Klas 3 - Week 3 & 4

Lesson Plan (1)
Part 1 - Value of Money
  • Words list 3 & 4, page 20
  • Video assignment 3, page 22

Part 2 - Work on 'weektaak'
  • Work on week (19 &) 20
  • Study words list 3 & 4, page 21

Part 3 - Listening assignment, page 21-22
- You know words related to the value of money
- You practise reading focussed on finding information
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 23 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 2 vidéos.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 50 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Lesson Plan (1)
Part 1 - Value of Money
  • Words list 3 & 4, page 20
  • Video assignment 3, page 22

Part 2 - Work on 'weektaak'
  • Work on week (19 &) 20
  • Study words list 3 & 4, page 21

Part 3 - Listening assignment, page 21-22
- You know words related to the value of money
- You practise reading focussed on finding information

Slide 1 - Diapositive

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Slide 2 - Vidéo

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Assignment: Seven Rings, page 21-22
While listening:
1. Highlight all the things Ariana buys with her money in the lyrics.

After listening:
2. What are the most important words in the lyrics? Why?
3. After re-reading the lyrics a few times, what more did you discover? What new expressions /words about money do see in these lyrics?

Slide 3 - Diapositive

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Lesson Plan (1)
Part 1 - Value of Money
  • Words list 3 & 4, page 20
  • Video assignment 3, page 22

Part 2 - Work on 'weektaak'
  • Work on week (19 &) 20
  • Study words list 3 & 4, page 21

Part 3 - Listening assignment, page 21-22
- You know words related to the value of money
- You practise reading focussed on finding information

Slide 4 - Diapositive

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Lesson Plan (2)
Part 1 - Value of Money
  • Check words list 3 & 4, page 21
  • Explain grammar, page 29-30

Part 2 - Become better
  • Work on 'weektaak' week (19 &) 20, page 3-4
  • Study words list 3 & 4, page 21

Part 3 - Check SE Schrijfvaardigheid
- You know words related to the value of money
- You know when and how to use some, any, much, many & a lot of

Slide 5 - Diapositive

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Reader, page 51
Words: EN-NL

1. occupation - ...
2. to put aside - ....
3. luxurious - ...
4. mansion - ...
5. in advance -  ...

Words: NL-EN

zelfbeheersing - ...
2. merk - ...
3. lenen - ...
4. rekeningen - ...
5. dankbaar - ...

Slide 6 - Diapositive

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Words: EN-NL

1. occupation - beroep
2. to put aside - opzij zetten
3. flashy - opzichtig
4. luxurious - luxueus
5. mansion - Villa
6. checking account - betaalrekening
7. debit card - betaalkaart
8. withdraw cash - geld opnemen
9. to transfer - overboeken
10. savings account -  spaarrekening
11. to charge - in rekening brengen
12. in advance -  van te voren

Words: NL-EN

1. weerstaan - to resist
2. zelfbeheersing - self-control
3. merk - brand
4. lenen - to borrow
5. schulden hebben - to be in debt
6. sparen - to save money
7. jezelf een budget geven - to set a budget
8. ik vind dat - I think that..
9. terugbetalen - to pay back
10. hoeveelheid - amount
11. rekeningen - bills
12. dankbaar - grateful

Slide 7 - Diapositive

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Grammar: Some / Any
'some' of 'any' = een paar/een beetje

Gewone zinnen -> Some               I would like to eat some chips.
Ontkennende zinnen -> Any       There isn't any milk in the fridge left.
Vraagzinnen -> Any                         Do you have any brothers or sisters?

*Geldt ook voor: Something / Anything / Somebody / Anybody etc. (page 29)
You know when and how to use some, any, much, many, a lot of, (a) little & (a) few

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Much, many, a lot of - page 30

'much', 'many' of 'a lot of' = veel

Gewone zinnen -> A lot of                                                                                  I would like to eat a lot of chips.
Ontkennende zinnen -> Much (enkelvoud) / Many (meervoud)
                                                                                                                                       There isn't much time left.
                                                                                                                                       Do you have many brothers?

You know when and how to use some, any, much, many, a lot of, (a) little & (a) few

Slide 9 - Diapositive

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(a) little, (a) few - page 30

'a little' of 'a few' = weinig/een aantal

Alle zinnen -> (a) little (enkelvoud)                             There is little time left.
                              (a) few (meervoud)                              I have a few questions.

