Bijles 4e klas

Word Guess strategy
- Find familiar parts
      Ex. Traffic Jam
- Does the word look like a word you know in Dutch or any other  language.
- Look in immediate context/line/sentence. 
- Look in wider context/ Lines before and after the word.
- Guess the meaning
- Check the meaning
1 / 10
Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 10 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Word Guess strategy
- Find familiar parts
      Ex. Traffic Jam
- Does the word look like a word you know in Dutch or any other  language.
- Look in immediate context/line/sentence. 
- Look in wider context/ Lines before and after the word.
- Guess the meaning
- Check the meaning

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Vakbegeleiding Engels
What are we going to do?

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Week 1
Word strategies assignment
Which words do you need to look up in a dictionary?
Tips on how to use a dictionary. 

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Today is about how you should use a dictionary.

Many of you will hardly ever use one these days,
but they are very convenient and you should 
definitely use one during your exam.

(Obviously you can't use the Internet during the exam...!)

Slide 4 - Diapositive

So, what do you need?
A dictionary, obviously!

But which one?

For your reading exam you will need one that translate words from English to Dutch
For your writing and speaking exams, 
you will need one that translates words from Dutch to English!

So, now that you've got that. Please bring it to your exams!!!

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First of all...
Check out the instruction and list of abbreviations in your dictionary!

Why you should do that...?!
Well, reading this is important because this way you will find out how entries are arranged (different definitions), how words should be pronounced etc.

You've got 5 minutes.


Slide 6 - Diapositive

Know your alphabet!
This may sound very obvious but it is so important to know the order of the letters (without having to go through them all the time) because dictionaries follow the alphabetical order. 
For example, "hond" begins with "h" so the word is found in the section after "g" and before "i".

Check out the guide words. 
The two words at the top of the page tell you if you're looking in the right letter section.

If you're looking for the word "braam" you would begin looking in the "B" section. You would look at the tops of the pages as you went through it until you came to the page with the guide words "bo-br" This tells you that all the words between "bouwbedrijf" and "breuk" are on this page. Since "braam" starts with "b-r-a" it will be in this section.

As always, the dictionary goes in alphabetical order, so "braam" (b-r-a) will come before "breuk" (b-r-e).

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Scan down the page for your word. 
If you were looking for the word "fraude," for example, 
you would move past "fraai" and "fractuur" and "franchise". 
Since the example word begins with "f-r-a", go past all the "f-l" and all 
the "f-o" words alphabetically until you reach the "f-r" area of the page. 

In this example, move right down through "fraai" and "frangipane" and just below this is where you will find "fraude."

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Read the definition
Once you've found the word you need to translate, 
you will see that it will tell you exactly what it means. 
But, very often there is more than one meaning!

Also, it will tell you how to pronounce it, what part of speech it is and so on.

For you it's just important to know that you should not 
always use the first word you see in your dictionary!

Slide 9 - Diapositive

12th November
Practise reading
Start with true and false questions
Write down the unfamiliar words

Slide 10 - Diapositive