H5 week 40

H5 week 41

Learning objectives:
  • Examenidioom 7 & writing
  • Speaking with if-sentences
  • Practice examenidioom online
  • Practice Use of English & word formation/transformation online

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 40 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 1 min

Éléments de cette leçon

H5 week 41

Learning objectives:
  • Examenidioom 7 & writing
  • Speaking with if-sentences
  • Practice examenidioom online
  • Practice Use of English & word formation/transformation online

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Examenidioom 7 - Transport & Travel - Writing
Write a 150 to 200-word story on your city trip last year OR your last holiday with 10 of the following words from unit 7:
  1. outing                                            14. sights (famous sights to visit are...)
  2. to assemble                                 15. departure
  3. traffic jam/congestion            16. delay (we experienced no delay)
  4. to roam                                            17. abroad
  5. prohibited                                       18. by underground (we toured the city by underground)
  6. destination                                      19. to overtake (to overtake another vehicle)
  7. cautious                                            20. To cancel (during covid, the trips abroad were cancelled).
  8. customs
  9. to stroll                                                Try to use linking words: First of all, not only, despite, even though, however, still, yet, indeed,     
  10. to enquire about                               as a matter of fact, besides etc.
  11. to dazzle (to be dazzled by the beauty of the city)
  12. laid-back
  13. remote

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Speaking exercise with Second conditional
  1. What would you do if aliens landed their spaceship in your garden?
  2. If there suddenly was no internet, how would the world change?
  3. How would you spend $100 000 in 12 hours?
  4. What would you do if you could fly?
  5. If could go on holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  6. If somebody hit you in the face, what would you do?
  7. If you survived a plane crash in the jungle, how long would you survive?
  8. If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would that be?
  9. If it was possible, would you like to have your own clone?
  10. What would you do if_____________________________?
  11. What would happen if_____________________________?

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Speaking exercise with Third conditional
  1. If you had been born in a different country, what would have been different in your life?
  2. What would you have done if you had found out you were a lost child of a European monarch and a successor to the throne?
  3. How would your life have been different if you had been growing up with 9 siblings?
  4. If you could have studied something else, what would that have been?
  5. How would your life have changed if you had done something different that one time?
  6. What would have happened last weekend if you had partied all night long?
  7. If you had been born as a child of a Hollywood celebrity, how would your childhood have been different?
  8. If you had been born Quasimodo, how would your life have changed?
  9. If you had been born with 6 fingers on each hand, how would that have changed your life?
  10. What would have happened if_____________________________________?
  11. What would you have done if______________________________________?

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Slide 5 - Lien

Slide 6 - Lien

Slide 7 - Lien

Slide 8 - Lien

Slide 9 - Lien

Slide 10 - Lien

H5 week 40 

Learning objectives:
  • Practice grammar online (mixed tenses, the genitive, conditionals, question tags)
  • examenidioom 5 & speaking

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Examenidioom Unit 5
Discuss with a classmate:
  1. Which item is indispensable on holiday?
  2. What is inappropriate behavious in class?
  3. What is the most fashionable item you own?
  4. Do you always sleep sufficiently?
  5. Which movie start/famous person/friend is gorgeous?
  6. What are the odds that you will graduate, move on to a university of applied sciences and land the job of your dreams?
  7. Which apparently trivial remark has really hurt your feelings/has had a great impact on you?
  8. Do you take decisions in a haphazard way?
  9. Which recent political decision/proposal is outrageous?
  10. Do you prefer artificial or real flowers/lashes?
  11. Have your ever surpassed your own expectations?
  12. Have you ever felt that putting more effort into something/someone was futile?

Slide 12 - Diapositive

The genitive - bezittelijke vorm
The genitive is de vorm die bezit aanduidt of aangeeft bij wie of wat iets hoort.

