Anatomy and physiologyFurther Education (Key Stage 5)
Cette leçon contient 12 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.
La durée de la leçon est: 60 min
Éléments de cette leçon
Ageing of the skin
Slide 1 - Diapositive
Which factors contribute to ageing skin?
Slide 2 - Carte mentale
What is skin ageing?
Differences in texture, wrinkles, pigmentation and elasticity
Slide 3 - Diapositive
Internal factors
Genetics and origin: Genetics play a major role in the ageing process.
Different ethnicities also age at varying rates. The natural protection offered by the presence of melanin influences differences in the rate at which skin changes between different racial groups.
For example, Caucasians have an earlier and greater onset of skin wrinkling and sagging than other ethnic groups. Asians, in contrast, are more prone to uneven skin tone, with wrinkles appearing later.
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External factors
U.V radiation
Prolonged sun exposure without protection can lead to premature ageing, including sun spots, fine lines, skin sagging and wrinkles.
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Slide 6 - Vidéo
Smoking accelerates the ageing process by constricting blood vessels and depleting oxygen from the skin.
Smoking causes uneven skin tone, sagging skin, skin cancer, poor healing of wounds and dilated capillaries.
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Individuals who follow an unhealthy diet and lifestyle will affect the rate at which skin ages.
Following a healthy lifestyle e.g balanced diet, regular exercise, no smoking and limited alcohol intake will have a more youthful and healthy appearance to their skin.
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Environmental factors
Living in heavily polluted areas can contribute to poor skin condition and premature ageing.
Pollution damages the skin barrier leading to irritation and other skin conditions.
Pollution can come in many forms e.g fumes from vehicle exhausts, fuel burning from industrial sites, blue light being omitted from your smartphone or computer and household chemicals.
Slide 9 - Diapositive
What is the most damaging factor that contributes to skin ageing?
Poor diet
UV rays
Slide 10 - Quiz
Which of the following can cause premature skin ageing?
Poor diet
UV rays
Slide 11 - Quiz
Which of the following can accelerate the ageing process of the skin?