Why you should be using
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsPraktijkonderwijsLeerjaar 1

Cette leçon contient 14 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Why you should be using

Slide 1 - Diapositive

For this project Rick and Wout Chose the first context with as final product to create a fully prepared presentation with teachers notes. What we decided to create was a workshop around LessonUp. We feel like this is a very useful tool. For the workshop itself we also used LessonUp.
Based on a lesson we gave that was about clothing in a MAVO 1 class we starting creating the workshop. In this portfolio you will be seeing mostly the copied teachers notes that are in the LessonUp. Most information was gathered from our own notes, books/readers we used in TEFL courses and online sources.

My name is Rick de Bruin, I'm a 18 year old student at the HAN and I'll be co-hosting this workshop with Wout.

My name is Wout Ebbers, I'm a 22 year old student at the HAN, I'll be co-hosting this workshop together with Rick.

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My name is Wout Ebbers, I'm a 22 year old student at the HAN, I'll be co hosting this workshop together with Rick.
  • Pupils' needs
  • SAMR
  • Gamification
  • Teaching techniques
  • Design principles
  • Example exercise
  • Questions

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Teaching about clothing
What does your MAVO 1 class need?

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The lesson we gave was about clothing, so what are all the component that you need to keep in mind when teaching a MAVO 1 class using technology? That is what we will be explaining here today.
What do your pupils need?

Slide 5 - Carte mentale

Our students need building blocks which are words about clothing.
Articles of clothing, videos/ images can also be used in order to explain what these clothes are called. 
For our lessons we make use of the Content-Based Instrucation, (CBI) technique. 
Pupils need a presentation based on the principles of SAMR/ TPACK. 
Pupils need to understand how to use lessonup (digital literacies).
The teacher needs to create a presentation keeping Mayer's design principles in mind. 

How to present pupils' needs 
Digital literacies

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Students need support and a clear foundation. To provide them with this foundation a teacher needs to stick to certain principles when designing a lesson. We call these principles TPACK, SAMR and Mayer's design principles.  

Pupils who are digitally literate are able to use Digital literacies .
These are morals for pupils which means pupils know and are able to use ICT responsibly.
- To separate useful information from false information online.
- Organising information.
- Credible, noncredible.
- Privacy, AVG.
- Social media is there forever.
- Digital health.
- Making sure we can survive in a digital world.

These are the main principles you should base your technological lessons on.

Morals for teaching with technology
Morals for teaching with technology

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According to the principles of TPACK, a successful lesson using technology needs to make use of three components. Technological Knowledge, Pedagogical knowledge and Content Knowledge (HAN English department, January, 2019, p.15). That is why we use LessonUp. This service provides a teacher with the tools to create lessons online (technological). By doing this, lessons become interactive and the teacher can involve all students at once (pedagogical). Content can be taught in many different ways through word webs, quizzes, drag and drop questions, open questions and interactive videos. (Van der Spoel, 2020, p. 6)
Morals for making materials

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Moral for materials
For example reading Harry Potter
- Redefinition using everything there is, transforming it into something new. A game is a redefinition because it can differ from the book. A movie however is mostly a direct conversion from the book.
- Modification using social media platforms for sharing ideas.
- Augmentation e-book with added hyperlinks for extra context. Autonomy. Audiobook could also be read. Pictures and sound, learning is enhanced.
- Substitution e-book of Harry Potter.
o Visualisation and simulation
o Social computing
o Digital storytelling
o Educational gaming
(HAN English Department, 2019)
Implementing gamification in your lessons

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Using game like elements in different contexts. About problem solving. Promoting creativity, stimulating metacognition, collaborating & learning in a social environment, learning in an interactive & engaging way. All of this can be done using Lessonup.
When using Gamification in your lessons you apply the rules written out in RAMP. 
"By using games or game elements in teaching the intrinsic motivation of learners increases." (HAN English Department, 2019) LessonUp is a tool that makes it very simple to implement gamification into your lesson.

"According to a number of writers, a game is any system with the following
• Rules
• Some sort of challenge
• Feedback of some sort
• Interaction
• Fun
• (Often, but not always) an emotional response" (HAN English Department, 2019).

These can all be implemented using LessonUp, the rules are simple, answer when a question pops up. The challenge is to be the fastest with correct answers. The feedback is instant, either you got the question right or wrong. There is interaction with your phone and classmates, since you all want to beat each other. And it is a lot of fun, doing these types of quizzes or games can make your class quite busy, which is an emotional response. That is why we believe LessonUp is a great tool.
Which teaching technique should you apply?
(When teaching about clothing)

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

Several techniques are possible, as long as there is a focus on technology, content and pedagogy. This is why we decided to apply CBI when using LessonUp. "CBI refers to any dual-focused educational context in which an additional language, thus not usually the first language of the learners involved, is used as a medium in the teaching and learning of non-language content. It is dual-focused because whereas attention may be predominantly on either subject-specific content or language, both are always accommodated." (Larsen-Freeman, Anderson, 2011, p. 133) In our case the content is focused on clothing. Using this technique we will show or explain what the article of clothing is, without making use of the L1. With this technique "Language is meaningful and a medium through which content is conveyed." (Larsen-Freeman, Anderson, 2011, p. 140) That is why we decided to use this technique in our lesson.
Which principles do you need to follow?
Coherence principle
Modality principle
Signalling principle
Redundancy principle
Spatial contiguity
Focus the attention on critical and essential aspects of the learning material by means of extra markings.
Image plus audio is better than picture plus audio plus text. The latter leads to “cognitive overload’.
The space between the corresponding words and images should be minimal.
Avoid unnecessary, unrelated words, images and sounds.
An image in combination with audio is better than written text.

Slide 11 - Question de remorquage

For this slide we wrote down the most important principles you should stick to when creating a presentation. According to Richard Mayer, "Text combined with visuals are better than text alone." (Surma, Kirschner, Sluijsmans, Hoyweghen, Camp, and Muijs, 2019). So he created five princes you need to follow in order to not overload pupils' brains.
1: The coherence principle: Avoid unnecessary, unrelated words, images and sounds.
2: Modality principle: An image in combination with audio is better than written text.
3: Spatial contiguity: The space between the corresponding words and images should be minimal.
4: Redundancy principle: Image plus audio is better than picture plus audio plus text. The latter leads to “cognitive overload’.
5: Signalling principle: Focus the attention on critical and essential aspects of the learning material by means of extra markings. (Digitale Didactiek, n.d.)

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Using LessonUp, you are able to create a lesson following all the principles according to TPACK, Mayer's design principles, SAMR and you are even able to implement Digital Literacies and Gamification into your lessons. That is why we believe that LessonUp is one of the best programs currently available for free to use in your interactive lessons.
Example exercise

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We used LessonUp in a lesson and implemented all the principles. The exercise was simple. Name articles of clothing with the colour. It's an interactive gamified wordweb where you as a teacher can immediately correct any mistakes (of which there were many) that come up. That is why we use LessonUp for our lessons.
Thanks for listening to our presentation
Thanks for listening to our presentation
 Are there any questions?

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