Bij personen, namen, tijd en plaats: apostrof + s of alleen apostrof
  1. Bij personen in het enkelvoud: ’s -> the boy’s bike
  2. Bij personen in het meervoud alleen apostrof -> the boys’ bikes
  3. Bij namen: ’s -> James’s girlfriend / Dickens’s novel
  4. Bij namen uit de klassieke oudheid: alleen apostrof -> Socrates’ ideas
  5. Bij tijd: enkelvoud ’s, meervoud: ’ -> an hour’s walk from here / a three hours’ drive / yesterday's paper / tomorrow's news item
  6. Bij plaats: ’s. Je noemt de naam van het gebouw niet. -> at the butcher's, at my friend's, at Jack's

Slide 13 - Diapositive

The genitive - bezittelijke vorm
The genitive is de vorm die bezit aanduidt of aangeeft bij wie of wat iets hoort.

Bij zaken, hoeveelheden en aardrijkskundige namen: of 
-> the brakes of the bike, a cup of coffee, a pound of apples, the county of Hampshire, the city of Amsterdam 

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Slide 15 - Diapositive


Slide 16 - Diapositive

Slide 17 - Lien

Slide 18 - Lien

A question tag - to draw the other into the conversation

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Question tags (..., can't he/doesn't he?)
Positive statements with auxiliaries (HWW; they go with another/lexical verb - ZWW): 
 -> use the negative auxiliary behind the comma/in the question tag: can't, couldn't, won't etc. 
She will call me later, won't she?

Positive statements with a lexical verb (verb can stand on its own/has meaning on its own, e.g.drink, dance, study, work, do etc.)
-> use doesn't/don't/didn't + the infinitive/1st form behind the comma/ in the question tag
Look at the person (singular/plural) 
Look at the tense 
They ate very little, didn't they?
She makes rude comments, doesn't she?

Negative statements take a positive question tag
She won't call, will she? They didn't eat a lot, did they?

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Short answers/Either/Neither
With an auxiliary verb in a question (auxiliary = hww; this verb "helps" the main/lexical verb = zww), use a short answer repeating the auxiliary verb
Can you dance? Yes, I can
Will they help me? Yes, they will

For questions with do/does/did, use a short answer repeating the do/does did:
Do you dance? Yes, I do/No I don't
Does she often call late at night? Yes, she does/No, she doesn't.
Did you ring me last night? Yes, I did/No, I didn't.

Agreeing with a negative statement: Neither (+ do/does/did or auxiliary/to be)
Agreeing with a positive statement: So (+do/does/did or auxiliary/to be)
I don't know him. Neither do I. 
I love watching B&B Vol Liefde. So do I!

Slide 21 - Diapositive

H5 - tenses
Present Simple = (verb+S for he/she/it; verb for I/you/we/the) fact/regularity; schedules; like/love/hate etc.

Present Continuous = (is/are + verb + ing): happening right now; irritation; planned action in the future (when/where known)

Past Continuous = (was/were + verb + ing): describes longer action in the past; longer action interrupted by a short action (past simple)

Past Simple = (verb + ED; 2nd form) action finished in the past & time is mentioned

Present Perfect = (has/have + 3rd form) action started in the past & is still ongoing/unfinished; past action & time is not important; to talk about experience

Past Perfect = to talk about an earlier action in the past (Had + 3rd form)
Future = Present Simple (schedules); Present Continuous (planned future action); Going to (intention; prediction); Will (facts, offers, threats, promises, prediction without evidene

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Asking questions present/past/present perfect tense
Sentence contains is/are/was/were -> question starts with this
He is blind. Is he blind?

Sentence starts with two or more verbs -> question starts with can/will/shall/would/could/should/may etc. (auxiliaries)
I will wait for you before I leave. Shall I wait for you before I leave?

Sentence contains one verb (lexical/meaning) -> question starts with do/does or did + infinitive (hele ww/1st form)
She loves popcorn. Does she love popcorn?
They made her an offer. Did they make her an offer? = past tense (made = past simple/2nd form)

Sentence contains has/have + present perfect (3rd form) -> question starts with have/has + 3rd form
I have never eaten raw fish. Have you ever eaten raw fish?

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Making negative sentences
 present/past/present perfect tense
Sentence contains is/are/was/were -> negative sentence isn't/wasn't etc.

