V5 / 6 reading lesson VWO exam 2021 text 8: Hot Milk

V5: Reading lesson
1 / 27
Slide 1: Diapositive
Engels leesvaardigheidMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5,6

Cette leçon contient 27 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

V5: Reading lesson

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Text 8 (VWO 2021):
"Hot Milk"

First have a look at what kind of text this is.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

What kind of text is this, and what do you expect it to be about?

Slide 3 - Carte mentale

Question 31:
Read the question and the statements (beweringen), and then read paragraphs 1 through 4.

*Mark the text if you come across 'proof' for any of the statements.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Now (take your time and) answer question 31:
1: wel, 2: wel, 3: niet, 4: wel
1: niet, 2: niet, 3: niet, 4: wel
1: wel, 2: niet, 3: wel, 4: niet
1: niet, 2: wel, 3: niet, 4: wel

Slide 5 - Quiz

What exactly is the NHS?
"It refers to the Government-funded medical and health care services that everyone living in the UK can use without being asked to pay the full cost of the service."
(Source: https://fullfact.org/health/what-is-the-nhs/)

So basically it's the health care system in the UK.
(kan handig zijn om te weten voor examenteksten)
*Als je 1 bewering fout hebt van de 4, krijg je nog steeds 1 punt van de 2 (bij minder dan drie goede antwoorden helaas 0 punten).

I will now explain the answers, and also why I disagree with one of them...

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What exactly is the NHS?
"It refers to the Government-funded medical and health care services that everyone living in the UK can use without being asked to pay the full cost of the service."
(Source: https://fullfact.org/health/what-is-the-nhs/)

So basically it's the health care system in the UK.
(kan handig zijn om te weten voor examenteksten)

1. The hard drive of her computer has crashed due to a fall. No, it still works ("The digital page is now shattered but at least it still works")

2. She has the feeling she is losing control over her life at the moment. According to CITO: yes ("So what I am saying is that if it is broken, so am I.")

*In my opinion, this is debatable. It could be meant as a joke, and also you can't make that judgement just based on these few words: "if it is broken, so am I", and then claim that that is the only way to interpret it.

Slide 7 - Diapositive

What exactly is the NHS?
"It refers to the Government-funded medical and health care services that everyone living in the UK can use without being asked to pay the full cost of the service."
(Source: https://fullfact.org/health/what-is-the-nhs/)

So basically it's the health care system in the UK.
(kan handig zijn om te weten voor examenteksten)

3. She has taken her laptop to the cybercafé owner before. No ("Apparently, there is a cybercafé in
the next flyblown town") --> 'apparently' (blijkbaar) means she has heard of this cybercafé but hasn't been there herself.

4. The duration of her stay in Spain is determined by her mother’s illness. Yes ("Will I still be here in a month? I don't know. It depends on my sick mother")

Slide 8 - Diapositive

What exactly is the NHS?
"It refers to the Government-funded medical and health care services that everyone living in the UK can use without being asked to pay the full cost of the service."
(Source: https://fullfact.org/health/what-is-the-nhs/)

So basically it's the health care system in the UK.
(kan handig zijn om te weten voor examenteksten)

Now read question 32 and the options A-B-C-D, look up any words if necessary, and read paragraphs 5 through 7 to find the right answer.


Slide 9 - Diapositive

Your answer to question 32:
Sofia feels the authorities are too lax ...
Sofia is reluctant to swim in the sea again ...
Sofia thinks the explanation of why ...
Sofia wanted to be stung by a jellyfish ...

Slide 10 - Quiz

Uitleg bij 32B:
"I could be floating on my back in the sea looking
up at the real night sky and the real Milky Way but I am nervous about jellyfish. Yesterday afternoon I got stung and it left a fierce purple whiplash welt on my left upper arm."

reluctant = terughoudend (ze wil op zich wel zwemmen maar durft niet meer zo goed vanwege de kwallenbeet)

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Waarom zijn de andere opties bij 32 niet goed?

