Session 6

Element 2 - Supporting Education 
Session 6 
T - Levels in Education and Early Years 
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Slide 1: Diapositive
MathematicsFoundation Degree

Cette leçon contient 17 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

Éléments de cette leçon

Element 2 - Supporting Education 
Session 6 
T - Levels in Education and Early Years 

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Learning Objectives  
By the end of the session all learners will be able to: 

  1. Recap & Recall content taught so far through question & answer.
  2. Explore and understand the different approaches which will be covered when referring to theoretical and pedagogical approaches. 
  3. Explain Ivan Pavlov's dog study and John Watson's little albert experiment to assess behaviour and responses presented in young children.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Without looking at your notes. Identify the 3 prime areas of the EYFS 2023.

Slide 3 - Question ouverte

Key Features
Learning is a result of external stimuli rather than cognitive processes. How our behaviour shapes learning.
Cognitive constructivism
Building on what we already know, knowledge is constructed though discovery and sequence of stages.
Social Constructivism
Learning is socially processed, students learn to understand through interaction, the learning environment and quality of interactions.
Technology based, learning can shape their own knowledge and learn from others. 
Promoted use of websites, internet, technology and flipped learning.
Constructing knowledge through understanding of own unique feelings, values and experiences. Feelings are as important as knowledge.
Teachers are seen as facilitators and learning should be personalised.
Stimuli that signals behaviour changes.

Key word Bank 

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Describe the main role of Ofqual?

Slide 5 - Question ouverte

What is the difference between 'rate' of development and 'sequence' of development?

Slide 6 - Question ouverte

What is behaviourism?
Behaviourism is an approach that is often used to shape children and young people behaviour.
It is an approach that also helps children process information, for example: providing children a reward when the are able to complete a task or an activity from memory.

'Conditioning' is an important feature of behaviourism, it means the way responses are shaped in a certain way due to behaviour and circumstances. 
'Stimuli' is also used in behaviourism, it means when something appears exciting and interesting and then engage the brain to focus on the stimulus.

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In relation to behaviourism there are two types of conditioning

Operant conditioning -  Learning is a process and can be changed through environment and individuals behaviour. Active learning is a significant difference between the two forms of conditioning. This form of conditioning considers: reinforces and punishers. 

Classical conditioning - A behavioural procedure where two stimuluses are paired to form a conditioned response. Physiological stimulus (e.g: food) & neutral stimulus (e.g: sound).

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Stage 1: Conditioning 
Often in this stage means that a stimulus in the environment has produced a behaviour that is unlearnt (unconditioned). For example: A dog is presented with food causing saliva. 
The food is the antecedent.
The neutral stimulus is present in this stage

Stage 2 & 3: During Conditioning
During this stage an accompaniment to the stimulus is added (ringing a bell). The bell is becomes the conditioned stimulus. 
Conditioned stimulus? Because you are trying to change behaviour with it.
The food is offered and the bell is run simultaneously, this repeated every time.

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Stage 4: After Conditioning 
In this stage the bell has become the conditioned stimulus, it can be rung on its own with out the visual presence of food (the antecedent). 
The dog will then begin to salivate as he has associate the sound of the bell to food.

Classical conditioning can be applied in any context and not just with animals and sounds. 

For example: 
If you hear your phone vibrate or chime you know you have received a message. 

If you go to a restaurant and smell pizza with out seeing it, you may start to dribble or feeling hungry.

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Slide 11 - Vidéo

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Give 1 feature of

Slide 13 - Carte mentale

John B Watson - Classical Conditioning (1878 - 1958)
John B Watson was one of the first of his generation to explore behaviourism, he inspired many like Ivan Pavlov. 
He also looked at classical conditioning to explore how a neutral stimuli can affect behaviour. 
Watson was known for his 'LITTLE ALBERT EXPERIMENT'
He worked with 9 month old little Albert, he introduced Albert to a rat. Albert showed no fear and was able to pet the rat. 
In another test Watson then made a series of loud noises with out the rat present. Albert showed distress.
Watson then showed Albert the rat, as he was petting the rat, Watson made a loud noise to frighten the baby. He made this noise every time Albert touched the rat.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

John B Watson - Classical Conditioning (1878 - 1958)
By pairing the animal and the loud noise, 
Albert became frightened of the rat.

Eventually every time Albert saw a rat without the 
presence of a loud noise he was scared of the rat.

Albert had now developed a phobia of the rat.

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Summarise the word Operant Conditioning with reference to one of the theories learnt today.

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

Information fact sheet task
On google docs under Element 2 you will now create a information fact sheet about Classical conditioning.

You will need to explain the following:
What classical conditioning is?
How it can affect children's behaviour?
Summary of both Pavlov & Watson. 
Use Pictures and be creative.

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