The Hate U Give

Today's Checklist
You can name the main premise of the book.
You can explain who the main characters are.
You know where in the book the quotes come from and explain their importance.

- 10 minutes of silent reading 
- Novel Study
      - Main characters
      - Important terms
      - Book quotes

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Cette leçon contient 19 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 3 vidéos.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 70 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Today's Checklist
You can name the main premise of the book.
You can explain who the main characters are.
You know where in the book the quotes come from and explain their importance.

- 10 minutes of silent reading 
- Novel Study
      - Main characters
      - Important terms
      - Book quotes

Slide 1 - Diapositive

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Read your novel

Slide 2 - Diapositive

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Today's Checklist
You can name the main premise of the book.
You can explain who the main characters are.
You know where in the book the quotes come from and explain their importance.

- 10 minutes of silent reading 
- Novel Study
      - Main characters
      - Important terms
      - Book quotes

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Slide 4 - Vidéo

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Categorise the characters 
we've met in the novel.
You can't fill in all categories just yet.

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Today's Checklist
You can name the main premise of the book.
You can explain who the main characters are.
You know where in the book the quotes come from and explain their importance.

- 10 minutes of silent reading 
- Novel Study
      - Main characters
      - Important terms
      - Book quotes

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The Hate U Give
Let's take a look at the trailer of the movie based on the novel.
This might add to your idea of the story and the characters.

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Slide 8 - Vidéo

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Introduction to The Hate U Give
Let's discuss two terms that play an important part in the story:
- Double consciousness is the internal conflict experienced by subordinated or colonized groups in an oppressive society.
- Code-switching is the practice of alternating between two or more languages or varieties of language in conversation.

Can you think of examples from the book that illustrate these terms?

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Slide 10 - Vidéo

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Today's Checklist
You can name the main premise of the book.
You can explain who the main characters are.
You know where in the book the quotes come from and explain their importance.

- 10 minutes of silent reading 
- Novel Study
      - Main characters
      - Important terms
      - Book quotes

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Get to work
Look at the next six quotes.

Find out
-Who said it?
-Who did they say it to?
-Why is this quote important for the book?
-How does it relate to the important terms?
-What chapter is the quote from?

Slide 12 - Diapositive

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Find out

-Who said it?
-Who did they say it to?
-Why is this quote important for the book?
-How does it relate to the important terms?
-What chapter is the quote from?
"The Hate U—the letter U—Give Little Infants F— Everybody. T-H-U-G L-I-F-E. Meaning what society give us as youth, it bites them in the ass when we wild out. Get it?"

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  • Khalil
  • Starr
  • THUG is of course the title of the book - but also a very influential quote that Starr struggles with throughout the novel.
  • Double consciousness
  • Chapter 1
Find out

-Who said it?
-Who did they say it to?
-Why is this quote important for the book?
-How does it relate to the important terms?
-What chapter is the quote from?
"The truth casts a shadow over the kitchen—people like us in situations like this become hashtags, but they rarely get justice."

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  • Starr
  • Inner monologue
  • Uncle Carlos is over at the Carter house to convince her parents to let Starr speak to the police. However, Starr finds it hard to believe that it will lead to justice and wants to ask her father's opinion.
  • Double consciousness
  • Chapter 4
Find out

-Who said it?
-Who did they say it to?
-Why is this quote important for the book?
-How does it relate to the important terms?
-What chapter is the quote from?
"All the sympathy, the smiles, the understanding. This chick was baiting me. Investigating or justifying?"

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  • Starr
  • Inner monologue
  • Starr is being interviewed about the police incident with Khalil. The tone of the interview skews very closely to victim blaming - as they are inquiring whether Khalil was selling drugs.
  • Double consciousness
  • Chapter 6
Find out

-Who said it?
-Who did they say it to?
-Why is this quote important for the book?
-How does it relate to the important terms?
-What chapter is the quote from?
"I’m thinking, Oh, so you can drag me to play basketball during one of your feminist rages, but you can’t follow my Tumblr because of Emmett Till?​​​​"

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  • Starr
  • Inner monologue
  • Starr is starting to re-evaluate her friendship with Hailey. 
  • Code-switching - Starr has two versions, and the impact of Khalil's death makes her think about how she behaves at Williamson Prep and how the white students see her.
  • Chapter 7
Find out

-Who said it?
-Who did they say it to?
-Why is this quote important for the book?
-How does it relate to the important terms?
-What chapter is the quote from?
"Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right.​​​​"

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  • A nurse at the hospital where Lisa gave birth to Starr
  • Lisa Carter
  • Starr and her mother are having a discussion about the fact that Khalil's death is not Starr's fault. Starr does believe she is at fault - and that the riots that happened after that are her fault too.
  • -
  • Chapter 9
Find out

-Who said it?
-Who did they say it to?
-Why is this quote important for the book?
-How does it relate to the important terms?
-What chapter is the quote from?
"This is about Us, with a capital U; everybody who looks like us, feels like us, and is experiencing this pain with us despite not knowing me or Khalil. My silence isn’t helping Us."

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  • Starr
  • Inner monologue 
  • It is the moment Starr realizes that her silence is hurting others - and will not bring justice to what happened to Khalil.
  • Double consciousness - there is what Starr wants/needs and what her community needs.
  • Chapter 10 

Next time

Tuesday, Sept. 25th:
Continue reading The Hate U Give: finish chapters

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