week 9 - KLV les 1,2,3 - nieuw

Week 9 - Watching / listening
lesson 1
  • Introduce myself and upcoming lessons
  • Test goal & procedure test
Practice part 1
  • Listening test intro questions
  • discuss and give tips
Practice part 2
  • Listening test mock test - entry level test
- learn about improving your listening skills
- find out your entry level listening skills
1 / 29
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 29 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Week 9 - Watching / listening
lesson 1
  • Introduce myself and upcoming lessons
  • Test goal & procedure test
Practice part 1
  • Listening test intro questions
  • discuss and give tips
Practice part 2
  • Listening test mock test - entry level test
- learn about improving your listening skills
- find out your entry level listening skills

Slide 1 - Diapositive

About me:
Mrs (Lisa) Hissink
32 years old - married to Stefan - daughter Ninthe
fav. city Edinburgh
like drawing, playing videogames, Netflix

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Classroom Rules:
Mijn lessen zijn een plek om Engels te kunnen leren.
- Laat je telefoon in je kluisje.
- Als ik praat, zijn jullie stil (dan kan iedereen mij verstaan)
- Als jij iets wilt zeggen, steek dan je vinger op
- Houd rekening met elkaar (luister naar elkaar, zorg dat jij en je klasgenoten kunnen leren (in rust en groepswerk)
- Je hebt je spullen bij je (boek, laptop, schrift, oplader en pen)
- Iets niet gelukt? Laat het me weten en stel een oplossing voor

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Classroom Rules
When we discuss an English activity/assignment/topic, we speak English
When I talk to you in English, I expect you to answer in English

When I talk to you in Dutch, you can answer in Dutch.
When I explain English grammar

Slide 4 - Diapositive

What to bring?
- Workbook (need it for class and studying)
- Notebook
- Laptop (extra assignments in Teams and planner)
- Pen / pencil / marker

Slide 5 - Diapositive

My teacher goals for this year:
Zelfsturing / samenwerking / Actief leren
- Samenwerken met jullie (feedback geven) om samen de volgende stap te bepalen (soms individueel)
- Hoe kan ik jullie het beste laten kiezen en zelf overzicht houden hoe het gaat?
- Hoe creëren we een omgeving waarin iedereen kan werken/leren?
- Dit betekent dat ik veel vragen ga stellen over hoe jullie werken/leren om jullie daarin te leren kennen.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Test Goal
Wanneer: Toetsweek
KLV:  kijk / luistervaardigheid
Cijfer: Telt mee voor klas 3 (6x) en voor klas 4 (5x)
Duur: 60 minuten
Wat kan je verwachten (procedure):
CITO toets kijk/luistervaardigheid.
Videodeel en audiodeel met Nederlandse meerkeuze vragen (3 versies)
Luisterfragmenten met pauzes (in de pauze beantwoord je de vraag)
- learn about improving your listening skills
- prepare / practise for KLV test

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Listening Test Practice Part 1
Set up:
- Introduction (video) fragment
To get used to the accents, background noise, introduce topic
Think about what you know about the topic.
- Pause to read question 1
Focus on the key words of the different answers. Make sure you remember the question while listening
- Listen the to fragment
Pay attention to details, summarize the overall message
- Pause to choose the correct answer and read the next question

- learn about improving your listening skills
- prepare / practise for KLV test

Slide 8 - Diapositive

CITO Test 2017

Start up the test and answer questions 1 and 2
Discuss the answers in class
- learn about improving your listening skills
- prepare / practise for KLV test

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Discuss Question #1

- learn about improving your listening skills
- prepare / practise for KLV test

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Discuss Question #1                Correct answer: V1A     V2C      V3C

- learn about improving your listening skills
- prepare / practise for KLV test

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Discuss Question #2

- learn about improving your listening skills
- prepare / practise for KLV test

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Discuss Question #2                        Correct Answer: V1C   V2C    V3B