You know when and how to use some, any, much, many, a lot of, (a) little & (a) few

Slide 10 - Diapositive

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Lesson Plan (3)
Part 1 - Value of Money
  • Check grammar, p. 28
  • explanation a/an, p. 40

Part 2 - Charities
  • Study words list 5 & 6, page 33
  • Work on 'weektaak' week 21, page 3-4

Part 3 - Check grammar: quantifiers
- You know words related to the value of money & charities
- You know when and how to use some, any, much, many & a lot of

Slide 11 - Diapositive

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Lesson Plan (4)
Part 1 - Charities
  • Check text 1, page 23-24 
  • Leesvaardigheid reflectie, page 52
  • Video assignment, page 34

Part 2 - Work on 'weektaak'
  • finish week 19 & 20 / this week = week 21
  • Study words list 5 & 6, page 33
- You know words related to Charities
- You practise writing focused on giving your opinion

Slide 12 - Diapositive

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Slide 13 - Vidéo

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Lijst 5: Charities / EN-NL

1. charity = goed doel
2. to support = steunen
3. generous = gul
4. volunteer = vrijwilliger
5. poverty = armoede
6. government = overheid
7. low-income = laag inkomen
8. to care = Bekommeren om (jezelf iets aantrekken)
9. a good cause = Een goed doel
10. contribution = Bijdrage aan

Lijst 6: Charities / NL-EN

1. beloven = to promise
2. doneren = to donate
3. eerlijk = fair
4. standpunt = point of view
5. meer bekendheid geven aan = to raise awareness about
6. geld inzamelen = to raise money
7. grootste probleem =  main issue
8. zich zorgen maken over = to be concerned with
9. verantwoordelijk = responsible
10. hulp = aid

Slide 14 - Diapositive

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Lesson Plan (5)
Part 1 - Charities
  • Check text 1, page 23-24
  • Video assignment, page 34

Part 2 - Work on 'weektaak'
  • finish week 19 & 20
  • this week = week 21
  • Study words list 5 & 6, page 33
- You know words related to Charities
- You practise writing focused on giving your opinion

Slide 15 - Diapositive

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Writing an Essay: Part 1
- Hoe ziet een Essay eruit?
- Succescriteria check
- Aan de slag

Slide 16 - Diapositive

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Slide 17 - Diapositive

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Tips & Tops: Writing an Essay
- Hoe ziet een Essay eruit?
- Succescriteria check
- Tips & Tops verwerken

Slide 18 - Diapositive

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Gebruik de onderstaande succescriteria om je eigen inleiding te checken:
1. De woorden uit de woordenlijst staan in je inleiding en zijn onderstreept.
2. De bijvoeglijk naamwoorden en bijwoorden staan in je inleiding en zijn dikgedrukt
3.  Schrijf een pakkend begin voor je inleiding 
4. Je inleiding schrijf je om belangstelling te wekken bij je lezer en je onderwerp te introduceren. !! -> Haal zinnen waarin je schrijft over waar je je geld aan uit geeft uit je inleiding !!
5. Check je inleiding op spelling en interpunctie (hoofdletters, punten, komma's, ik = I)

Slide 19 - Diapositive

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Part 2: Work on:

  1. Adjust your Essay part 1 & 2, page 19, 20 & 32
  2. Text 1, page 24-25
  3. Study words list 5 & 6, page 33
- You know words related to the Value of money & Charities
- You work on your essay, which is a part of your grammar test
Lesson Plan (5)
Part 1 - Charities
  • Check grammar, page 17
  • Open vragen / citeervragen, page 45-46

Part 2 - Work on 'weektaak'
  • finish week 19, 20, 21
  • this week = week 22
  • Study words list 5 & 6, page 33

Part 3 - Words check Charities
- You know words related to Charities
- You practise writing focused on giving your opinion

Slide 21 - Diapositive

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Lesson Plan (6)
Part 1 - Charities
  • Check grammar, page 30
  • Check planner, page 3-4

Part 2 - Work on 'weektaak'
  • finish week 19, 20, 21
  • this week = week 22
  • Study words list 5 & 6, page 33

Part 3 - Words check Charities
- You know words related to Charities
- You practise writing focused on giving your opinion

Slide 22 - Diapositive

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Lesson Plan (6)
Part 1 - Task 3 Proeftoets
  • Do the proeftoets
  • Finished? Check your answers

Part 2 - Work on 'weektaak'
  • finish week 19, 20, 21
  • this week = week 22
  • Study words list 5 & 6, page 33
- You know words related to Winnint the Lottery, Value of Money, Charities
- You know when to use quantifiers, prepositions & a/an
- You practise writing focused on giving your opinion

Slide 23 - Diapositive

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