for nesting turtles or new hatchlings.
    Don’t drive on nesting beaches, so as not to destroy eggs.

Slide 26 - Diapositive

How do you think you can help protect sea turtles?
Some ways you can help include:
➢    If visiting nesting beaches ensure you remove your beach equipment. Eg. Beach chairs, umbrellas and children’s toys, so turtles can come ashore and hatchlings find their way to the ocean.
➢    Be sure to knock down sandcastles before you leave because they become obstacles for nesting turtles or new hatchlings.
➢    Don’t drive on nesting beaches, so as not to destroy eggs.

Write down three things you have learned?

Slide 27 - Question ouverte

What did you learn?
Ask students to answer the following question using or discuss in the classroom.  

“Write down three things you have learned?”

Write down one thing you didn't understand?

Slide 28 - Question ouverte

What don’t you understand?
Ask students to answer the following question using or discuss in the classroom.  

“Write down one thing you didn’t understand?”

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Case studies
To enhance learning on this issue use some of the Sea Shepherd Case Studies on this topic, showing first hand accounts of what is happening to sea turtles.

Slide 30 - Diapositive

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