Templates from Thomas

Next Steps 
with LessonUp 
1 / 44
Slide 1: Diapositive
LessonUpYear 1

Cette leçon contient 44 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Next Steps 
with LessonUp 

Slide 1 - Diapositive

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How have you used LessonUp since the last session?
How have you used LessonUp since the last session?

Slide 2 - Carte mentale

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How have your students felt about LessonUp?

Slide 3 - Sondage

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4. Track Student Progress

Slide 4 - Diapositive

De insteek is dat alleen de 'Beginnen met LessonUp' een knoppencursus is, waarbij de nadruk ligt op het product. Alle andere sessie zijn veel meer didactisch van aard.
4 (a). Track student progress by creating classes for your different groups.
Collate resources
Provide your students with resources and lessons for them to access anywhere, anytime.
Teach to class
Remove the time taken to enter a pin code at the start of each session and bring them right in.
Distribute home-learning
Provide home-learning tasks and portfolios for your students to work through at home.

Slide 5 - Diapositive

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4 (b). Track student progress using our simple to navigate but detailed report function, to see the insights that really matter.
Lesson view
To encourage reflective practice and see which tasks your students really engage with.
Class view
To see the progress of your students as a collective.
Student view
To deep-dive into individual student progress and prompt progress updates for your class.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

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1. Class view
See the results of your class as a whole to review progress and monitor your class-wide assessment routines.

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Start from scratch
Enrich existing material (e.g. Powerpoint)
Reuse or get inspired by lessons from the public LessonUp library
Generate with Maia - LessonUp's AI-assistant
Review post-lesson reports and monitor student progress
2. Lesson view
Look at the results of each slide, interactive or not, to monitor engagement and uncover misconceptions or gaps in learning.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Start from scratch
Enrich existing material (e.g. Powerpoint)
Reuse or get inspired by lessons from the public LessonUp library
Generate with Maia - LessonUp's AI-assistant
Review post-lesson reports and monitor student progress
3. Student view
Deep-dive into the results of a particular student, from the time they spent on each task to the scripts they have written for their extended writing tasks.

You can even start a dialogue with your students by using the 'comment' option.

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Start from scratch
Enrich existing material (e.g. Powerpoint)
Reuse or get inspired by lessons from the public LessonUp library
Generate with Maia - LessonUp's AI-assistant
Review post-lesson reports and monitor student progress
5. Collaborate with       your colleagues

Slide 10 - Diapositive

De insteek is dat alleen de 'Beginnen met LessonUp' een knoppencursus is, waarbij de nadruk ligt op het product. Alle andere sessie zijn veel meer didactisch van aard.
5. Collaborate with your colleagues by utilising your exclusive shared folder, integrating with your LMS and developing SOW's.
LMS Integration
Talk to our business development team to see how we can easily integrate LessonUp with your current LMS, so your staff still feel at home.
Shared Folder
To easily and securely share and distribute lessons across your school, while keeping them hidden from the wider LessonUp Community.
Schemes of work
By utilising our 'plan' function, you can signpost your learning journey (great for when cover is needed), show your curriculum intent and even link the lessons directly.

Slide 11 - Diapositive

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Your institutional blue folder
Easily share resources, and keep them private to you.

You should already see this folder in your school's shared area.
  • But how do we optimise this?

Slide 12 - Diapositive

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Structure and layout.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

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By clicking the symbol as shown here; 
you can easily signpost the organisation and methodology of your teaching. 

This is great for shared planning, teaching reviews and ensuring all your lessons are ready for cover should you ever need it.

But this is also doable in how you layout your lessons.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

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Alternatively, use MAIA, our onboard AI to help create and structure content in a way that is easily teachable.

Slide 15 - Diapositive

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Prepare lessons with AI
Instruct Maia, our AI-assistant, to generate a lesson structure

Take the lesson structure as a foundation and prepare your lesson

Generate quiz questions based on instruction slides

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Start from scratch
Enrich existing material (e.g. Powerpoint)
Reuse or get inspired by lessons from the public LessonUp library
Generate with Maia - LessonUp's AI-assistant
Review post-lesson reports and monitor student progress
Now we have summarised the features, and learned where to find support;
 let's get into some practical tips to help you teach at your best.

Slide 17 - Diapositive

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Learning Phases and Presentation
The organisation and details of your slides can have massive impacts on how well your students understand their learning and engage with your content.

Let's go over some examples and see what a difference a couple of tweaks can make.

Slide 18 - Diapositive

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Learning goal

What do you need to know and to be able to do?

Slide 19 - Diapositive

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Learning Objective


Slide 20 - Diapositive

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Learning goal

At the end of this lesson you will understand and be able to explain how the Roman Empire developed from a city-state to a huge empire, and how this empire was governed over the centuries.

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Een goed leerdoel bevat actieve werkwoorden. Dus niet: je weet, je begrijpt e.d.. Dit zijn passieve werkwoord, die geen activiteit van de leerlingen vragen. 

Wel goed zijn: je kunt herkennen en uitleggen, je kunt toepassen e.d.

Het leerdoel is essentieel om in een les, klassikaal, te benoemen. Eventueel voor te laten lezen door een aantal leerlingen. Een les is geen film waarbij je de plot niet mag vertellen: de leerlingen moeten weten waar ze aan toe zijn.

Mind map
Interactive method to activate prior knowledge

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Bij alle lesfasen laat je een voorbeeld zien dat redelijk standaard is.

Het woordweb in LessonUp wordt meestal op een 'klassieke' manier ingezet: de leerlingen voeren woorden in. Daar is niets mis mee, maar er is meer mogelijk.