- learn about improving your listening skills
- prepare / practise for KLV test

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Tips on how the answer
the questions correctly
1. Choose the keywords in the question and answers
2. Think about English words that mean the same you could hear (predict)
3. Focus on the questions (or keywords from step 1) while listening
4. Beware of traps

5. Summarize the overall meaning / message of the fragment.
Filter out the correct answer. 

If you hear an EXACT word from the answer. Always listen to the meaning. For example:  
Answers like: 'The man lives in China' when the speaker says 'I used to live in China' or 'I always wanted to live in China'.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Work on the rest of
the listening test: entry level
Entry level test:
Finish video
Next up: audio

Hand in your answers at the end of class

- learn about improving your listening skills
- prepare / practise for KLV test

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Tips reminder
1. Choose the keywords in the question and answers
2. Think about English words that mean the same you could hear (predict)
3. Focus on the questions (or keywords from step 1) while listening
4. Beware of traps

5. Summarize the overall meaning / message of the fragment.
Filter out the correct answer. 

If you hear an EXACT word from the answer. Always listen to the meaning. For example:  
Answers like: 'The man lives in China' when the speaker says 'I used to live in China' or 'I always wanted to live in China'.

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Welke luistertip hielp jou het meest?
Of heb je zelf een tip?

Slide 17 - Carte mentale

Tips on how improve your listening skills
1. Learn vocabulary to understand what they're saying
Read books-magazines, listen to English music and translate, watch English social media videos and translate (bewust bezig zijn met taal)
2. BBC learning English podcasts (On Spotify)
Podcast titles: BBC 6 minute English, 6 minute vocabulary, Easy Stories in English ,The English we Speak, 
3. Get used to people speaking English
Watch English films/series with English subtitles. Watching interviews with your favourite celebrities

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Welke luistertip ga jij gebruiken?

Slide 19 - Carte mentale

Practise a listening improving tip at home
(no subtitles or English subtitles)

- Write a short summary on what you watched
- Write 5 English words you learned from it

- learn about improving your listening skills
- prepare / practise for KLV test

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Week 9 - watching/listening
Lesson 2
Check in (10 mins)
What's up in our planner and goals
SE KLV: practise listening (40 mins)
Share results entry level test
review listening tips
Practise video part with older exam
Write down keywords your hear
- Learn how to improve your listening skills
- You practise listening for your SE KLV

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Connect last lesson to this one
Practise listening
1. Share results entry level test
Analyse your results to focus on improving the errors
2. Review listening tips 
Fill in the questionnaire and discuss answers in class. Learn from the questionnaire and each other
3. Practise video / audio parts
Write down keywords your hear

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Slide 23 - Diapositive

Choose how to work
Choice #1:
Practise with group and me to learn together how to anwer listening questions. You will learn what to focus on, how to summarize and discuss together how to notice the correct answer.

Choice #2:
Work on the listening assignments by yourself. Show what you learned by filling in reflection form. (find the assignments in SOM - bijlagen)

Slide 24 - Diapositive

Week 9 - watching/listening
Lesson 3 (3a)
Check in (10 mins)
LessonUp questions
Practise video part with older exam (together - 20 mins)
2017 audio deel
Play 5-10 questions and check answers in class
Practise by yourself
Use links on SOM
- Learn how to improve your listening skills
- You practise listening for your SE KLV

Slide 25 - Diapositive

What series / film did you watch as homework for today?

Slide 26 - Carte mentale

With or without English subtitles?
with English subtitles
without subtitles

Slide 27 - Sondage

What is the most difficult about watching English without subtitles?

Slide 28 - Carte mentale

CITO practice
Part 1: Practise video part with older exam (together in class - 20 mins)
2017 audio deel
Play 5-10 questions and check answers in class

Part 2: Practise by yourself
Use links on SOM

Part 3: Done? Write me a letter on your English skills (assignment on paper)
- Learn how to improve your listening skills
- You practise listening for your SE KLV

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