1.7B speak out Unit 1D + writing assignment


  1. You have interviewed your neighbour about their lifestyle
  2. You can use modifiers to talk about your lifestyle. 
  3. You can tell what a good application letter looks like
  4. You have revised the skills we have learned in Block 1


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Slide 1: Diapositive
EnglishMBOStudiejaar 1

Cette leçon contient 27 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 100 min

Éléments de cette leçon


  1. You have interviewed your neighbour about their lifestyle
  2. You can use modifiers to talk about your lifestyle. 
  3. You can tell what a good application letter looks like
  4. You have revised the skills we have learned in Block 1


Slide 1 - Diapositive

TODAY Unit 1D + recap
 *Notebook+ Pen
 *English connect

Next test: Achievement test ( Unit 1&2) Jan. 20th
Next graded assignment:
Week of November 4th
High tea day: Wed. 6 nov (DM only)
                  AGENDA 1 hour class:
  1. Interview about lifestyle (10 min)
  2. Recap Unit 1 (15 min)
  3. Grading e-mails (15 min)
  4. Check up and closure (5 min)
About: modifiers and recap

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Lesson plan Block 1: 

1-1 (2/9): NO CLASS Intro
1-2 (9/9):  Intro and lead in
1-3 (16/9): Unit 1A + animals/plants book
1-4 (23/9): Unit 1A 
1-5 (30/9): Unit 1B + animals/plants book

1-6 (7/10): Unit 1B + writing practice test
1-7 (14/10): Unit  1C
1-8 (21/10):1D Speak & Writing
Autumn Break
1-9 (4/11): Graded assignm Writing

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Bring your stuff!!
Phones in bag
No food (unless I allow it)
Arrive on time

No littering
Be respectful
Try hard
Hats, headphones, hoodies off

Slide 4 - Diapositive

I think I have _____ interesting job
quite a
quite an

Slide 5 - Quiz

I have ______ a normal lifestyle

Slide 6 - Question ouverte

I am ______ difficult
a fairly
quite a
quite an

Slide 7 - Quiz

Slide 8 - Lien

Assignment 2: interview
What? SPEAKING 4a: Interview your partner
How? In pairs, use the KEY PHRASES
Time? 10 minutes                   Help? Ask me
Ready? Keep on talking about famous people you think are good and find some interviews/ ted talks with them.
Why? To learn to have a conversation


Slide 9 - Diapositive

1. Sts. can introduce themselves in brief sentences using linking words
2. Sts. can explain what they are currently studying.
3. They can understand and communicate basic information about jobs
4. Ask a correct question in the past tense.
5. Tell about their lifestyle using modifiers
6. Students can write an e-mail to apply for an internship with a formal and correct salutation and sign-off. They know how to organise an e-mail. 

Denken, delen, uitwisselen
1. Mijn naam is X, ik ben X jaar en woon bij mijn ouders. Mijn ouders zijn vriendelijk maar serieus. Ik heb ook een broer en 2 honden. Ik ben vrolijk en ik hou van (wandelen), omdat ik graag buiten ben. 

Slide 10 - Diapositive

1. Sts. can introduce themselves in brief sentences using linking words 
2. Sts. can explain what they are currently studying.
3. They can understand and communicate basic information about jobs
4. Ask a correct question in the past tense.
5. Tell about their lifestyle using modifiers
6. Students can write an e-mail to apply for an internship with a formal and correct salutation and sign-off. They know how to organise an e-mail. 

Denken, delen, uitwisselen
2. Ik studeer X/ ben  X aan het studeren/ zit in het eerste jaar van de studie X, omdat ik graag X zou willen worden.

Slide 11 - Diapositive

1. Sts. can introduce themselves in brief sentences using linking words 
2. Sts. can explain what they are currently studying.
3. Sts. can  communicate basic information about jobs and work.
4. Ask a correct question in the past tense.
5. Tell about their lifestyle using modifiers
 6. Students can write an e-mail to apply for an internship with a formal and correct salutation and sign-off. They know how to organise an e-mail. 