Vervolgens ga je een stapje verder, en laat je zien wat óók mogelijk is.

Het is goed om hier uit te leggen dat je de reacties van de leerlingen kunt verplaatsen om zo categorieën aan te brengen. Dit staat hier beschreven.

Een verdere variant hierop zie je in slide 19

Mind Map
What do you remember about ?
what do you remember about this?

Slide 23 - Carte mentale

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Slide 24 - Carte mentale

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Slide 25 - Diapositive

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Knowledge transfer
Interactive instruction 

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Bij alle lesfasen laat je een voorbeeld zien dat redelijk standaard is.

Bij de lesfase is dat de klassieke Powerpoint-slide, inclusief bulletpoints en veel informatie. Daar is niets mis mee, maar het kan ook op een andere manier.
Intersecting, parallel, and crossing lines
  • intersecting lines: lines in the same plane that intersect each other

  • parallel lines: lines in the same plane that run parallel and therefore always keep the same distance from each other

  • crossing lines: lines that are not in the same plane, are not parallel and do not intersect

Slide 27 - Diapositive

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Sandbags were filled with earth and mud to protect the soldiers.
When the war started food supplies were still sufficient for all soldiers, but as the war went on, there was less and less (good) food.
When soldiers were not fighting, they often used to play cards.
The soldiers suffered greatly from vermin such as rats and fleas. Some soldiers spent the time between battles killing rats.
Not only did the dogs keep the soldiers company, they also delivered groceries between trenches.
Soldiers could often sleep only during the day, because the night was a good time to spy on the trenches of the enemies. 
With a periscope, the soldiers were able to see the enemy without risking their lives. A periscope works with two lenses.
Thousands of letters and diaries of soldiers from the First World War have been preserved. These are important and valuable sources of information.
For the safety of the soldiers, the trenches weren't shaped in straight lines. They had corners.
40,000 km of trenches were built between the North Sea and the Swiss border (Western Front).
In four years, the area between the trenches has changed completely. It has become a no-man's-land.
360˚ video of the trenches in World War 1
While checking out the video you can look in all directions! Give it a try!
Guarding the trenches was one of the most important responsibilities. There were very severe penalties for falling asleep during guard duty.
Besides fighting and keeping watch, there were plenty of other annoying jobs to do in the trenches, such as refilling sandbags, repairing barbed wire or emptying the latrines (toilets).

Slide 28 - Diapositive

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Interactive ways of applying knowledge and skills

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Bij alle lesfasen laat je een voorbeeld zien dat redelijk standaard is.

Bij de lesfase is dat de quiz- en open vaag. 

Maar verwerking kan om zoveel manieren, zoals: het ganzenbord of ‘bedenk een vraag met als antwoord.’

Who is this man?
Pablo Picasso
Rembrandt van Rijn
Piet Mondriaan
Vincent van Gogh

Slide 30 - Quiz

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I used to think... Now I think...
 I used to think...                             
Now I think...          

Slide 31 - Question ouverte

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De Franse Revolutie

1. Een oneerlijke verdeling
First this...
...then this!

Slide 32 - Diapositive

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Interactive reflection: 
focus on the results of your lessons, but mainly on 'teaching to learn'

Slide 33 - Diapositive

Bij alle lesfasen laat je een voorbeeld zien dat redelijk standaard is.

Deze lesfasen komt er tijdens les vaak bekaaid vanaf. Als er al wordt geëvalueerd…

Meestal wordt er gevraagd: “Zijn er nog vragen?”. Waarna het ernstig stil blijft. 

Omdat dit een belangrijk onderwerp op scholen is, en terecht, is het goed om een aantal interactieve voorbeelden de revue te laten passeren:
- Exit Ticket
- Spinner als exit ticket
- 60 second Post-it

Over welke 2 dingen zou je nog meer willen weten
Write down 3 things that you remember from this lesson
Ask 1 question about something that's not clear.
Which 2 things in this lesson do you want to know more about?
Exit Tickets

Slide 34 - Diapositive

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Spin-ery {sp-een-[a]ry} an awful pun based on the culminated pronunciation of 'spinner' and 'plenary'.

Slide 35 - Diapositive

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What have you learned?
Write as much as possible
What have you learned?
Write as much as possible

Slide 36 - Question ouverte

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Creating a template

Slide 37 - Diapositive

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Waarom Templates...

  • Give a push in the right direction. 
  • Recognisability for pupils/students.
  • Inspire and learn from each other. 
  • Get the most out of LessonUp.
Why templates?

Slide 38 - Diapositive

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pellentesque sapien quis diam ullamcorper, quis rhoncus velit ornare. Praesent sed tellus felis. Quisque mauris nisi, dapibus eu enim sit amet, sollicitudin suscipit nibh. Praesent dictum fermentum tempus. Sed pellentesque est leo, sed gravida ligula dignissim at. Proin dapibus ipsum nec ornare hendrerit. Integer ullamcorper sagittis elit eget euismod. Mauris ut pulvinar elit. Ut congue dolor at nulla tristique euismod. Sed a nibh a mauris dignissim commodo id a est.
Room for an image

Slide 39 - Diapositive

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Slide 40 - Diapositive

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Example template of a drag and drop

Slide 41 - Question de remorquage

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More freedom?
Set the layout of informative slides to "blank".
Less is more
Keep it as simple as possible, then it will be attractive to use the template.
Build the lesson already but don't fill in the questions, images, etc. yet!
Tips & Tricks
Templates for all!
Make sure you have a template of all (interactive) slides and components.

Slide 42 - Diapositive

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Let's get to work! 💪

Slide 43 - Diapositive

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How did it go?

Slide 44 - Sondage

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