In which paragraph can I find the answer to this question?
Read this paragraph one more time very carefully.
What is the answer to the question?
Slide 10 - Diapositive
Difficult words
Try to guess the meaning using the context.
Look up the words in a dictionary. (Make sure the translation also fits in the context).
Is the word somewhere else in the text where I do understand its meaning?
Slide 11 - Diapositive
Your turn!
1. read text 4, look at the questions, read the relevant paragraph again, write down your answer AND motivation for your answer! Write down difficult words.
2. Use your (online )dictionary to find the translation of the difficult words.
3. Consult your neighbour for questions or me.
4.15 minutes
5. You can explain what this text is about and you learned new words.
6. Show me your answers and motivation for your answers!!