Sentence starts with two or more verbs -> negative sentence with can't/couldn't/won't/wouldn't/mustn't etc.

Sentence contains one verb (lexical/meaning) -> negative sentence with don't/doesn't/didn't + infinitive (hele ww/1st form)
She loves popcorn. She doesn't love popcorn
They made her an offer. They didn't make her an offer

Sentence contains has/have + present perfect (3rd form) -> negative sentence with hasn't/haven't + 3rd form
I have eaten raw fish. I haven't eaten raw fish

Slide 24 - Diapositive

Slide 25 - Diapositive

Past Continuous

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Slide 28 - Diapositive

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Slide 30 - Lien

A question tag - to draw the other into the conversation

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Asking your classmate questions about the summer vacation
Where did you go on holiday?
Have you ever been to...?
What did you like most about...
Did you go with your family?
Did you work during summer?
Have you...
Were you.. etc.

Slide 32 - Diapositive

Reading strategies
Skim the text first (skimming = quick reading to understand the general idea of the text by quickly reading the text: title, subtitles, look at the pictures, read the first and last sentence(s) of every paragraph; read the introduction and the summary if present)

Read the questions

Scan the text = quickly read the entire text for specific information (nouns, names, numbers, etc.)

Close reading = read the text thoroughly to get very detail in the text. Read every word and pay attention to the grammar, punctuation, linking words and phrases.

Slide 33 - Diapositive

H5E & F week 38 - lesson 3

Learning objectives:
  • Review the mixed tenses ex. B - p. 19 (H5F has already checked this)
  • Examenidioom 4 - speaking exercise
  • If-sentences - speaking exercise + online practice; 
  • H5F - reading comprehension?

HW: study examenidioom 5

Slide 34 - Diapositive

Slide 35 - Lien

Slide 36 - Lien

Irregular verbs p. 3-7
Give the missing forms + the Dutch translation
  1. To bite
  2. To awake
  3. To catch
  4. To begin
  5. To fly
  6. To hide
  7. To ring
  8. To lay
  9. To lie
  10. To sweep
  11. To sting
  12. To shine
  13. To spring
  14. To withhold

Slide 37 - Diapositive

Irregular verbs p. 5&6
Give the missing forms + the Dutch translation

  1. To know
  2. To kneel
  3. To lead
  4. To mow
  5. To ride
  6. To rise
  7. To light
  8. To leap
  9. To sow
  10. To spill
  11. To spring
  12. To steal

Slide 38 - Diapositive

Examenidioom Unit 4
Discuss with a classmate:
  1. Who always reassures you when things go wrong?
  2. Do you ignore mean remarks made by others?
  3. What has been your most embarrassing incident in life far? Or: When have your parents put you in an embarrassing situation?
  4. Who do you have complete confidence in?
  5. Which celebrity/friend/adult do you admire?
  6. When was the last time you were really upset?
  7. What was the most recent thing you refused to do (for your parents/for your friends/for your employer etc.)?
  8. Which personal trait do you find appalling?
  9. When was the last time someone was furious with you?
  10. What makes you anxious?
  11. Which friend shows great commitment to school/work/hobbies?
  12. Have you ever been biased about something and then later changed your mind?

Slide 39 - Diapositive

Examenidioom Unit 5
Discuss with a classmate:
  1. Which item is indispensable on holiday?
  2. What is inappropriate behavious in class?
  3. What is the most fashionable item you own?
  4. Do you always sleep sufficiently?
  5. Which movie start/famous person/friend is gorgeous?
  6. What are the odds that you will graduate, move on to a university of applied sciences and land the job of your dreams?
  7. Which apparently trivial remark has really hurt your feelings/has had a great impact on you?
  8. Do you take decisions in a haphazard way?
  9. Which recent political decision/proposal is outrageous?
  10. Do you prefer artificial or real flowers/lashes?
  11. Have your ever surpassed your own expectations?
  12. Have you ever felt that putting more effort into something/someone was futile?

Slide 40 - Diapositive