Cette leçon contient 12 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.
La durée de la leçon est: 90 min
Éléments de cette leçon
Ik ga op reis en ik neem mee...
Intro unit
Slide 1 - Diapositive
Wat is jouw favoriete plek of plaats in Nederland?
Slide 2 - Question ouverte
plek in Nederland
Slide 3 - Carte mentale
Over de unit/about the unit
This unit allows students to explore how travelling is affecting personal lives in relation to all kinds of language features related to moving from one place to another. Students discuss topics such as: In and around Amsterdam / Travel and Transport / Shopping
Skills: Students explore different topics of travelling. Asking others about basic facts of travelling. Students learn basic words about travelling. Using the basic vocabulary of the classroom students write a small travel journal going to school. The use of conjunctions and several tenses are in the centre of the unit.
Slide 4 - Diapositive
With taking pictures of objects in the neighbourhood they live, students explore knowledge of the environment and the role they could take to protect this environment.
Skills: Students explore different topics of travelling. Asking others about basic facts of travelling, basic words . Using the basic vocabulary of the classroom students write a small travel journal going to school. The use of conjunctions and tenses are in the centre of the unit.
Slide 5 - Diapositive
Wat doen we vandaag?
intro unit
herhaling lidwoorden
Oral assessment Gaspard, Aryan en Nikita
Meanwhile: finish your vlog and hand in on MB
independent class work-copies on paper
exit ticket reflection previous unit
Slide 6 - Diapositive
Het lidwoord (article) is never on its own.
it is always in front of a noun, het zelfstandig naamwoord
some words don't get an article
Slide 7 - Diapositive
Namen van talen, metalen, sporten en spelen zijn het.
Woorden met twee lettergrepen die beginnen met be-, ge-, ver- en ont- krijgen het: het gezin (the parents and children)
Woorden die eindigen op –isme, -ment en –sel zijn het.
En er zijn uitzonderingen (exceptions)..
Slide 8 - Diapositive
Sometimes no article
1. We don’t use articles for names of cities, countries and months. For example:
Saila woont in Haarlem. Zij is in oktober jarig.
2. You don’t use an article when you cannot count the noun:
Ik drink thee, cola of bier…
Slide 9 - Diapositive
No article-geen lidwoord
3. You don’t use an article when you use the profession or job of someone:Camiel is docent. Lisette is fietsenmaker.
4. You don’t use an article for undefined people or objects in the plural:
In de zomer zijn bloemen niet zo duur.
Ik koop dan vaak rozen.
Ik vind rozen erg mooi.
Slide 10 - Diapositive
Doe de oefeningen op het kopie. Do the exercises on the copy.