21-1 K4A Engels

21-1 K4a

Loop alle dia's van deze les helemaal af
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 17 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 180 min

Éléments de cette leçon

21-1 K4a

Loop alle dia's van deze les helemaal af

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Contact met docent

 Er staat een link naar de Teams les in Magister bij het huiswerk. 

Je moet je in Teams present melden anders wordt je op absent gezet. 

Zet je camera aan en stuur een bericht met je naam in de chat van Teams.

De microfoon in Teams staat uit. Als je een vraag hebt kan je je handje in Teams opsteken. Je microfoon wordt dan opengezet zodat je je vraag kunt stellen. 

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Koppel je aan je klas in de online methode

 1. Log in bij Magister
 2. Klik links in het menu op "Leermiddelen"
 3. Klik op All Right. Je zit nu in de digitale leeromgeving.
 4. Klik rechtsboven op het tekstballonnetje met je initialen (eerste letter voornaam en eerste letter achternaam) Ga naar profiel. CONTROLEER bij schoollocatie of de schoollocatie HOGE WOERD is. Is dit niet zo? Wijzig dit met de knop.
 5. Scroll naar beneden en klik op "klassencode"
 6. Voer bij klassencode de volgende code in: 260833

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Nakijken huiswerk mevrouw Croes
(het stencil dat je in de les hebt gehad)

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Opdracht 1 Plans for the weekend
1 Jacob: My friends and I are going to hang out (hang out) at the disco this weekend. We are going to have (have) lots of fun.
2 Olivia: I am going to play hockey (play hockey) this weekend. And I am going to visit (visit) my sister.
3 Michael: Well, I know what I am going to do (do) this weekend. I am going to sleep (sleep)! I'm so tired.
4 Tyler: It is going to be (be) really nice weather this weekend, so my brother and I are going to swim (swim).
5 Emily: I don't really know what I am going to do (do) yet. Perhaps I am going to see (see) a film.
6 Andrew: I am going to visit (visit) my grandmother. She celebrates her birthday on Sunday.

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Opdracht 2 Let’s go to the cinema

1 Amy: Hi, Mary. Shall / will we go to the cinema tomorrow? There's a great new film on.
2 Mary: Yeah. Good idea. Shall / will I buy the tickets?
3 Amy: Yes, please. Then I will / shall look for a place where we can have a drink first.
4 Mary: Well, there's this new café called Buthead. I'm pretty sure you will / shall like it.
5 Amy: OK, let's do that. What time shall / will we meet?
6 Mary: How about 8 o'clock? I will / shall ask Sarah and David if they want to come, too.
7 Amy: I think they won’t / shall not be able to come. They always have guitar lessons on Friday.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Opdracht 3 Plans for the future

I don't really know what I (1) am going to study (study) when I finish school. I (2) am going to visit (visit) some schools in September and then I (3) will decide (decide). It's difficult. I keep on asking myself: (4) Shall I study (study) English or biology? We (5) will see (see) after the summer holidays!

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Opdracht 4 A party
Hi Sabrina!
I (1) am going to celebrate (celebrate) my birthday next Saturday. (2) Are you going to come (come), too? Don't worry, I (3) will not invite (invite) Robert, so he (4) won’t be (be) there. I’m sure it (5) is going to be (be) a great party. There (6) will be (be) lots of good food and music. And all my best friends (7) will be (be) there. (8) Shall I phone (phone) you tomorrow evening to ask you if you can come? (9) Will you be (be) in then? I (10) am going to stop (stop) now. Mum and I (11) are going to buy (buy) a party dress in a few minutes! Can you believe that? Me in a real party dress!


Slide 8 - Diapositive

Opdracht 5 Holiday plans

1 you - surf?                                                Are you going to surf?
2 able to - contact you?                        Will I be able to contact you?
3 weather - like?                                       What is the weather going to be like?
4 your brother - swim?                          Is your brother going to swim?
5 any sharks?                                            Won’t there be any sharks?
6 when - leave?                                        When are you leaving / going to leave?
7 say - goodbye?                                     Shall I come and say goodbye?

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Opdracht 6 Planning things

1 Carla - move house                                                    Carla is going to move house next week.
2 I - not do homework                                                  I am not going to do my homework tonight.
3 Michael and Alex - play football                          Michael and Alex are going to play football.
4 My brother - not watch TV                                     My brother is not going to watch TV tonight.
5 My friends - have a drink                                        My friends are going to have a drink.
6 Ian - do a maths test - ?                                          Is Ian going to do a maths test tomorrow?
7 We - visit grandmother                                           We are going to visit grandmother on Saturday.
8 The class - not pay attention                               The class is not going to pay attention.
9 I - leave                                                                           I think I will leave now.
10 take - to the bus station - ?                                 Shall I take you to the bus station?

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Opdracht 6 Planning things
1 Carla - move house                                                    Carla is going to move house next week.
2 I - not do homework                                                  I am not going to do my homework tonight.
3 Michael and Alex - play football                          Michael and Alex are going to play football.
4 My brother - not watch TV                                     My brother is not going to watch TV tonight.
5 My friends - have a drink                                        My friends are going to have a drink.
6 Ian - do a maths test - ?                                          Is Ian going to do a maths test tomorrow?
7 We - visit grandmother                                           We are going to visit grandmother on Saturday.
8 The class - not pay attention                               The class is not going to pay attention.
9 I - leave                                                                           I think I will leave now.
10 take - to the bus station - ?                                 Shall I take you to the bus station?

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Kijk het volgende filmpje

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Slide 13 - Vidéo

Heb je vragen over het gemaakte huiswerk? Die kan je stellen door je hand op te steken in Teams. 
Heb je geen vragen? Ga dan door met de volgende pagina.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

To do:
Maak in de online methode van Unit 3 - Lesson 3 (3.3) :
De Grammaticatrainer
Test Jezelf

Je vindt deze bij 3.3, NA de gewone opdrachten

Kijk je opdrachten ook na

Slide 15 - Diapositive

To do:
Maak deze les in de online methode van Unit 3 - Extra:
Test Jezelf

Je vindt deze NA paragraaf 1 t/m 5 en de Check it out opdrachten

Kijk je opdrachten ook na

Slide 16 - Diapositive


Ben je klaar met je opdrachten en heb je geen vragen? Oefen dan met de Wordtrainer tot de docent de les afsluit.

Slide 17 - Diapositive