A. Sofia feels the authorities are too lax in their instructions for summer tourists: Sofia geeft in de tekst niet haar mening over de regels voor toeristen.
C. Sofia thinks the explanation of why jellyfish are called medusa is very apt: nee, ze vraagt zich juist af "why would a jellyfish be named after her?"
D. Sofia wanted to be stung by a jellyfish in order to be attended to by the student. Nee, ze werd eerst gestoken, en toen moest ze daardoor naar de 'injury hut' ("I had to run across the hot sand")

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Lees nu vraag 33 en de opties A-B-C-D.

*Als je nu misschien al het idee hebt dat twee opties op elkaar lijken, probeer dan juist de verschillen tussen die twee antwoorden scherp te krijgen. (Let me know if you need help)

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Lees nu alinea 8 en kies je antwoord.


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Your answer to question 33:
to ask for her support to patrol the injury hut ...
to keep tabs on how many tourists make use of ...
to provide the student with personal details ...
to release the student from any form of liability ...

Slide 15 - Quiz

Uitleg bij 33 B:

B: to keep tabs on how many tourists make use of the injury hut

Paragraph 8:  "he was required to ask me to fill it in to keep the injury hut open in the Spanish recession. If tourists did not have cause to use this service he would be out of a job" 

--> Ze willen weten hoeveel mensen er gebruik maken van de hut. Het gaat slecht met de economie ("recession") en als er te weinig toeristen gebruik van maken, gaat hij dicht.

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Als je vraag 33 fout had, waaraan denk je dan dat het lag?

Slide 17 - Carte mentale

Correctievoorschrift (q. 2):
antwoorden met de volgende strekking:
• (Dokters in opleiding doen het liever niet vanwege) het gebrek aan anonimiteit. / Het kan niet anoniem (1 pt)
• Het is niet gemakkelijk te melden. / Het ontbreken van middelen/een (goed) systeem/een (goede) manier (voor NHS-personeel om incidenten/zorgen te rapporteren) (1 pt)
For question 34 (last question!), I'm going to give you an example of each of the '(literary) devices' (literaire 'trucs' / technieken) in the question:

a) eufemism:

Instead of saying "we had to fire him", a company or manager usually says something like:
"we had to let him go" (and that's a eufemism)

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Correctievoorschrift (q. 2):
antwoorden met de volgende strekking:
• (Dokters in opleiding doen het liever niet vanwege) het gebrek aan anonimiteit. / Het kan niet anoniem (1 pt)
• Het is niet gemakkelijk te melden. / Het ontbreken van middelen/een (goed) systeem/een (goede) manier (voor NHS-personeel om incidenten/zorgen te rapporteren) (1 pt)
b) paradox ("schijnbare tegenstelling") in literature:

"Homer creates a paradox for the hero Odysseus to trick the cyclops who has captured Odysseus and his men.
While captured, Odysseus gets the cyclops drunk and tells him that his name is Nobody.
Later, he attacks the cyclops, who screams to the neighbours that “Nobody is killing him.” Of course nobody comes to his aid because Nobody is hurting him — when, of course, somebody is hurting him, thus the paradox." 

[source: https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/what-is-paradox-definition/]

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Odysseus and the lovely cyclops...

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c) personification
Giving a human quality or characteris-tic...
...to something that isn't human.

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d) vergelijking ("simile")
A simile is an expression comparing one thing with another, always using the words "as" or "like".

An example in one of the most famous poems in English:

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Lord Byron:

"She walks in beauty like the night ..."

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Maar dit is ook gewoon een voorbeeld van een "simile" / vergelijking...

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Now decide what your answer will be for the last question (34).

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Your answer to question 34:
1: a (eufemisme) 2: c (personificatie)
1: b (paradox) 2: d (vergelijking)
1: c (personificatie) 2: d (vergelijking)
1: d (vergelijking) 2: c (personificatie)

Slide 26 - Quiz

Toelichting bij 34 C:
1 C (personificatie): "my laptop knows more about me than anyone else" --> that cannot be literally true, because a laptop doesn't actually know anything. So the writer is giving the laptop human qualities.
2 D (vergelijking): the student's lips are being compared to a jellyfish (or medusa, as they are apparently called in Spanish) with the word 'like': "like a medusa

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