Denken, delen, uitwisselen
3. Ik werk 2 dagen in de week in een dierenwinkel en ik kan goed opschieten met mijn collega's. Ik kijk op tegen mijn baas, omdat ze heel netjes en betrouwbaar is.

Slide 12 - Diapositive

1. Sts. can introduce themselves in brief sentences using linking words 
2. Sts. can explain what they are currently studying.
3. Sts. can  communicate basic information about jobs and work.
4. Ask a correct question in the past tense.
5. Tell about their lifestyle using modifiers
6.  Students can write an e-mail to apply for an internship with a formal and correct salutation and sign-off. They know how to organise an e-mail. 

Denken, delen, uitwisselen
4. Had je vorig jaar een geduldige leraar?

Slide 13 - Diapositive

1. Sts. can introduce themselves in brief sentences using linking words 
2. Sts. can explain what they are currently studying.
3. Sts. can  communicate basic information about jobs and work.
4. Ask a correct question in the past tense.
5. Tell about their lifestyle using modifiers
A.  Students can write an e-mail to apply for an internship with a formal and correct salutation and sign-off. They know how to organise an e-mail. 

Denken, delen, uitwisselen
5. Ik had een redelijk saai leven, maar nu niet meer, want mijn nieuwe studie is behoorlijk moeilijk en ik werk een beetje meer. 

Slide 14 - Diapositive

1. Sts. can introduce themselves in brief sentences using linking words 
2. Sts. can explain what they are currently studying.
3. Sts. can  communicate basic information about jobs and work.
4. Ask a correct question in the past tense.
5. Tell about their lifestyle using modifiers
A.  Students can write an e-mail to apply for an internship with a formal and correct salutation and sign-off. They know how to organise an e-mail. 

Denken, delen, uitwisselen
A.  Geachte meneer Smith,

Ik schrijf u vanwege de brand in ons gebouw.
<blablabla >
Ik hoop snel iets van u te horen.

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Getoetst tijdens de writing assignment:
1. Sts. can introduce themselves in brief sentences using linking words (Talk about diff erent people and activities in your life: present simple and present continuous; state verbs;)
2. Sts. can explain what they are currently studying. (Jargon words!)
3. Sts. can communicate basic information about jobs and work. (vocabulary)
4. Ask a correct question in the past tense. ( did ?)
5. Tell about their lifestyle using modifiers (relatively, quite, quite a)
A. Students can write an e-mail to apply for an internship with a formal and correct salutation and sign-off. They know how to organise an e-mail. 

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Slide 17 - Lien

De opdracht:
You have read about a very cool internship at the London Zoo and you would love to get selected. You write an e-mail to Maria West to apply. You may make up the information.
*Write an e- mail introducing yourself to Maria West.
*Mention what you are studying.
*Write why you want the internship.
*Tell her which languages you speak.
*Ask a question about the work you will have to do.
* In your closing you show how happy it would make you to get selected.

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Studygo wordlists:

Slide 19 - Diapositive


Wat moet je kunnen:
* alle lesdoelen uit het boek van blok 1
* de woordenlijst kennen

* een pen (op papier!)

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Getoetst tijdens de writing assignment:
1. Sts. can introduce themselves in brief sentences using linking words (Talk about diff erent people and activities in your life: present simple and present continuous; state verbs;)
2. Sts. can explain what they are currently studying. (Jargon words!)
3. Sts. can communicate basic information about jobs and work. (vocabulary)
4. Ask a correct question in the past tense. ( did ?)
5. Tell about their lifestyle using modifiers (relatively, quite, quite a)
A. Students can write an e-mail to apply for an internship with a formal and correct salutation and sign-off. They know how to organise an e-mail. 

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Slide 22 - Vidéo

1.You have interviewed your neighbour about their lifestyle
(You know how to introduce yourself while using linking words)
You can use modifiers to talk about your lifestyle. 
2. You can tell what a good application letter looks like
You know how to open and close a formal e-mail.
You have practised writing an e-mail so you feel confident 


Slide 23 - Diapositive

Next lesson: Writing assignment

Slide 24 - Diapositive

What did you think of the lesson?

Slide 25 - Sondage

Slide 26 - Lien


Slide 27 - Diapositive